Etude théorique de radars géologiques - Epublications - Université ...

Etude théorique de radars géologiques - Epublications - Université ... Etude théorique de radars géologiques - Epublications - Université ...
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200 BIBLIOGRAPHIE [43] "Antenne planaire log­périodique très large bande (4 ­ 160 GHz)" ­ C. Ulysse, A. Meraj, A. Gaugue, C. Letrou, A. Kreisler ­ OHD 2001 [44] "Génération et détection de rayonnement térahertz à l'aide d'antennes photoconductrices" ­ S. Matton, G.Mouret, R. Bocquet ­ 17ème Colloque International Optique Hertzienne et Diélectrique, septembre 2003 [45] "An efficient ultra­wideband bow­tie antenna" ­ A.A. Lestari, A.G. Yarovoy and L.P. Ligthart ­ Proc. of the 31st European Microwave Conference, London, UK, Sept. 25­27, 2001 [46] "Non­planar log­periodic antenna feed for integration with a cryogenic microwave amplifier" ­ G. Angargiola, University of California, Radio astronomy lab, Berkeley, CA ­ 2002 IEEE AP­S/URSI National radio science Meeting San Antonio, TX [47] "Wide Band Scissors Antenna" ­ J. Andrieu, B. Beillard, Y. Imbs ­ French patent ­ n°99 14940, november 1999. International patent ­ FR 0002905, october 2000 [48] "A dual­band dual­polarized nested Vivaldi slot array with multilevel ground plane" ­ H. Loui, J. Peeters Weem, Z. Popovic ­ IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, pp.2168­2175, 2003 [49] "Twin Vivaldi antenna fed by coplanar waveguide" ­ Linardou, Migliaccio, Laheurte, Papiernik ­ CNRS, université de Nice ­ Electronics Letters vol 33 n°22 pp 1825­1837, 23 octobre 1997, ISSN : 0013­5194 [50] "Balanced antipodal Vivaldi antenna for wide bandwidth phased arrays" ­ J.D.S. Lanley, P.S. Hall, P. Newham ­ Proceeding on Microwave Antennas Propagation, vol. 143 n°2, 1996 [51] "Antennes pré­fractales compactes à polarisation circulaire" ­ M. Ben Abdillah, H. Aubert, O. Pascal ­ 17ème Colloque International Optique Hertzienne et Diélectrique, septembre 2003 [52] "Generalised Sierpinski fractal multi­band Antenna" ­ Jordi Romeu and Jordi Soler ­ IEEE Transaction antennas and propagation, vol. 49, n°8, août 2001 [53] "The Koch monopole : A small fractal antenna" ­ C. Puente Baliarda, J. Romeu and A. Cardama ­ IEEE Transaction antennas and propagation, vol. 48, n°11, novembre 2000 [54] "Fractal Antenna Elements and Arrays" ­ X. Yang, J. Chiochetti, D. Papadopoulos, L. Susman ­ Applied Microwave & Wireless magazine p. 34­46, vol. 11, n°5, mai 1999 [55] "Numerical studies of the radiation patterns of resistively loaded dipoles" ­ Steven A. Arcone ­ Journal of applied Geophysics 33 (1995) p39­52 [56] "Directive properties of antennas for transmission into a material half­space" ­ Glenn S. Smitch ­ IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation, vol. AP­32, n°3, march 1984 [57] "GPR H­Plane antenna patterns for a horizontal dipole on a half space interface" ­ Stanley J. Radzevicius, Jeffrey J. Daniels ­ Eighth international conference on ground penetrating radar GPR 2000

Samuel BESSE : Étude Théorique de Radars Géologiques ­ Analyses de sols, d'antennes et interprétation des signaux 201 [58] "Determination of the ice dielectric permittivity using the data of the test in antartica of the ground­penetrating radar for Mars'98 Mission" ­ Alain Herique and Wlodek Kofman ­ IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, vol 35, number 5, septembre 1997 [59] "Comportement du rayonnement d'une antenne posée sur un sol à faibles pertes ­ Application à Netlander" ­ Samuel Besse, Alain Reineix, J.J. Berthelier ­ XIII èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, mai 2003 [60] "The GPR experiment on Netlander" ­ J.J. Berthelier, A. Reineix, P. Paillou, et al. ­ Planetary and space science 48 (2000) p1161­1180 [61] "A rover deployed ground penetrating radar on Mars" ­ J.A. Grant, B.A. Campbell and A.E. Schutz ­ Conference on the geophysical detection of subsurface water on Mars (2001) [62] "Orbital SAR and ground­penetrating radar for Mars : complementary tools in the search for water" ­ B.A. Campbell, J.A. Grant ­ Concepts and approaches for Mars exploration 2000 [63] "The Cylindrical Antenna with Nonreflecting Resistive Loading" ­ T.T Wu and R.W.P. King ­ Fellow, IEEE, 1964 (plus correctif de L.C. Shen and R.W.P. King, 1965) [64] "Improved Impedance Loading for Wideband Antennas" ­ Richard A Formato, K1POO ­ VHF Communication magazine 1996/1 p.20­29 [65] "A study of transient radiation from the Wu­King resistive monopole ­ FDTD analysis and experimental measurement" ­ James G. Maloney and Glenn S. Smith ­ IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation, vol. 41, n°5, mai 1993 [66] "Etude électromagnétique du Ground Penetrating Radar de Netlander destiné au sondage du sous­sol martien" ­ Benoît Martinat ­ Thèse soutenue le 27 septembre 2001 à l'université de Limoges faculté des sciences [67] "An improved near to far zone transformation for the finite­difference time­domain method" ­ T. Martin ­ IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation, vol. 46, n°9, septembre 1998 [68] "An FDTD Near to Far Zone Tranformation for Scatterers Buried in Stratified Ground" ­ Kenneth Demarest, member IEEE, Zhubo Huang, Student member, IEEE, and Richard Plumb, senior member, IEEE ­ IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation, vol. 44, n°8, septembre 1996 [69] "A finite­difference time­domain near zone to far zone transformation" ­ R. Luebbers, K. Kunz, M. Schneider, F. Hunsberger ­ IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation, vol. 39, n°4, avril 1991 [70] "Finite difference analysis of EMP coupling to thin struts and wires" ­ R. Holland, L. Simpson ­ IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 23, n°3, pp 88­89, Mai 1981 [71] "Fils et méthodes d'éléments finis pour les équations de Maxwell. Le modèle de Holland revisité" ­ Francis Collino et Florence Millot ­ INRIA, rapport de recherche n°3472, Août 1998, 78 pages [72] "FDTD­SPICE Analysis of High­Speed Cells in Silicon Integrated Circuits" ­ Neven Orhanovic, and Norio Matsui ­ IEEE ECTC, Mai 2002

