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1 - Ecologia Mediterranea

1 - Ecologia Mediterranea


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ecologia mediterranea 23 (314),53-561997<br />

Lichens as bioindicators of recent changes in air quality<br />

(Montecatini Terme, Italy)<br />

Stefano LOPPI 1 , Luciano GlOVANNEW 2 , Stergios A. PIRINTSOS 3 , Ettore PUTORTl:l & Adelmo CORSINI 4<br />

lDepartment of Environmental Biology, University of Siena, Via PA Mattioli 4, 1-53100 Siena, Italy<br />

2S.M.PA, U.S.L. 4, V.le Vittorio Veneto 9,1-50047 Prato, Italy<br />

Jnepartment of Ecology, School of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Aristotle University, GR-54006 Thessaloniki, Greece<br />

4S.M.P.A., U.S.L. 3, Via dei Baroni 18,1-51100 Pistoia, Italy<br />


A lichen mapping survey was repeated after three years in the town of Montecatini Terme (centralltaly). From 1993 lichens have<br />

recovered, especially in the southem part of the study area, where new thalli of different lichen species were found and the lichen<br />

desert does not exist anymore. In the studyarea, over the last three years the levels of S02 remained constantly low (about 15-20<br />

...g1m\ while NOx, showed a marked decline (from about 150 ... g1m 3 in 1993 to about 100 ...g1m 3 in 1996), suggesting that their<br />

reduction was responsible for the observed improvement in lichen frequencies.<br />

Key-words: air quality, Italy, lichens, recolonization<br />

RESUME<br />

Afin de mettre en évidence de récents changements dans la qualité de l'air, une cartographie de lichens a été effectuée à Montecatini<br />

Terme (Italie centrale), et répétée après trois ans. Depuis 1993, les lichens se sont à nouveau développés. surtout au sud de<br />

l'endroit étudié, là où les nouveaux thalles de différentes espèces ont été trouvés, et le « désert de lichens» n'existe plus. Pendant<br />

les trois dernières années, le niveau de S02 dans la zone de recherche est resté constamment bas (environ 15-20 ...glm 3<br />

) alors que<br />

le NOx a connu un net déclin (environ 150 ...glm 3 en 1993 jusqu'à 100 ...glm 3 en 1996). Ceci suggère que la réduction de NOx est<br />

responsable de l'augmentation de fréquence des lichens.<br />

Mots-elés : qualité de l'air, Italie, lichens, recolonisation<br />


Biological monitoring involves the examination of<br />

biological variables to detect environmental changes,<br />

based on the assumption that any changes taking place<br />

in the environment have a significant effect on the bi·<br />

ota (Kovacs, 1992). Lichens are a well-known tool for<br />

biomonitoring air quality, and lichen mapping is be­<br />

coming routine in several countries (Sigal, 1988). The<br />

mapping of lichen diversity provides an estimate of<br />

the biological impact of air pollution and gives an in­<br />

tegrated picture of air quality by supplying informa­<br />

tion on the effects of aIl pollutants present in the at­<br />

mosphere and of their reaction products (Showman,<br />

1988).<br />

During the late 1960s, in Britain, zones of lichen<br />

impoverishment have been shown to correlate closely<br />

with mean winter levels of S02 (Hawksworth & Rose,<br />

1970). Now that S02 levels have declined considerably,<br />

it is becoming apparent that one form of pollution<br />

has been replaced by another (Gilbert, 1992). Ac-<br />

ecologia mediterranea 23 (3/4) - 1997<br />

cording to recent investigations in central Italy (Loppi<br />

& Corsini, 1995; Loppi et al., 1996a, 1996b, 1996c),<br />

sulphur dioxide is no longer the main air pollutant af­<br />

fecting lichen presence, and other gaseous contami­<br />

nants, such as carbon monoxide and especially nitro­<br />

gen oxides, seem to be largely responsible for lichen<br />

decline.<br />

In May 1993, epiphytic lichens were used as<br />

bioindicators of air quality in the town of Montecatini<br />

Terme and a zone·map was produced (Loppi &<br />

Corsini, 1995). The main source of air pollution was<br />

found to be from motorized traffic, with the worst air<br />

quality occurring in areas with heavy vehicular traffic<br />

and along a highway. Similar conclusions were<br />

reached by Loppi et al. (1995) who used the epiphytic<br />

lichen Parmelia caperata as bioaccumulator of heavy<br />

metals in the same area.<br />

The present study was designed to repeat the li·<br />

chen mapping survey in the same area after three<br />

years, and to search for recent changes in air quality.<br />


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