(1973) n°3 - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences

(1973) n°3 - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences

(1973) n°3 - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences


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C h o w , C .-Y ., T h e v a s a g a y a m , E.S. et W a m b e e k , E.G., 1955: Control<br />

of Salvinia — a host plant of Mansonia mosquitos {Bull. W orld<br />

Health Organisation, 12, 365-369).<br />

C o o k , C.-D.-K. et G u t , B.-J., 1971: Salvinia in the State o f Kerala,<br />

India (Pans, 17, (4 ), 438-447).<br />

H a r d in g , D., 1966: Lake Kariba — the hydrology and development<br />

of fisheries (Man-made Lakes, p. 7-20, Ed. R.H. Lowe-McConnell,<br />

Academic Press, London, 218 p.).<br />

H a t t in g h , E.-R., 1961: Problem of Salvinia auriculata Aubl. and<br />

associated aquatic weeds on Kariba Lake ( W eed Research, 1, 303-<br />

306).<br />

— , 1962: Report on Investigations into the Control of Salvinia auriculata<br />

on Lake Kariba — Part 1. Johannesburg.<br />

H o lm , L.-G., W e ld o n , L.-W. et B la c k b u r n R.-D., 1970: Aquatic<br />

W eed s (Pans, 16, (4 ), 576-589).<br />

I r v in g , N.-S., 1972: Biological Control of Salvinia sp. in Botswana<br />

(Pans, 18, ( l ) , p . 93).<br />

L it t l e , E.-C.-S., 1965: Occurrence of Salvinia auriculata Aublet on the<br />

Congo River (Nature, 208, 1 111-1 112).<br />

— , 1966: The invasion of man-made lakes by plants (Man-made<br />

Lakes, p. 75-86, Ed. R.H. Lowe-Mc Connell, Academie Press.,<br />

London, 218 p.).<br />

— , 1968: The Control of Water Weeds (W eed Research, 8, 79-105).<br />

P ie t e r s e , A.-H., 1972: A preliminary investigation on control of water<br />

hyacinth by spider mites (11th British Weed Control Conference<br />

1972, Vol. 1, 1-3).<br />

Sc h e l p e , E.-A.-C.-L.-E., 1961: The Ecology of Salvinia auriculata and<br />

associated vegetation on Kariba Lake (T h e Journal o f South African<br />

Botany, 27, 181-187).<br />

Sc u l t h o r p e , C.-D., 1967: The Biology of Aquatic Vascular Plants<br />

(Edward Arnold, Ltd London).<br />

W h it e , E.-Ph.-D., 1969: Man-made lakes in tropical Africa and their<br />

biological potentialities (Biological Conservation, 1, (3 ), 219-224).<br />

W il d , H. et M it c h e l l , D.-S., 1970: Der Einflusz von Bayluscid auf<br />

den Wasserfarn Salvinia auriculata und andere Wasserpflanzen<br />

(Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer, 23, (2 ), 95-104).<br />

W il l ia m s, R.-H., 1956: Salvinia auriculata Aubl.: the Chemical Eradication<br />

of a serious Weed in Ceylon (Trop. Agriculture, 33,<br />

(2), 145-157).<br />

Z u t s h i, D.-P. et V a ss, K.-K., 1971: Ecology and production of Salvinia<br />

natans Hoffim in Kashmir (Hydrobiologica, 38, (2 ), 303-320).

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