Syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale chez les peuples autochtones du ...

Syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale chez les peuples autochtones du ... Syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale chez les peuples autochtones du ...


Question 9-10 0 = Non 2 = Oui, mais pas durant l’an dernier 4 = Oui, durant l’an dernier. Annexe C Le plus bas résultat est 0 et le plus haut est 40. Un résultat de 8 ou plus suggère que la consommation d’alcool de l’individu risque de lui causer des problèmes et indique le besoin d’une évaluation plus profonde concernant sa consommation d’alcool et les questions qui en découlent. 340

Sources consultées Aase, J.M. (1981). The Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in American Indians: A High Risk Group Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology 3(2): 153-156. Aase, J.M. (1990). Diagnostic Dysmorphology. New York: Plenum Publishing. Aase, J.M. (1994). Clinical Recognition of FAS: Difficulties of Detection and Diagnosis. Alcohol Health and Research World 18(1): 5-9. Aase, J.M., K.L. Jones and S.K. Clarren (1995). Do We Need the Term “FAE”? Pediatrics 95(3): 428- 430. Abel, E.L. (1982). Characteristics of Mothers of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Children. Neurobehavioral Toxicology 4: 3-4. Abel, E.L. (1984). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects. New York: Plenum Press. Abel, E.L. (1988). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Families. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 10: 12. Abel, E.L. (1990). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Oradell, NJ: Medical Economics. Abel, E.L. (1995). An Update on Incidence of FAS: FAS Is Not an Equal Opportunity Birth Defect. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 17(4): 427-443. Abel, E.L. (1997a). Maternal Alcohol Consumption and Spontaneous Abortion. Alcohol and Alcoholism 32(3): 211-219. Abel, E.L. (1997b). Was the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Recognized in the Ancient Near East? Alcohol and Alcoholism 32(1): 3-7. Abel, E.L. (1998a). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: The ‘American Paradox’. Alcohol and Alcoholism 33(3): 195-201. Abel, E.L. (1998b). Fetal Alcohol Abuse Syndrome. New York: Plenum Press. Abel, E.L. (1998c). Prevention of Alcohol Abuse-Related Birth Effects - I. Public Education Efforts. Alcohol and Alcoholism 33(4): 411-416. Abel, E.L. (1998d). Prevention of Alcohol Abuse-Related Birth Effects - II. Targeting and Pricing. Alcohol and Alcoholism 33(4): 417-420. Abel, E.L. (1999a). What Really Causes FAS: from the sublime to the ridiculous. Teratology 60(5): 250. Abel, E.L. (1999b). Was Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Recognized by the Greeks and Romans? Alcohol and Alcoholism 34(6): 868-872. 341

Question 9-10<br />

0 = Non<br />

2 = Oui, mais pas <strong>du</strong>rant l’an dernier<br />

4 = Oui, <strong>du</strong>rant l’an dernier.<br />

Annexe C<br />

Le plus bas résultat est 0 et le plus haut est 40. Un résultat de 8 ou plus suggère que la consommation<br />

d’alcool de l’indivi<strong>du</strong> risque de lui causer des problèmes et indique le besoin d’une évaluation plus<br />

profonde concernant sa consommation d’alcool et <strong>les</strong> questions qui en découlent.<br />


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