Suicide chez les Autochtones au Canada - Fondation autochtone de ...

Suicide chez les Autochtones au Canada - Fondation autochtone de ... Suicide chez les Autochtones au Canada - Fondation autochtone de ...


Appendice C National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO) / Organisation nationale de la santé autochtone (ONSA) : National Inuit Youth Council: National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (pour les États-Unis d’Amérique) : suicideprevention One Sky Center : Ontario Suicide Prevention Network: Suicide Prevention Resource Centre: World Health Organization: / Organisation mondiale de la santé : index.html Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program: 150

Réferences Absolon, K. (1994). Building health from the medicine wheel: Aboriginal program development. Présenté au First Nations Community Mental Health Workers Training Workshop, Winnipeg, Manitoba, les 6-8 mars 1994. Adam, K.S. (1985). Attempted Suicide. Psychiatric Clinics of North American 8(2):183–201. Adams, H. (1989). Prison of Grass: Canada from a Native Point of View. Saskatoon, SK: Fifth House Publishers. Adelson, N. (2000). “Being Alive Well”: Health and the Politics of Cree Well-Being. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. Affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien (1969). La politique indienne du gouvernement du Canada, (Livre blanc sur la politique indienne, 1969). Présentée à la première session du 28e parlement par l’honorable Jean Chrétien, Ministre des Affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien, Ottawa, ON. L’Imprimeur de la Reine. ——— (2006). Population indienne inscrite selon le sexe et la résidence 2005. Ottawa, ON : Ministre des Travaux publics et des services gouvernementaux du Canada. Extrait le 5 mars 2007 de : http://www.aincinac. Agerbo, E. (2003). Unemployment and suicide. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 57(8):560– 561. Agerbo, E., M. Nordentoft et P.B. Mortensen (2002). Familial, psychiatric, and socioeconomic risk factors for suicide in young people: nested case-control study [étude de cas-témoins emboîtés]. British Medical Journal 325(7355):74. Alaghehbandan, R., K.D. Gates et D. MacDonald (2005). Suicide Attempts and Associated Factors in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1998–2000. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 50(12):762–768. Aldridge, D. et K. St. John (1991). Adolescent and Preadolescent Suicide in Newfoundland and Labrador. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 36(6):432–436. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2001a). Summary of the Practice Parameters for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Suicidal Behavior. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 40(4):495–499. ——— (2001b). Practice Parameter for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Suicidal Behavior. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 40(7 suppl):24S– 51S. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (2001). Reporting on Suicide: Recommendations for the Media. Extrait le 30 mars 2004 de : id=7852EBBC- 9FB2-6691-54125A1AD4221E49 151

Appendice C<br />

National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO) / Organisation nationale <strong>de</strong> la santé <strong>au</strong>tochtone (ONSA) :<br /><br />

National Inuit Youth Council:<br />

National Strategy for <strong>Suici<strong>de</strong></strong> Prevention (pour <strong>les</strong> États-Unis d’Amérique) :<br />

suici<strong>de</strong>prevention<br />

One Sky Center :<br />

Ontario <strong>Suici<strong>de</strong></strong> Prevention Network:<br />

<strong>Suici<strong>de</strong></strong> Prevention Resource Centre:<br />

World Health Organization: / Organisation mondiale <strong>de</strong> la santé :<br />

in<strong>de</strong>x.html<br />

Yellow Ribbon <strong>Suici<strong>de</strong></strong> Prevention Program:<br />


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