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Revue internationale d'écologie méditerranéenne International ...

Revue internationale d'écologie méditerranéenne International ...


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Typical habitat for Testudo graeca in South Spain<br />

The high proportion of people who collect tortoises from<br />

wild populations in Southeastern Spain suggests that this disturbance<br />

of T. g. graeca populations may have demographic consequences<br />

which may include local extinction in areas around<br />

villages. Furthermore, the release of captive tortoises into the<br />

wild without any institutional control may also severely affect<br />

established populations by disease transmission or by genetic<br />

mixture (Seigel & Dodd, 2000).<br />

Conservation strategies for T. g. graeca have focussed on the<br />

control of trade in the species and on re-introduction programmes<br />

of captive tortoises. In the first case, national and international<br />

strategies designed to combat pet traffic have been essential in the<br />

past and in Spain have almost ended the trade in tortoises. In the<br />

second case, re-introductions seems irrelevant when compared<br />

to threats such as habitat destruction (Giménez et al., 2001) and<br />

continued chance collection. Besides, the effectiveness of these<br />

techniques of manipulation are debatable, and need significant<br />

economic and human resources (Kleiman et al., 1994, Seigel &<br />

Dodd, 2000).<br />

In contrast, the custom of keeping tortoises in captivity reveals<br />

a social perception of the spur-thighed tortoise as a pet and the<br />

lack of popular knowledge about its legal situation and the threatened<br />

status of the species. We suggest that all of this implies a<br />

need to develop environmental education programmes towards<br />

a perception of the tortoise as a wild animal and to conserve and<br />

to value the spur-thighed toroises as a typical element of semiarid<br />

landscapes of southeast Spain.<br />

For more information read: PÉREZ I.; GIMÉNEZ, A.; SÁNCHEZ-ZAPATA<br />

J.A.; ANADÓN, J.D.; MARTÍNEZ, M. & ESTEVE, M.A., 2004. Non commercial<br />

collecting of tortoises (Testudo graeca graeca): a cultural problem in<br />

southeastern Spain. Biological Conservation, in press.<br />

References<br />

— Giménez, A.; Est eve, M.A.; Anadón, J.D.; Mar t ínez, J.;<br />

Mar t ínez, M. & Pér ez I., 2001. Estudios básicos para una estrategia<br />

ecologia mediterranea, tome 29, fascicule 2, p. 249-258<br />

de conservación de la tortuga mora en la Región de Murcia. Consejería<br />

de Agricultura, Agua y Medio Ambiente.<br />

— Kl eiman, D.G.; Pr ice, M.R.S. & Beck, B.B., 1994. Criteria for<br />

reintroductions. In Creative Conservation: Interactive management<br />

of wild and captive animals (Onley, P.J.S.; Mace, G.M. & Feistner,<br />

A.G.C. ed.). Chapman and Hall, London, UK.<br />

— Lamber t , M.R.K. ,1979. Trade and the mediterranean tortoises.<br />

Oryx 15, 81-82.<br />

— López-Jur ado, L.F.; Tal aver a Tor r al ba, P.A.; Ibáñez<br />

Gonzal ez, J.M.; MacIvor , J.A. & Gar cía Al car az, A., 1979. Las<br />

tortugas terrestres Testudo graeca y Testudo hermanni en España.<br />

Naturalia hispanica 17, 1-63.<br />

— Seigel , R.A. & Dodd Jr , C.K., 2000. Manipulation of turtle<br />

populations for conservation. Halfway technologies or viable<br />

options? In Turtle conservation (Klemens, M.W. ed.). Washington<br />

and London: Smithsonian Institution Press.<br />

Ir ene Pér ez 1 , Andrés Giménez 2 ,<br />

José Ant onio Sánchez-Zapat a 2 , José Daniel Anadón 2 ,<br />

Mar cel o Mar t ínez 1 & Miguel Ángel Est eve 1<br />

1. Dpto. Ecología e Hidrología. Facultad de Biología.<br />

Universidad de Murcia. Campus de Espinardo.<br />

30100 Espinardo (Murcia). Spain. ireperez@um.es<br />

2. Área de Ecología. Dpto. Biología Aplicada.<br />

Universidad Miguel Hernández. Campus de Orihuela.<br />

03312 Orihuela (Alicante). Spain. agimenez@umh.es<br />

Conservation of Cetaceans and Sea Turtles<br />

of Andalusia and Murcia.<br />

Life Nature Project LIFE02NAT/E/8610<br />

In November of 2002, three research teams of the Universities<br />

of Barcelona, Valencia and Madrid and the NGO ALNITAK with<br />

the collaboration of the Spanish cetacean Society – SEC presented<br />

the results of a three year project of the Spanish Environment<br />

Ministry for the “Identification of Areas of Special interest for<br />

the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Spanish Mediterranean”<br />

(Mediterranean Proyect). The results of this project highlighted<br />

the relevance of the Alboran sea and its adjacent Mediterranean<br />

and Atlantic waters for the conservation of cetaceans and sea<br />

turtles in Europe and in all Mediterranean biogeographic region.<br />

Based on these results and over ten years of research in this region,<br />

the Spanish Cetacean Society has developed a series of proposals<br />

for the design of marine protected areas (mpa’s) within the frameworks<br />

of the European Union’s Habitat Directive, the Barcelona<br />

Convention and the Bonn Convention (ACCOBAMS). In order<br />

to develop the last phase of the mpa design and the creation of<br />

management schemes, the Spanish Cetacean Society (SEC) is at<br />

present coordinating a LIFE Nature project in cooperation with<br />

relevant authorities, fishermen and other stakeholders.<br />

This LIFE project focuses on three species, the bottlenose<br />

dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), the harbour porpoise (Phocoena<br />

phocoena)and the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) as prioritary<br />

species for the European Union. However, the project has<br />


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