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The results obtained in this study provide us<br />

with a clearer understanding of the poor<br />

establishment of L. spartum in desert areas in<br />

Algeria. Seed dormancy plays a significant<br />

role in determining germination under natural<br />

conditions. However, the negative<br />

response of after-ripened dispersal units to<br />

daylight, and their sensitivity to water potential<br />

of the medium are probably responsible<br />

for incomplete germination and maintenance<br />

of part of the seed populations in the soil.<br />

Emergence of L. spartum seedlings in relation<br />

to climatic conditions might be the subject of<br />

further investigations in order to try to<br />

improve regeneration of this species in its natural<br />

habitat.<br />

Acknowledgement<br />

The authors acknowledge the support of the<br />

Franco-Algerian Cooperation project<br />

93/Murs/27.<br />

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