1 - Ecologia Mediterranea

1 - Ecologia Mediterranea

1 - Ecologia Mediterranea


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<strong>Ecologia</strong> <strong>Mediterranea</strong> publishes original research report<br />

and synthesis in the fields of fundamental and applied ecology<br />

of <strong>Mediterranea</strong>n areas, except for descriptive article or<br />

article about systematic. The editors of <strong>Ecologia</strong> <strong>Mediterranea</strong><br />

invite original contributions in the fields of: bioclimatology,<br />

biogeography, conservation biology, populations<br />

biology, genetic ecology, lanscape ecology, microbial ecology,<br />

vegetal and animal ecology, ecophysiology, palaeoecology,<br />

palaeoclimatology, except marine ecology.<br />

Symposium proceedings, review articles, methodological<br />

notes, book reviews and comments on recent papers in the<br />

journal are also published.<br />

Manuscripts are reviewed by appropriate referees, or by<br />

members of the Editorial Board, or by the Editors. The final<br />

decision to accept or reject the manuscript is made by the<br />

Editors. Please send us 3 copies.<br />

When the article is accepted, the authors should take reviewer's<br />

comments into consideration. They will send back<br />

to the journal Editorial Office, within 3 months, their corrected<br />

printed manuscript (one copy) and join the corresponding<br />

floppy disk (as far as possible: 3.5" PC, Word 7 or<br />

.RTF). The authors are asked to check the conformity between<br />

printed and computerised versions. Enclose the original<br />

illustrations.<br />

Corrected proofs must be returned to the journal Editorial<br />

Office without delay.<br />

Books and monographs to be reviewed must be submit to<br />

the Editors.<br />

Manuscript preparation<br />

Manuscripts (typewritten with double spacing and A4 size<br />

for paper) should be preferably written in French, English,<br />

but Spanish or Italian are accepted. If the language is not<br />

English, you should join an English short version and English<br />

litles of figures and tables.<br />

The manuscript must be complete: French and English titles,<br />

author(s) and address(es), French and English abstracts (at<br />

least), an English short version (only if it is not the language<br />

used in the article), key-words, text, references, acknowledgements,<br />

figures and tables. For research papers, the text<br />

should normally consist of 4 sections: introduction, methods,<br />

results, discussion.<br />

In typing the manuscript, please clearly distinguish titles<br />

from others paragraphs. Titles and subtitles should not be<br />

numbered. Avoid letters to number subtitles. Use lower-case<br />

lettertype for names. Do not underline any word. In English,<br />

there is one blank after any punctuation, never before.<br />

Copy editing of manuscripts is performed by the journal.<br />

Authors<br />

Each author's address should be specified. The first time,<br />

please precise the complete address of the correspondent<br />

author to which the proofs should be sent.<br />

Abstracts, key·words and short version<br />

Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words. The English<br />

short version should not exceed one page long (1000 words).<br />

Do not use more than six key-words (translated in the abstract's<br />

language). Key-words should not be present in the<br />

title.<br />

Instructions to authors<br />

References<br />

Ali publications cited in the text should be presented in a list<br />

of references following the text of the manuscript. The list of<br />

references should be arranged alphabetically on author's<br />

names, and chronologically per author. You should abbreviate<br />

the titles of periodicals mentioned in the list of references<br />

(except ifyou are not sure ofit).<br />

Check the manuscripts to make sure that ail references are<br />

cited and that all citations in the text are included in the<br />

references. Use following system for arranging the references:<br />

- journal article:<br />

Andow D.A., Karieva P., Levin S.A. & Okubo A., 1990.<br />

Spread ofinvading organisms. J. Ecol.4: 177-188.<br />

- book:<br />

Harper J.L., 1977. Population biology ofplants. Academic<br />

Press, London. 300 p.<br />

- book section:<br />

May R.M., 1989. Levels of organisation in ecology. In:<br />

Cherret J.M. (ed.), Ecological concepts. Blackwell Scientific<br />

Public., Oxford: 339-363.<br />

- conference proceedings:<br />

Grootaert P., 1984. Biodiversity in insects, speciation and<br />

behaviour in Diptera. In : Hoffmann M. & Van der Veken P.<br />

(eds.), Proceedings of the symposium on «Biodiversity:<br />

study, exploration, conservation », Ghent, 18 November<br />

1992: 121-141.<br />

Citations in·text<br />

The words «figures» and «tables» announced in-text<br />

should be written in extenso and with lower-case lettertype.<br />

In the text refer to the author's name and year of publication<br />

(followed by pages only if it is a quotation). If a publication<br />

is written by more than two authors, the name of the first<br />

author should be used followed by «et al. » (this indication,<br />

however, should never be used in the list of references : first<br />

author and co-authors should be mentioned in it). Examples:<br />

«Since Dupont (1962) has shown that... », or «This is in<br />

agreement with previous results (Durand et al., 1990;<br />

Dupond & Dupont, 1997) ... ».<br />

Abbreviates, nomenclature and Latin words<br />

Explanation of a technical abbreviate is required when the<br />

first use. International convention codes for nomenclature<br />

should be used. Latin words should be in italic (et al., a<br />

priori, etc.), particularly for plants or animals' denomination<br />

(the first time, please precise author's name: for example,<br />

Olea europaea L.).<br />

Figures and tables<br />

Ali illustrations should be submitted separately and they<br />

should be preceded by the figures and tables legends on a<br />

separate page. Figures and tables should be sent «ready to<br />

be printed », without need to be reduced (so their size should<br />

be 16 x 22 cm or 8 x 22 cm maximum). Ali the illustrations<br />

being in-text should be cited, increasing numbered, and<br />

should have a legend. Computerised tables' columns should<br />

not be represented by signs ( : or 1).<br />

Reprints<br />

Twenty-five reprints will be supplied free of charge. By<br />

request, additional reprints can be ordered with charge.

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