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caractérisation des enzymes bovines et étude préliminaire du rôle ... caractérisation des enzymes bovines et étude préliminaire du rôle ...
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Références bibliographiques<br />

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Poult Sci 78, 778-84.<br />

Velleman, S. G., Liu, X., Eggen, K. H., and Nestor, K. E. (1999) Developmental regulation of<br />

proteoglycan synthesis and decorin expression <strong>du</strong>ring turkey embryonic skel<strong>et</strong>al<br />

muscle formation. Poult Sci 78, 1619-26.<br />

Venters, S. J., and Ordahl, C. P. (2002) Persistent myogenic capacity of the dermomyotome<br />

dorsomedial lip and restriction of myogenic comp<strong>et</strong>ence. Development 129, 3873-85.<br />

Venters, S. J., Thorsteinsdottir, S., and Duxson, M. J. (1999) Early development of the<br />

myotome in the mouse. Dev Dyn 216, 219-32.<br />

Venuti, J. M., Morris, J. H., Vivian, J. L., Olson, E. N., and Klein, W. H. (1995) Myogenin is<br />

required for late but not early aspects of myogenesis <strong>du</strong>ring mouse development. J<br />

Cell Biol 128, 563-76.<br />

Vidal y Plana, R. R., and Karzel, K. (1980) [Glucosamine: its value for the m<strong>et</strong>abolism of<br />

articular cartilage. 1. Biochemistry of proteoglycans, studies on in-vitro cultures of<br />

embryonal mouse fibroblasts and bone germs]. Fortschr Med 98, 557-62.<br />

Vijay, I. K. (1998) Developmental and hormonal regulation of protein N-glycosylation in the<br />

mammary gland. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia 3, 325-36.<br />

Villena, J., and Brandan, E. (2004) Dermatan sulfate exerts an enhanced growth factor<br />

response on skel<strong>et</strong>al muscle satellite cell proliferation and migration. J Cell Physiol<br />

198, 169-78.<br />

Vishwakarma, R. A., and Menon, A. K. (2005) Flip-flop of glycosylphosphatidylinositols<br />

(GPI's) across the ER. Chem Commun (Camb), 453-5.<br />

Wakelam, M. J. (1985) The fusion of myoblasts. Biochem J 228, 1-12.<br />

Wang, D. Z., Valdez, M. R., McAnally, J., Richardson, J., and Olson, E. N. (2001) The Mef2c<br />

gene is a direct transcriptional targ<strong>et</strong> of myogenic bHLH and MEF2 proteins <strong>du</strong>ring<br />

skel<strong>et</strong>al muscle development. Development 128, 4623-33.<br />

Wang, Y., Lee, G. F., Kelley, R. F., and Spellman, M. W. (1996) Identification of a GDP-Lfucose:polypeptide<br />

fucosyltransferase and enzymatic addition of O-linked fucose to<br />

EGF domains. Glycobiology 6, 837-42.<br />

Wang, Y., Shao, L., Shi, S., Harris, R. J., Spellman, M. W., Stanley, P., and Haltiwanger, R.<br />

S. (2001) Modification of epidermal growth factor-like repeats with O-fucose.<br />

Molecular cloning and expression of a novel GDP-fucose protein Ofucosyltransferase.<br />

J Biol Chem 276, 40338-45.<br />

Wang, Y., and Spellman, M. W. (1998) Purification and characterization of a GDPfucose:polypeptide<br />

fucosyltransferase from Chinese hamster ovary cells. J Biol Chem<br />


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