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<strong>KCE</strong> reports vol. 19B Urgences 95<br />


YR-CTRY.<br />

VAN UDEN C-<br />

2003-NL.<br />

VAN UDEN C.-<br />

2004-NL.<br />

VAN UDEN C.-<br />

2005-NL.<br />


D.-2000-USA.<br />

WEBER E.-<br />

2005-USA.<br />


Comparative<br />

case study.<br />

Observational<br />

before and after<br />

in out of hours<br />

service.<br />

Comparative<br />

case study with<br />

peer reiewed<br />

structured<br />

questionnaires.<br />

Prospective<br />

cohort design in<br />

a tertiary care<br />

hospital.<br />

National<br />

population-based<br />

study.<br />

Investigating pats numbers and<br />

characteristics usinf PC and<br />

Ecarebecause of different out of<br />

hours care models.<br />

Investigating whether the<br />

reorganisation of out of hours<br />

(creation of 3 new GPCOÊs) PC<br />

changes utilisation of primary and<br />

hospital emergency care.<br />

Determining pat. satisfaction with<br />

current out-of hours care in<br />

GPcooperatives.<br />

Validating standardized clinical<br />

criteria to identify pats whose care<br />

can be safely deferred to a later date<br />

in a nonemergency setting.<br />

Determining whether having a usual<br />

source of care or health insurance is<br />

associated with the likelihood of an<br />

ED-visit.<br />

2 organistional models of GPCOÊs are<br />

compared in annual contact rate, self<br />

referral.One cooperative is city<br />

centred,far from EDÊs(Heer<strong>le</strong>n),with<br />

schedu<strong>le</strong>d appointments(Maastricht).The<br />

second is inside the local ED,free access.<br />

Analysis of all pt. contacts with GPÊs and<br />

EDÊs during a 4-week period before and<br />

after the reorganisation of out of hours<br />

care.(extraction of computerised data).<br />

Cooperatives located nearby a ED.<br />

Questionnaires base on reviewed and<br />

published data and analyzed on 3<br />

processes of consult in GPCO:tel.<br />

advice,in site consult,home visit. This<br />

questionnaire encompasses contactspecific<br />

and general items. Likert<br />

reponse sca<strong>le</strong>.<br />

Defined criteria developed by a<br />

multidisciplinary physician panel.<br />

Screening of > 1000 ambulatory pats.<br />

responding or not to the criteria they<br />

were referred to same day care or<br />

deferred to an appointment(max. 1<br />

week) in the ambulatory clinic.<br />

Multivariate analysis of a nationally<br />

representative Community tracking<br />

study household survey assessing the<br />

association of health status,insurance,<br />

income with 1 or more ED-visits in the<br />

previous yr<br />

* Annual contact rate/1000 inhabitants at the<br />

GPCO-Heer<strong>le</strong>n is significantly lower than in<br />

Maastricht.<br />

*Contact rate at EDÊs in both is not statist<br />

significant.<br />

* The self referral rate in EDÊs is significantly<br />

higher in Heer<strong>le</strong>n than in Maastricht.<br />

The total number of pats. during out of hours<br />

care increased with 4,6 %,but an increase of 9,8<br />

% in GPCOÊs.Selfreferrals diminished<br />

significantly.(3,3 %).Significant shift of pats from<br />

ED to GPCOÊs.(3,6%).<br />

Pats receiving only tel. advice are <strong>le</strong>ss satisfied<br />

than those who attend the GPCO, and those<br />

who receive a home visit.·Various factors give<br />

insight in the pat. opinion and satisfaction: first<br />

tel. contact, or attitude og the doctor be it in site<br />

or at home.<br />

19 % met criteria to be deferred.0% related<br />

none<strong>le</strong>ctive hospitalisations within 7 days after<br />

deferral. But 7 % of non deferred pats were<br />

hospitalised and 0,5 % died.<br />

Adults without usual source of care were <strong>le</strong>ss<br />

likely to have had an ED visit.·Uninsured pats<br />

were not more likely to have an ED visit than<br />

insured pats.·Poor physical and mental health ><br />

5 outpat. visits/yr ,changes in insurance coverage<br />

were associated with ED visit.<br />

The free access gatekeeper<br />

function and the proxy of the<br />

ED in Maastricht has<br />

decreased significantly the self<br />

referral rate at the<br />

ED,compared with Heer<strong>le</strong>n.<br />

The reorganisation of out of<br />

hours PC into<br />

GPCooperatives has reduced<br />

ED-use and increased PC-use.<br />

The study shows that patients<br />

are generally satisfied with<br />

out-of-hours care, but that<br />

those with a only tel. advice<br />

are <strong>le</strong>ss satisfied than those<br />

attending the cooperatives.<br />

This critria can safely screen<br />

ambulatory care fot pats who<br />

attend ED. They deserve<br />

testing in other EDÊs.<br />

The success of efforts to<br />

decrease ED-use may depend<br />

on improving delivery of<br />

outpatient care.

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