(1973) n°3 - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences

(1973) n°3 - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences

(1973) n°3 - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences


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— 518 —<br />

accept criteria based on exoerythrocytic schizogony; if they paid<br />

sufficient attention to these two requirements they would probably<br />

change their minds. Another argument that is sometimes<br />

advanced against their value in the identification of malaria<br />

parasites of animals, is that the methods necessary <strong>for</strong> eliciting<br />

the diagnostic characters cannot be applied in the field or are<br />

too difficult. This is of course an entirely irrelevant consideration<br />

<strong>for</strong> the taxonomist. It is true that the blood stages are<br />

much easier to observe, but the details of sporogony and exoerythrocytic<br />

schizogony are invaluable. W ith full knowledge of<br />

all the data, it should be possible to identify the species (and<br />

frequently the subspecies) of a primate malaria parasite by its<br />

liver stages alone.<br />

One is sometimes asked what is the practical value of knowledge<br />

about the tissue stages. The simplest answer is that these<br />

are the <strong>for</strong>ms which are the target of drug prophylaxis of the<br />

disease. Until one had learnt where they grew and their appearance,<br />

it was impossible to observe directly the effect of new<br />

compounds on this stage of the parasite. The perfect prophylactic<br />

drug however has yet to be discovered.<br />

Unlike the stages in the blood and in the mosquito, exoerythrocytic<br />

schizonts are most unlikely ever to be found in natural<br />

infections in man. Their appearance is ephemeral and their<br />

numbers minute in the extreme. The tissue stages of the primate<br />

species only occur after sporozoite infection; they cannot arise<br />

from blood <strong>for</strong>ms. As such they cause no harm to the host.<br />

Almost certainly the exoerythrocytic schizonts are the most primitive<br />

or original stages in the life history of the parasite and<br />

represent the survival of a remote coccidian ancestor.<br />


A r a g â o , H. d e B. (1908) : Archiv. Protistenk., 12, 154.<br />

B r a y , R.S. (1957): Studies on the Exoerythrocytic Cycle of Plasmodium<br />

(H.K. Lewis, London).<br />

— (I960): Amer. J. trop. M ed. Hyg., 9, 455.<br />

— & G a r n h a m , P.C.C. (1962) : Indian J. Malariol., 16, 153.<br />

C o a t n e y , G.R., C o l l in s , W.E., W a r r e n , M. and C o n t a c o s , P.G.<br />

(1971): The Primate Malarias (U.S. Dept. Hlth. Educ. Welf.<br />


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