Vol. 32 – 2006 - Ecologia Mediterranea

Vol. 32 – 2006 - Ecologia Mediterranea

Vol. 32 – 2006 - Ecologia Mediterranea


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Résumés de thèses<br />

Vincent OLLIVIER<br />

Continuités, instabilités et ruptures<br />

morphogéniques en Provence<br />

depuis la dernière glaciation.<br />

Travertinisation, détritisme et incisions<br />

sur le piémont sud du Grand Luberon<br />

(Vaucluse, France).<br />

Relations avec les changements<br />

climatiques et l’anthropisation.<br />

Morphogenic continuities, instabilities<br />

and ruptures in Provence<br />

since the Last Glacial Period<br />

Travertinous deposits, detritism,<br />

incisions and anthropisation over<br />

the southern Grand Luberon piedmont<br />

(Vaucluse, France).<br />

Connections with climate changes<br />

and human occupations<br />

Keywords: Luberon, Provence, morphogenesis, last<br />

Pleniglacial, Postglacial, travertine deposits, incisions,<br />

sedimentation rhythms, palaeoclimate, palaeoenvironment,<br />

human occupations.<br />

<strong>Mediterranea</strong>n landscape evolution (southern Luberon,<br />

Vaucluse, France) from the last glacial period to the<br />

Holocene period is analysed through alluvial deposits and<br />

travertine system development linked to climate changes<br />

and human occupations. Results of geomorphological, sedimento-stratigraphical<br />

and physico-chemical analysis<br />

increased by archaeological and palaeoecological (malacology<br />

and anthracology) studies and about fifty 14C dating<br />

are the basement of a pluridisciplinary research on the<br />

links between Man and environment in <strong>Mediterranea</strong>n<br />

France.<br />

Around 50 Ky BP, numerous glacis formation, made up of<br />

torrential pebbles and reworked cryoclasts, covered the<br />

southern Luberon piedmont with frequently more than<br />

thirty meters thickness. At their bases several “red-soils”<br />

and their palaeontological content show the more temperate<br />

climate conditions of isotopic stage 3 interstadials in<br />

<strong>Mediterranea</strong>n region.<br />

Between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Lateglacial<br />

period (18-17 Ky cal. BP?), a major scale incision occurred<br />

with fastness. Since 15500 cal. BP, travertine and detrital<br />

deposits were developed. Inside this new morphogenetic<br />

96<br />

tendency, travertine formations located downstream karstic<br />

re-emergence are indicative of the Postglacial warming.<br />

These carbonated deposits are the oldest testimony of the<br />

restarting of the southern France Postglacial travertine<br />

accumulation. Then, around 9000 cal. BP and 6000 cal. BP,<br />

two main incisions occurred in alternation with embankment<br />

phases. The morphogenic dynamic of the first part of<br />

postglacial period seems to be linked to the bioclimatic<br />

changes.<br />

Since the Final Neolithic, in the context of growing human<br />

occupation, ruptures (incisions) in the travertine sequences<br />

have been recorded. These ruptures, of high frequency but<br />

low amplitude, were accompanied by facies changing and<br />

strong vegetation opening determined upon palaeoecological<br />

analysis. Travertine sensitivity in accordance with climato-anthropic<br />

biotope changes is underlined.<br />

Between the XIth and the XIIIth century A.D., the decline<br />

and the dismantlement of the travertine formations became<br />

noticeable. In the same way, the major linear talweg incision<br />

(well known in southern France but poorly chronologically<br />

discerned until now) was introduced in a morphogenic<br />

dynamic only partly interrupted after the XVIIth<br />

century A.D., during the Little Ice Age, by a detrital deposit<br />

phases. Then a final incision has occurred and it’s still happening<br />

today. Combined effect of climatic oscillations and<br />

human society occupation modes above the “natural environment”<br />

seem to be the main driving force of a bustling<br />

morphogenesis during the second part of the Postglacial<br />

period.<br />

Remy ALBRECHT<br />

2007<br />

Co-compostage de boues de station<br />

d’épuration et de déchets verts :<br />

nouvelle méthodologie du suivi des<br />

transformations de la matière organique<br />

Résumé de la thèse soutenue le 11 mai 2007.<br />

Jury <strong>–</strong> S. HOUOT, C. STEINBERG, S. ROUSSOS, J. LE PETIT, D. CAR-<br />


A fin d’éliminer et de valoriser les biodéchets, de nombreuses<br />

collectivités ont opté pour une plate-forme de<br />

compostage. Les exigences de qualité des composts nécessitent<br />

actuellement un nombre important de caractérisations<br />

physico-chimiques et biologiques. Nos objectifs ont donc<br />

été d’étudier les processus du compostage et de mettre au<br />

point une méthode simple et efficace de suivi de l’évolution<br />

chimique et biologique des composts.<br />

Notre étude a porté sur un compostage de six mois en<br />

andains constitués d’un mélange de boues de station d’épu-<br />

ecologia mediterranea <strong>–</strong> <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>32</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

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