Syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale chez les peuples autochtones du ...

Syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale chez les peuples autochtones du ... Syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale chez les peuples autochtones du ...


Sources consultées Coles, C.D., R.T. Brown, I.E. Smith, K.A. Platzman, S. Erickson and A. Falek (1991). Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure at School Age: I. Physical and Cognitive Development. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 13(4): 357-367. Coles, C.D. and K.A. Platzman (1992). Fetal Alcohol Effects in Preschool Children: Research, Prevention, and Intervention. OSAP Monograph 11, Identifying the Needs of Drug-Affected Children: Public Policy Issues. Rockville, MD, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: 59-86. Coles, C.D., K.A. Platzman, C.L. Raskind-Hood, R.T. Brown, A. Falek and I.E. Smith (1997). A Comparison of Children Affected by Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 21(1): 150-161. Coles, C.D., I.E. Smith, P.M. Fernhoff and A. Falek (1985). Neonatal neurobehavioral characteristics as correlates of maternal alcohol use during gestation. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 9(5): 454-460. Collmann, J. (1979). Social Order and the Exchange of Liquor: A Theory of Drinking Among Australian Aborigines. Journal of Anthropological Research 32(2): 208-224. Colmant, S.A. (2000). United States and Canadian Boarding Schools: A Review, Past and Present. Native American Hemispheric Journal of Indigenous Issues 17(4): 24-32. Connors, G.J. and K.S. Walitzer (1997). Harm Reduction Interventions with Women Who are Heavy Drinkers. In Erickson, P.G., D.M. Riley, Y.W. Cheung and P.A. O’Hare (eds.) (1997). Harm Reduction: A new direction for drug policies and programs. Toronto, University of Toronto Press: 290-302. Conry, J. (1990). Neuropsychological Deficits in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 14(5): 650-655. Conry, J. and D.K. Fast (2000). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and the Criminal Justice System. Vancouver: B.C. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Resource Society Law Foundation of British Columbia. Copway, George (1972). The traditional history and characteristic sketches of the Ojibway nation. Toronto: Coles Publishing Co. Couture, J.E. (1994). Aboriginal Behavioural Trauma: Towards a Taxonomy. Saskatoon, Corrections Canada. Creamer, S. and C. McMurtrie (1998). Special Needs of Pregnant and Parenting Women in Recovery: A Move Towards a More Women-Centred Approached. Women’s Health Issues 8(4): 239-245. Dagher-Margosian, J. (1997). Representing the FAS Client in Criminal Case. In Streissguth, A.P. and J. Kanter (eds.) (1997). The Challenge of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Overcoming Secondary Disabilities. Seattle: University of Washington Press. 352

Sources consultées Davis, P.J., J.W. Partridge and C.N. Storrs (1982). Alcohol Consumption in Pregnancy. How Much is Safe? Archives of Disease in Childhood 57(12): 940-943. Day, N.L., D. Jasperse, G. Richardson, N. Robles, U. Sambamoorthi, P. Taylor, M. Scher, D. Stoffer and M. Cornelius (1989). Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol: Effect on Infant Growth and Morphologic Characteristics. Pediatrics 84(3): 536-541. Day, N.L., M. Cornelius, L. Goldschmidt, G. Richardson, N. Robles and P. Taylor (1992). The Effect of Prenatal Tobacco and Marijuana Use on Offspring Growth From Birth Through 3 Years of Age. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 14(6): 407-414. Day, N.L., C.M. Cottreau and G.A. Richardson (1993). The Epidemiology of Alcohol, Marijuana, and Cocaine Use Among Women of Childbearing Age and Pregnant Women. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology 36(2): 232-245. Day, N.L., N. Robles, G. Richardson, D. Geva, P. Taylor, M. Scher, D. Stoffer, M. Corenelius and L. Goldschmidt (1991). The Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Use in the Growth of Children at Three Years of Age. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 15(1): 67-71. Day, N.L., G.A. Richardson, N. Robles, U. Sambamoorthi, P. Taylor, M. Scher, D. Stoffer, D. Jasperse and M. Cornelius (1990). Effect of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Growth and Morphology of Offspring at 8 Months of Age. Pediatrics 85(5): 748-752. Dedam, R., C. McFarlane and K. Hennessy (1993). A Dangerous Lack of Understanding. The Canadian Nurse 89(6): 29-31. Dehaene, P., G. Crepin, F. Delahousse, D. Querleu, R. Walbaum and M. Titian (1981). Aspects épidémiologiques du syndrome d’alcoolisme foetal. La Nouvelle Presse Medicale 10(3): 2639-2643. Deiter, C. (1999). From Our Mothers’ Arms: The Intergenerational Impact of Residential Schools in Saskatchewan. Toronto: United Church Publishing House. Deveaux, M. (1994). Feminism and Empowerment: A Critical Reading of Foucault. Feminist Studies 20(2): 223-247. DeVries, J. and A. Waller (1997). Parent Advocacy in FAS Public Policy Change. In Streissguth, A.P. and J. Kanter (eds.) (1997). The Challenge of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Overcoming Secondary Disabilities. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Dick, R.W., S.M. Manson and J. Beals (1993). Alcohol Use among Male and Female Native American Adolescents: Patterns and Correlates of Student Drinking in a Boarding School. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 54(2): 172-177. Dickson, S. (1993). Hey Monias! The Story of Raphael Ironstand. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press Limited. 353

