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Bibliographie 287<br />

[Léveillé at al, 2003]- V. Léveillé, M.I.Boulos, D.V. Gravelle, « Diagnostic of supersonic<br />

high Frequ<strong>en</strong>cy (HF) plasma Flow », in the 16 th International Symposium on Plasma<br />

Chemistry, ISPC 16, Taormina, Italy, (2003),<br />

[Li et al, 1998, a]- C.J Li., Y He, A Ohmori, "Characterization of structure of thermally<br />

sprayed coating", in Thermal spray : Meeting the chall<strong>en</strong>ges of the 21st C<strong>en</strong>tury, (ed) C.<br />

Cod<strong>de</strong>t, (pub) ASM International, Materials Park, OH, USA, (1998), 717-722<br />

[Li et al, 1998, b]- Li C.J , A. Var<strong>de</strong>lle, P. Fauchais, "The effect of substrate preheating and<br />

surface organic covering on splat formation", in Thermal spray : Meeting the Chall<strong>en</strong>ges of<br />

the 21st C<strong>en</strong>tury, (ed) C. Cod<strong>de</strong>t, (pub) ASM International, Materials Park, OH,(1998), 473-<br />

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[Li et al, 2003, a]- C.J Li, H.L Liao, P. Gougeon, G. Montavon, C. Cod<strong>de</strong>t, « Effect of<br />

Reynolds number of molt<strong>en</strong> spray particles on splat formation in plasma spraying », In<br />

Thermal Spray 2003 : Advancing the sci<strong>en</strong>ces and applying the technology, (ed) C.Moreau<br />

and B.Marple, (pub) by ASM international, Materials Park, Ohio,USA, (2003), 875-882<br />

[Li et al, 2003, b]- C.J Li, H.L Liao, P. Gougeon, G. Montavon, C. Cod<strong>de</strong>t, « Experim<strong>en</strong>tal<br />

correlation betwe<strong>en</strong> flatt<strong>en</strong>ing <strong>de</strong>gree and Reynolds number of spray particles », in Thermal<br />

Spray 2003 : Advancing the sci<strong>en</strong>ces and applying the technology, (ed) C.Moreau and<br />

B.Marple, (pub) ASM international, Materials Park, Ohio,USA, (2003), 863-869.<br />

[Li, 1998]- Ke-i Li, « Contribution to the study of particle injection and vaporization in D-C<br />

Plasma spray Jets », Thèse <strong>de</strong> l’université <strong>de</strong> <strong>Limoges</strong>, 1998, n°ordre 98-<br />

[Llorca et al]-N.L. Lorca-Isern, M. Puig, M. Espanol, « Improving the methodology for<br />

coating <strong>de</strong>fects <strong>de</strong>tection », Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 8(1), (1999), 73-78<br />

[Lombard, 1985]- D. Lombard, "Dépôts plasma <strong>de</strong> zircone et d'alliages métalliques utilisés<br />

dans les barrières thermiques. Corrélations: paramètres <strong>de</strong> projection-microstructure/structurepropriétés<br />

thermophysiques", Thèse <strong>de</strong> l'<strong>Université</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Limoges</strong>, n°ordre:85-03, (1985)<br />

[Ma<strong>de</strong>sjski, 1976]- J.Ma<strong>de</strong>sjski, « Solidification of droplets on a cold surface », Int.J.Heat<br />

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[Mailhot, 1998]- K. Mailhot. « Déposition par plasma inductif <strong>de</strong> zircone stabilisée à<br />

l'yttrine » Mémoire <strong>de</strong> maîtrise <strong>de</strong> l’<strong>Université</strong> <strong>de</strong> Sherbrooke, Faculté <strong>de</strong> génie, 101 p.(1998).<br />

[Mailhot et al, 1997]- K. Mailhot , F. Gitzhofer, M.I. Boulos, "Supersonic induction plasma<br />

spraying of d<strong>en</strong>se YSZ electrolyte membrane", in Thermal Spray, A United Forum for<br />

Sci<strong>en</strong>tist and Technological Advances, (ed) C.C. Berndt, (pub) by ASM Int., Materials Park,<br />

OHIO, USA, (1997), 21-24.

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