1 - Ecologia Mediterranea

1 - Ecologia Mediterranea

1 - Ecologia Mediterranea


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Loppi etai.<br />


In the Town of Montecatini Tenne, from 1993 lichens<br />

have recovered, especially in the southern part<br />

of the study area, where new thalli of different lichen<br />

species were found and the lichen desert does not exist<br />

anymore. This demonstrates that despite their slow<br />

growth, lichens respond rather quickly to decreasing<br />

air pollution, allowing this variation to he measured<br />

even after a few years. As a consequence, lichen biomonitoring<br />

is useful not only to detect the effects of<br />

poor air quality, but to document air quality improvement<br />

as weil. Nitrogen oxides seem to he the cause not<br />

only for lichen decline, but also for epiphyte recolonization<br />

following ameliorating conditions.<br />


Bellio M.G. & Gasparo D., 1995. Lichens as bioindicators<br />

of air quality: spatial and temporal variation. La Spezia<br />

case study. Agr. Med., special volume, 224-232.<br />

Gilbert O.L., 1992. Lichen reinvasion with declining air<br />

pollution. ln: Bates J.W., Farmer A.M. (OOs.), Bryophytes<br />

and lichens in a changing environment, Clarendon<br />

Press, Oxford. 159-177.<br />

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Lichens as bioindicators ofrecent changes in air quality<br />

Hawksworth D.L. & Rose F., 1970. Qualitative sca1e for<br />

estimating sulphur dioxide air pollution in England and<br />

Wales usingepiphytic lichens. Nature, 227: 145-148.<br />

Kovacs M., 1992. Biological indicators of environment<br />

pollution. ln: Kovacs M. (ed.), Biological indicators in<br />

environmental protection, Horwood, New York. 7-11.<br />

Loppi S. & Corsini A., 1995. Lichens as bioindicators of air<br />

quality in Montecatini Terme (central northern Italy).<br />

Ecol. Medit., 21: 87-92.<br />

Loppi S., Corsini A., Bruscoli C. & Rossetti c., 1995. Lichen<br />

biomonitoring of heavy metals in Montecatini<br />

Terme (central northern Italy). Micol. Veg. Medit., 10:<br />

122-128.<br />

Loppi S., Capitani G. P. & Corsini A., 1996a. Lichens as<br />

bioindicators of air quality in Pistoia (central-northern<br />

Italy). Arck Geobot., 2: 41-46.<br />

Loppi S., Francalanci C., Pancini P., Marchi G. & Caporali<br />

B., 1996b. Lichens as bioindicators of air quality in<br />

Arezzo (central italy). Ecol. Medit., 22: 11-16.<br />

Loppi S., Giovannelli L., Franchi P.C. & Limberti A., Tacconi<br />

c., 1996c. Lichens as bioindicators of air quality in<br />

Prato (central-northern Italy). Allionia, 33: 29-34.<br />

Nimis P.L., 1993. The lichens of /taly. An annotated catalogue.<br />

Mus. Reg. Sci. Nat. Torino.<br />

Nimis P.L., Castello M. & Perotti M., 1991. Lichens as<br />

biomonitors of sulphur dioxide pollution in La Spezia<br />

(Northern Italy). Lichenologist, 22: 333-344.<br />

Showman R.E., 1988. Mapping air quality with lichens, the<br />

North American experience. Bibl. Lichenol., 30: 67-89.<br />

Sigal L.L., 1988. The relationship of lichen and bryophyte<br />

research to regulatory decisions in the United States.<br />

Bibl. Lichenol., 30: 269-287.<br />

ecologia mediterranea 23 (3/4) - 1997

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