Sources consultées<br />

Co<strong>les</strong>, C.D., R.T. Brown, I.E. Smith, K.A. Platzman, S. Erickson and A. Falek (1991). Effects of<br />

Prenatal Alcohol Exposure at School Age: I. Physical and Cognitive Development. Neurotoxicology<br />

and Teratology 13(4): 357-367.<br />

Co<strong>les</strong>, C.D. and K.A. Platzman (1992). Fetal Alcohol Effects in Preschool Children: Research, Prevention,<br />

and Intervention. OSAP Monograph 11, Identifying the Needs of Drug-Affected Children: Public<br />

Policy Issues. Rockville, MD, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: 59-86.<br />

Co<strong>les</strong>, C.D., K.A. Platzman, C.L. Raskind-Hood, R.T. Brown, A. Falek and I.E. Smith (1997). A<br />

Comparison of Children Affected by Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity<br />

Disorder. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 21(1): 150-161.<br />

Co<strong>les</strong>, C.D., I.E. Smith, P.M. Fernhoff and A. Falek (1985). Neonatal neurobehavioral characteristics<br />

as correlates of maternal alcohol use <strong>du</strong>ring gestation. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research<br />

9(5): 454-460.<br />

Collmann, J. (1979). Social Order and the Exchange of Liquor: A Theory of Drinking Among Australian<br />

Aborigines. Journal of Anthropological Research 32(2): 208-224.<br />

Colmant, S.A. (2000). United States and Canadian Boarding Schools: A Review, Past and Present.<br />

Native American Hemispheric Journal of Indigenous Issues 17(4): 24-32.<br />

Connors, G.J. and K.S. Walitzer (1997). Harm Re<strong>du</strong>ction Interventions with Women Who are Heavy<br />

Drinkers. In Erickson, P.G., D.M. Riley, Y.W. Cheung and P.A. O’Hare (eds.) (1997). Harm Re<strong>du</strong>ction:<br />

A new direction for drug policies and programs. Toronto, University of Toronto Press: 290-302.<br />

Conry, J. (1990). Neuropsychological Deficits in Fetal Alcohol <strong>Syndrome</strong> and Fetal Alcohol Effects.<br />

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 14(5): 650-655.<br />

Conry, J. and D.K. Fast (2000). Fetal Alcohol <strong>Syndrome</strong> and the Criminal Justice System. Vancouver:<br />

B.C. Fetal Alcohol <strong>Syndrome</strong> Resource Society Law Foundation of British Columbia.<br />

Copway, George (1972). The traditional history and characteristic sketches of the Ojibway nation.<br />

Toronto: Co<strong>les</strong> Publishing Co.<br />

Couture, J.E. (1994). Aboriginal Behavioural Trauma: Towards a Taxonomy. Saskatoon, Corrections<br />

Canada.<br />

Creamer, S. and C. McMurtrie (1998). Special Needs of Pregnant and Parenting Women in Recovery:<br />

A Move Towards a More Women-Centred Approached. Women’s Health Issues 8(4): 239-245.<br />

Dagher-Margosian, J. (1997). Representing the FAS Client in Criminal Case. In Streissguth, A.P. and<br />

J. Kanter (eds.) (1997). The Challenge of Fetal Alcohol <strong>Syndrome</strong>: Overcoming Secondary Disabilities.<br />

Seattle: University of Washington Press.<br />


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