Vol. 32 – 2006 - Ecologia Mediterranea

Vol. 32 – 2006 - Ecologia Mediterranea

Vol. 32 – 2006 - Ecologia Mediterranea


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ence of historical biogeographic patterns associated with<br />

Quaternary climatic changes, and the current ecological<br />

patterns associated with diverse disturbances (fragmentation,<br />

fire, grazing) or environmental changes, is examined.<br />

Three species with a distribution more or less narrow are<br />

studied: two snowflakes, Acis nicaeensis (Alliaceae)<br />

endemic from the Southern Maritime Alps and Acis fabrei,<br />

endemic from the Mont Ventoux, and Gentiana ligustica<br />

(Gentianaceae) endemic from the South-Western Alps in<br />

France and Italy.<br />

Phylogeographic data of G. ligustica combined with glacial<br />

history suggest the presence of several peripheral<br />

microrefugia in the south and in valley lowlands of the<br />

Maritime and Ligurian Alps, and the existence of several<br />

postglacial migration routes. At present, endemic plants<br />

along the littoral, among which A. nicaeensis, are seriously<br />

endangered by diverse and serious human impacts. Recent<br />

habitat fragmentation decreases population viability, reducing<br />

population size which induces an extinction vortex. In<br />

addition, rapid colonisation by ligneous species, due to<br />

land-abandonment, induces negative effects on the population<br />

structure and dynamic of A. nicaeensis. On the other<br />

hand, disturbances characterized by intermediate intensity<br />

and frequency, among which cattle grazing for G. ligustica<br />

and fire for A. nicaeensis, favour population persistence.<br />

Despite the higher rarity of A. fabrei, the three known populations<br />

seem not threatened at short-term, in contrast with<br />

A. nicaeensis which needs an urgent planning of habitat<br />

conservation. Also, the natural habitat fragmentation of<br />

G. ligustica, due to paleoecological events, has possibly<br />

induced limited consequences on its genetic diversity.<br />

Within a global change context, it appears necessary to propose<br />

some specific conservation strategies, including the<br />

preservation of intermediate disturbances, habitat conservation,<br />

or an assessment of population history and of their<br />

ecogeographical variability.<br />

Karen BOURGEOIS<br />

<strong>2006</strong><br />

Ecology, biology and conservation<br />

of a <strong>Mediterranea</strong>n endemic seabird<br />

Puffinus yelkouan<br />

Thèse de doctorat en sciences soutenue le 6 décembre <strong>2006</strong><br />

à l’université Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseille 3, Institut<br />

méditerranéen d’écologie et de paléoécologie (IMEP, UMR-<br />

CNRS 6116, équipe écologie du paysage et biologie de la<br />

conservation, Europôle méditerranéen de l'Arbois, avenue<br />

Philibert, BP 80, 13545 Aix-en-Provence cedex 04, France).<br />

Jury <strong>–</strong> Éric VIDAL (MCF, université Paul Cézanne), P r Thierry TATONI<br />

(université Paul Cézanne), directeur et codirecteur de thèse. Jacob<br />

ecologia mediterranea <strong>–</strong> <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>32</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>2006</strong><br />

Résumés de thèses<br />

GONZALEZ-SOLIS (chargé de recherche, université de Barcelone,<br />

Espagne) et Michel GAUTHIER-CLERC (chargé de recherche HDR, station<br />

biologique de la Tour du Valat), rapporteurs. Bernard DECEUN-<br />

INCK (chargé de mission, BirdLife International/LPO) et Matthieu<br />

LECORRE (MCF, université de la Réunion), examinateurs.<br />

Keywords: breeding biology, breeding habitat selection,<br />

conservation biology, conservation status, introduced<br />

predators, <strong>Mediterranea</strong>n islands, seabird, yelkouan<br />

shearwater.<br />

Procellarids, particularly species of the Manx shearwater<br />

taxonomic complex, are seabirds exhibiting a strong<br />

vulnerability to their habitat disturbance because of their<br />

extreme K demographic strategy. In this complex, the yelkouan<br />

shearwater, Puffinus yelkouan, is a unique case with<br />

its strict endemism to the closed <strong>Mediterranea</strong>n Basin, its<br />

recent elevation to the specific rank and the magnitude of<br />

lacking knowledge of this species. Thus, this thesis general<br />

purpose was to study this still poorly known pelagic<br />

seabird, in order to at least partially fill the knowledge gaps<br />

for this species ecology and biology, and in order to provide<br />

tangible data for management and conservation action<br />

planning for this species.<br />

We firstly reviewed this species population, distribution and<br />

threats throughout its world range. This emphasized the<br />

dramatic lack of reliable and available data concerning the<br />

yelkouan shearwater, yielding to imprecise and overestimated<br />

breeding numbers, to a lack of confirmation for purported<br />

breeding sites, and to the consideration of a stable<br />

population while consistent data suggested population<br />

decline and strong threats. Due to the poorness of existing<br />

data on this species, we secondly developed basic methodologies<br />

to ease its study. Thus, a new sexing method, based<br />

on vocalization analysis, was shown perfectly efficient and<br />

non-invasive in comparison with the classical morphometric<br />

sexing. Moreover, shearwater presence and activity patterns<br />

at colonies were analysed and we demonstrated that<br />

ambient light, breeding cycle and wind speed should be<br />

essential in monitoring and census planning. Both nest-cavity<br />

and colony-site selection analyses, thirdly, allowed to<br />

describe the species ecological preferences, and, above all,<br />

to highlight a particularly low suitable breeding habitat proportion<br />

that is currently occupied by yelkouan shearwaters.<br />

Finally, patterns and impact of feral cat predation were<br />

studied through cat scat analysis and by demographic modelling<br />

(Population Viability Analysis). This predation constitutes<br />

a strong threat for the yelkouan shearwater on our<br />

study site and this analysis revealed an unexpected shearwater<br />

population structure.<br />

These results prioritized cat eradication on the study site<br />

in order to enhance shearwater population dynamics and<br />

to avoid its extinction. Moreover, the abundance of available<br />

and favourable breeding habitat will certainly support<br />

an increase in the shearwater population. By continuing<br />

current monitoring and actions, and by increasing study<br />

area, we will be able to precise the understanding of terrestrial<br />

yelkouan shearwater breeding cycle and to validate<br />

our hypothesis concerning the species population structure.<br />


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