Syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale chez les peuples autochtones du ...

Syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale chez les peuples autochtones du ... Syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale chez les peuples autochtones du ...


Sources consultées Sarvela, P.D. and T.D. Ford (1993). An Evaluation of a Substance Abuse Education Program for Mississippi Delta Pregnant Adolescents. Journal of School Health 63(3): 147-152. Satzewich, V. and L. Mahood (1995). Indian Agents and the Residential School System in Canada, 1946-1970. Historical Studies in Education 7(1): 45-69. Saunders, B. and M. Phillips (1993). Is ‘Alcoholism’ Genetically Transmitted? And are there any implications for prevention? Drug and Alcohol Review 12: 291-298. Savishinsky, J.S. (1991). The Ambiguities of Alcohol: Deviance, Drinking, and Meaning in a Canadian Native Community. Anthropologica 33(1-2): 81-98. Savitz, D.A., P.J. Schwingl and M.A. Keels (1991). Influence of Paternal Age, Smoking, and Alcohol Consumption on Congenital Anomalies. Teratology 44: 429-440. Scammon, D.L., R.N. Mayer and K. Smith (1991). Alcohol warnings: How do you know when you have had one too many? Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 10: 214-228. Scarpellini, F., M. Sbracia and L. Scarpellini (1994). Psychological Stress and Lipoperoxidation in Miscarriage. Annals New York Academy of Sciences 709: 210-213. Scarpetti, F.R. and M.L. Anderson (1989). Social Problems. New York: Harper and Row. Schaefer, O. (1981). Firewater myths revisited. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 9: 99-117. Schenker, S., H.C. Becker, C.L. Randall, D.K. Phillips, G.S. Baskin and G.I. Henderson (1990). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Current Status of Pathogenesis. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 14(5): 635-647. Scheper-Hughes, N. (1998). Institutionalized Sex Abuse and the Catholic Church. In Scheper-Hughes, N. and C. Sargent (eds.) (1998). Small Wars: The Cultural Politics of Childhood. Berkeley: University of California Press: 295-317. Schmucker, C.A. (1997). Case Managers and Independent Living Instructors: Practical Hints and Suggestion for Adults with FAS. In Streissguth, A.P. and J. Kanter (eds.) (1997). The Challenge of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Overcoming Secondary Disabilities. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Scholters, G. (1979). Liver Function and Liver Diseases During Pregnancy. Journal of Perinatal Medicine 7: 55-68. Schorling, J.B. (1993). The Prevention of Prenatal Alcohol Use: A Critical Analysis of Intervention Studies. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 54: 261-267. 386

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Sources consultées<br />

Sarvela, P.D. and T.D. Ford (1993). An Evaluation of a Substance Abuse E<strong>du</strong>cation Program for<br />

Mississippi Delta Pregnant Ado<strong>les</strong>cents. Journal of School Health 63(3): 147-152.<br />

Satzewich, V. and L. Mahood (1995). Indian Agents and the Residential School System in Canada,<br />

1946-1970. Historical Studies in E<strong>du</strong>cation 7(1): 45-69.<br />

Saunders, B. and M. Phillips (1993). Is ‘Alcoholism’ Genetically Transmitted? And are there any<br />

implications for prevention? Drug and Alcohol Review 12: 291-298.<br />

Savishinsky, J.S. (1991). The Ambiguities of Alcohol: Deviance, Drinking, and Meaning in a Canadian<br />

Native Community. Anthropologica 33(1-2): 81-98.<br />

Savitz, D.A., P.J. Schwingl and M.A. Keels (1991). Influence of Paternal Age, Smoking, and Alcohol<br />

Consumption on Congenital Anomalies. Teratology 44: 429-440.<br />

Scammon, D.L., R.N. Mayer and K. Smith (1991). Alcohol warnings: How do you know when you<br />

have had one too many? Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 10: 214-228.<br />

Scarpellini, F., M. Sbracia and L. Scarpellini (1994). Psychological Stress and Lipoperoxidation in<br />

Miscarriage. Annals New York Academy of Sciences 709: 210-213.<br />

Scarpetti, F.R. and M.L. Anderson (1989). Social Problems. New York: Harper and Row.<br />

Schaefer, O. (1981). Firewater myths revisited. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 9: 99-117.<br />

Schenker, S., H.C. Becker, C.L. Randall, D.K. Phillips, G.S. Baskin and G.I. Henderson (1990). Fetal<br />

Alcohol <strong>Syndrome</strong>: Current Status of Pathogenesis. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research<br />

14(5): 635-647.<br />

Scheper-Hughes, N. (1998). Institutionalized Sex Abuse and the Catholic Church. In Scheper-Hughes,<br />

N. and C. Sargent (eds.) (1998). Small Wars: The Cultural Politics of Childhood. Berkeley: University<br />

of California Press: 295-317.<br />

Schmucker, C.A. (1997). Case Managers and Independent Living Instructors: Practical Hints and<br />

Suggestion for A<strong>du</strong>lts with FAS. In Streissguth, A.P. and J. Kanter (eds.) (1997). The Challenge of Fetal<br />

Alcohol <strong>Syndrome</strong>: Overcoming Secondary Disabilities. Seattle: University of Washington Press.<br />

Scholters, G. (1979). Liver Function and Liver Diseases During Pregnancy. Journal of Perinatal Medicine<br />

7: 55-68.<br />

Schorling, J.B. (1993). The Prevention of Prenatal Alcohol Use: A Critical Analysis of Intervention<br />

Studies. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 54: 261-267.<br />


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