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Revue internationale d'écologie méditerranéenne International ...


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Environmental control of germination<br />

and dormancy of seeds of two cytotypes<br />

of Lygeum spartum L.,<br />

a perennial grass of semi-arid<br />

and arid areas in Algeria<br />

Influence des facteurs de l’environnement sur la germination<br />

des semences de deux cytotypes de Lygeum spartum L.,<br />

une Poacée vivace des zones semi-aride et aride d’Algérie<br />

Abstract<br />

Freshly harvested dispersal units of two cytotypes<br />

of Lygeum spartum L. were dormant.<br />

Their dormancy corresponded to a poor germination<br />

at any temperature, including the optimal<br />

one (20-25 o C), and to the inability to germinate<br />

in a wide range of temperatures.<br />

Germination did not occur at all below 10 o C<br />

and above 30 o C. At the optimal temperature,<br />

germination was markedly inhibited by continuous<br />

white light and by decreasing water<br />

potential of the medium to –1 MPa. Breaking of<br />

dormancy for 12 months of dry storage at ambient<br />

temperature resulted in a widening of the<br />

temperature range within which a high rate of<br />

germination occurred. However, the optimal<br />

temperature remained similar to that of freshly<br />

harvested dispersal units, i.e. 20-25 o C. The<br />

lemma was mainly responsible for dormancy,<br />

but the caryopsis itself also appeared to play a<br />

role in photosensitivity of whole dispersal units.<br />

The intensity of dormancy depended on the<br />

Keywords: germination, Lygeum spartum,<br />

temperature, light, water potential, after-ripening.<br />

ecologia mediterranea – Vol. 36 (1) – 2010<br />

A. DJABEUR1, 2 , M. KAID-HARCHE2 , D. CÔME1 and F. CORBINEAU1, *<br />

1. Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6,<br />

Germination et dormance des semences,<br />

UR5, Boîte courrier 156, 4 place Jussieu,<br />

75252 Paris cedex 05, France<br />

2. Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran Mohamed Boudia,<br />

Département de Biotechnologie, Faculté des Sciences,<br />

BP 1505, El M’Naouar, Oran, Algeria<br />

* Corresponding author: professeur Françoise Corbineau,<br />

Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6,<br />

Germination et dormance des semences,<br />

UR5, Boîte courrier 156, 4, place Jussieu,<br />

75252 Paris cedex 05, France<br />

Tel: +33-1-44275987; Fax: +33-1-44275927<br />

E-Mail: francoise.corbineau@upmc.fr<br />

seed origin. It was deeper in seeds originated<br />

from the semi-arid zone (polyploid cytotype, 2n<br />

= 40) than in those collected in the arid highlands<br />

(diploid cytotype, 2n = 16). The ecological<br />

role of dormancy and after-ripening is discussed<br />

in relation to the establishment of this species<br />

in arid environment.<br />

Résumé<br />

Au moment de leur récolte, les unités de dispersion<br />

de deux cytotypes de Lygeum spartum L.<br />

sont dormantes. Cette dormance correspond à<br />

une germination difficile à toutes les températures<br />

ainsi qu’à l’optimum thermique (20-25 o C)<br />

et à une impossibilité de germer dans une large<br />

gamme de températures. Aucune semence ne<br />

germe au-dessous de 10 o C et au-dessus de 30 o C.<br />

À la température optimale, la germination est<br />

fortement inhibée par la lumière blanche continue<br />

et une réduction du potentiel hydrique du<br />

Mots clés : germination, Lygeum spartum,<br />

température, lumière, potentiel hydrique, postmaturation<br />

au sec.<br />


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