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The fodder plants, which are susceptible to develop<br />

spontaneously in conditions of saltiness and edaphical<br />

aridity, raised a particular interest during recent years<br />

(Choukr-Allah, 1996). Among these plants, the saltbush<br />

Atriplex halimus had a great importance in Mediterranean<br />

regions. The species is a xerohalophyte, native of arid and<br />

semi-arid Mediterranean regions. Its palatability and its<br />

satisfactory appetability make it a very appreciated fodder<br />

to camels, ovines and caprines essentially in drought<br />

seasons (Kinet et al., 1998). Its ligneous wood constitutes<br />

a very interesting energizing source. Endowed with an<br />

important aerial biomass and a complex root system, The<br />

species represent an efficient and relatively little expensive<br />

tool in the rehabilitation of degraded lands and in fighting<br />

against erosion and desertification (Le Houérou, 1992;<br />

Wills et al., 1990; Chisci et al., 1991). Considering these<br />

qualities, several studies have been achieved on these species<br />

essentially with genetic (Haddioui & Baaziz, 2001)<br />

as well as ecophysiological aspects (Zid & Boukhris,<br />

1977; Ben Ahmed et al., 1995; Hdadou, 1996). Little<br />

information are available on the phenological behaviour<br />

and the action of certain environmental factors on the<br />

distribution and the installation of the various phenological<br />

stages at the species. Phenological data represent<br />

a very important topic concerning the programs of the<br />

degraded land restoration. It has been shown that the<br />

content in nitrogenous matters, which represent one of a<br />

major criterion of a fodder value, is variable according to<br />

the different phenological stages of the species (Boudet<br />

& Rivière, 1968; Frank & Hofman, 1989).<br />

In this perspective, an analysis of the phenological and<br />

phenotypic behaviour of the clones of the three natural<br />

populations of Atriplex halimus subjected to two mode of<br />

treatment (irrigated and non irrigated treatment) has been<br />

achieved. In this phenological survey, particular attention<br />

Stations Lat. N. Long. W Altitude<br />

(m)<br />

Mean annual<br />

rainfall<br />

(mm)<br />

Table 1. Climatic characteristics of the surveyed stations.*<br />

has been given to the flowering (male and female flower<br />

production) and the fruiting (weight of the produced<br />

seeds, infestation and immature seed rates). Other phenotypic<br />

parameters have also been studied.<br />


In an aridity gradient along an axis north-west southeast<br />

orientation, we sampled three stations: a littoral semi<br />

arid station (Sidi Bouzid station in the region of Safi), a<br />

semi continental arid station (Marrakech station) and a<br />

continental Saharan station (Idelssen station in the region<br />

of Ouarzazate) (fig. 1). The climatic characteristics of the<br />

three stations are reported in the table 1. At each station,<br />

a natural population of Atriplex halimus was sampled. In<br />

March 1999 we sampled randomly 10 plants, from each<br />

population, from which we took six cuttings per plant.<br />

Cuttings were treated with indole-butyric acid (4 g l -1 )<br />

and placed in a greenhouse at the National Institute of<br />

Agronomic Researches of Marrakech for rhizogenesis.<br />

The choice of the classic cuttings aims at preserving the<br />

genetic identity of every population (Gorenflot, 1994).<br />

After two months, the shoots (individuals) have been<br />

transplanted into polyethylene bags containing 2 part<br />

sands and 1 part peat and placed in a shade house for<br />

acclimatization. In September, the young individuals were<br />

transplanted into common garden in Marrakech. Half the<br />

individuals (cuttings) of each clone were assigned to a<br />

non-irrigated portion of the garden while the other half<br />

were irrigated. Within a treatment individuals were placed<br />

at random. At each portion of the garden, we have 30<br />

individuals (3 cuttings per plant / population). Individuals<br />

in the irrigated treatment were irrigated at a rate 5 liters<br />

/ individuals once per week for the duration of the experiment.<br />

In the non-irrigated treatment, individuals were<br />

M (°C) m (°C) M-m (°C)<br />

HR % Mean annual<br />

evaporation<br />

max min (mm)<br />

Sidi Bouzid (Safi ) 32° 18’ 9° 15’ 15 353 29,7 8,4 21,3 80 70 1800<br />

Marrakech 31° 37’ 8° 02’ 470 242 38,3 4,5 33,8 73 30 2700<br />

Idelssen (Ouarzazate) 30° 56’ 6°54’ 1135 115 39,4 1,0 38,4 - - -<br />

* Abreviations: Lat. N: latitude north ; Long. W: longitude west ; M: Average temperature of the warmest month ; m: Average temperature of the coldest month,<br />

M – m: Thermic amplitude ; HR: maximal (max) and minimal (min) relative humidity.<br />

ecologia mediterranea, tome 29, fascicule 2, 2003

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