1 - Ecologia Mediterranea

1 - Ecologia Mediterranea

1 - Ecologia Mediterranea


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Bergmeier<br />

They evolved with and are almost perfectly<br />

adapted to both grazing and tires. The present case<br />

shows that non-grazing, on the other hand, causes<br />

considerable changes in vegetation structure and<br />

small-spatial species composition after only two years.<br />

Grazing is clearly an obligatory impact. The mature<br />

Coridothymion phrygana should therefore not be<br />

termed "tire-climax" (Arianoutsou & Margaris, 1981;<br />

Arianoutsou-Faraggitaki, 1984) but rather a grazing<br />

climax with the ability of withstanding tire events.<br />

Anthropogenic over-exploitation of <strong>Mediterranea</strong>n<br />

vegetation, particularly the combined effects of fre­<br />

quent tires and overgrazing caused severe degradation<br />

of vegetation and soil (Le Houérou, 1981; Arianout­<br />

sou-Faraggitaki & Margaris, 1982; Bôhling, 1994).<br />

Preventing grazing had often been considered a prerequisite<br />

to allow regeneration of burned phrygana<br />

(Margaris, 1990; Koutsidou & Margaris, 1990), but<br />

this cannot generally be assumed, since non-grazing<br />

not necessarily guarantees rapid regeneration of<br />

woody vegetation. In order to maintain the ecological<br />

benetits of the phrygana, viz. biodiversity and erosion<br />

prevention capacity, both overgrazing and maninduced<br />

tires should be avoided. Moderate grazing of<br />

phrygana, however, ensures the biodiversity of the<br />

ecosystem and should not be considered a landscapeecological<br />

offense (cf Seligman & Perevolotsky,<br />

1994).<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

Thanks are due to the EU Environment Program<br />

and to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for<br />

funding in 1993-94 and 1995, respectively. 1 am grate­<br />

fuI to Ursula Matthas who helped with the tieldwork<br />

in the tirst two years, and especially to my wife Ute<br />

Bergmeier for multiple support.<br />


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