200<br />


[43] "Antenne planaire log­périodique très large ban<strong>de</strong> (4 ­ 160 GHz)" ­ C. Ulysse, A. Meraj, A. Gaugue, C. Letrou,<br />

A. Kreisler ­ OHD 2001<br />

[44] "Génération et détection <strong>de</strong> rayonnement térahertz à l'ai<strong>de</strong> d'antennes photoconductrices" ­ S. Matton,<br />

G.Mouret, R. Bocquet ­ 17ème Colloque International Optique Hertzienne et Diélectrique, septembre 2003<br />

[45] "An efficient ultra­wi<strong>de</strong>band bow­tie antenna" ­ A.A. Lestari, A.G. Yarovoy and L.P. Ligthart ­ Proc. of the 31st<br />

European Microwave Conference, London, UK, Sept. 25­27, 2001<br />

[46] "Non­planar log­periodic antenna feed for integration with a cryogenic microwave amplifier" ­ G. Angargiola,<br />

University of California, Radio astronomy lab, Berkeley, CA ­ 2002 IEEE AP­S/URSI National radio science<br />

Meeting San Antonio, TX<br />

[47] "Wi<strong>de</strong> Band Scissors Antenna" ­ J. Andrieu, B. Beillard, Y. Imbs ­ French patent ­ n°99 14940, november 1999.<br />

International patent ­ FR 0002905, october 2000<br />

[48] "A dual­band dual­polarized nested Vivaldi slot array with multilevel ground plane" ­ H. Loui, J. Peeters Weem,<br />

Z. Popovic ­ IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, pp.2168­2175, 2003<br />

[49] "Twin Vivaldi antenna fed by coplanar wavegui<strong>de</strong>" ­ Linardou, Migliaccio, Laheurte, Papiernik ­ CNRS,<br />

université <strong>de</strong> Nice ­ Electronics Letters vol 33 n°22 pp 1825­1837, 23 octobre 1997, ISSN : 0013­5194<br />

[50] "Balanced antipodal Vivaldi antenna for wi<strong>de</strong> bandwidth phased arrays" ­ J.D.S. Lanley, P.S. Hall, P. Newham ­<br />

Proceeding on Microwave Antennas Propagation, vol. 143 n°2, 1996<br />

[51] "Antennes pré­fractales compactes à polarisation circulaire" ­ M. Ben Abdillah, H. Aubert, O. Pascal ­ 17ème<br />

Colloque International Optique Hertzienne et Diélectrique, septembre 2003<br />

[52] "Generalised Sierpinski fractal multi­band Antenna" ­ Jordi Romeu and Jordi Soler ­ IEEE Transaction antennas<br />

and propagation, vol. 49, n°8, août 2001<br />

[53] "The Koch monopole : A small fractal antenna" ­ C. Puente Baliarda, J. Romeu and A. Cardama ­ IEEE<br />

Transaction antennas and propagation, vol. 48, n°11, novembre 2000<br />

[54] "Fractal Antenna Elements and Arrays" ­ X. Yang, J. Chiochetti, D. Papadopoulos, L. Susman ­ Applied<br />

Microwave & Wireless magazine p. 34­46, vol. 11, n°5, mai 1999<br />

[55] "Numerical studies of the radiation patterns of resistively loa<strong>de</strong>d dipoles" ­ Steven A. Arcone ­ Journal of<br />

applied Geophysics 33 (1995) p39­52<br />

[56] "Directive properties of antennas for transmission into a material half­space" ­ Glenn S. Smitch ­ IEEE<br />

transactions on antennas and propagation, vol. AP­32, n°3, march 1984<br />

[57] "GPR H­Plane antenna patterns for a horizontal dipole on a half space interface" ­ Stanley J. Radzevicius,<br />

Jeffrey J. Daniels ­ Eighth international conference on ground penetrating radar GPR 2000

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