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Revue internationale d'écologie méditerranéenne International ...


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190<br />


Abridged version<br />

Atriplex halimus L. (Chenopodiaceae) is a xero-halophyte, spontaneous,<br />

perennial species of the arid and semi-arid Mediterranean<br />

regions. Owing to its ecological (reducing erosion), energetic<br />

(firewood) and fodder qualities, A. halimus is a choice shrub material<br />

for the rehabilitation of the degraded lands in arid and semi-arid<br />

areas. The species is characterized by an important polymorphism.<br />

Few studies have been conducted until now on the evaluation of<br />

this polymorphism, which is necessary for its good management and<br />

valorisation. In that way, an analysis was carried out on the morphological<br />

and allozyme variability of three natural populations of A.<br />

halimus located in three different climatic contexts: semi arid bioclimate<br />

(Sidi Bouzid in the Safi region), arid bioclimate (Marrakech<br />

region) and Saharan bioclimate (Idelssen in the Ouarzazate region;<br />

table 1). In each population, individuals were sampled randomly<br />

with 28, 16, 16 individuals for the population of Sidi Bouzid,<br />

Idelssen and Marrakech, respectively. The leaf area (SF), the leaf<br />

length to maximum width ratio (RF), the average width of the leaf<br />

(lm) and the leaves to branches ratio (F/R) were determined. The<br />

same data were analysed on clones having three years old resulting<br />

from semi woody cuttings taken from the three natural populations<br />

and placed in a common garden in Marrakech. The genetic varia-<br />

Lat.<br />

N.<br />

Long.<br />

W<br />

Altitude<br />

(m)<br />

P<br />

(mm)<br />

bility was evaluated by an isoenzymatic analysis with four systems<br />

on 36 seedlings for each population.<br />

The study showed a highly significant morphological variability<br />

between individuals of the three studied populations (table 2).<br />

This variability is more significant as the populations are distant<br />

geographically and located in different climates. The Sidi Bouzidpopulation<br />

individuals showed the highest leaf area and leaf length<br />

to maximum width ratio (table 3). Their leaves were longer and<br />

less broad giving a typically lanceolate form. The leaves to branches<br />

ratio was also higher (table 4). For the population of Idelssen<br />

station, the individuals have presented the smallest leaf area and<br />

leaf length to maximum width ratio : the leaves are broader and<br />

less long giving a generally ovate to obovate form and the leaves to<br />

branches ratio is very low. The Marrakech population individuals<br />

showed intermediate values for all the studied parameters. The<br />

gradual character of this morphological variability along this climatic<br />

gradient, have indicates a clinal differentiation than ecotypic.<br />

The clones of each population placed in a common garden have<br />

maintained the same leaf characteristics as the population sources,<br />

suggesting a genetic fond of this variability. The study of the isoenzymatic<br />

markers have confirmed this variability (P = 85.71 %;<br />

He = 0.360; A = 2.14 and Gst’ = 0.11).<br />

M<br />

(°C)<br />

m<br />

(°C)<br />

M-m (°C)<br />

HR % Evaporation<br />

moyenne<br />

max min annuelle<br />

Sidi Bouzid (Safi ) 32° 18’ 9° 15’ 15 353 29,7 8,4 21,3 80 70 1800<br />

Marrakech 31° 37’ 8° 02’ 470 242 38,3 4,5 33,8 73 30 2700<br />

Idelssen (Ouarzazate) 30° 56’ 6° 54’ 1135 115 39,4 1,0 38,4 ND ND ND<br />

Lat. N. : Latitude Nord ; Long W : Longitude Ouest ; P : Précipitations moyennes annuelles ; M : Moyenne des maxima du mois le plus chaud ; m : Moyenne des minima du<br />

mois le plus froid ; M – m : Amplitude thermique extrême moyen ; HR : Humidité maximale (max) et minimale (min) relative ; ND : Non déterminé.<br />

Lat. N : North latitude ; Long. W : West longitude ; P: Mean annual rainfall ; M : Average temperature of the warmest month ; m : Average temperature of the coldest month ;<br />

M – m: Thermic amplitude ; HR: maximal (max) and minimal (min) relative humidity ; ND: Not determined.<br />

Tableau 1. Caractéristiques climatiques des stations des trois populations étudiées.<br />

Table 1. Climatic characteristics of the stations of the three surveyed populations.<br />

ecologia mediterranea, tome 29, fascicule 2, 2003

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