Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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254 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 delivery shall be made under appropriate safeguards against radiation hazards while in transit. Article IX It is the hope and expectation of the Parties that this initial Agreement for Cooperation will lead to consideration of further cooperation extending to the design, construction, and operation of power producing reactors. Accordingly, the Parties will consult with each other from time to time concerning the feasibility of an additional agreement for cooperation with respect to the production of power from atomic energy in Denmark. For purposes of this Agreement : Article X A. "Commission" means the United States Atomic Energy Commission or its duly authorized representatives. B. "Equipment and devices" means any instrument or apparatus, and includes research reactors, as defined herein, and their component parts. C. "Research reactor" means a reactor which is designed for the production of neutrons and other radiations for general research and development purposes, medical therapy, or training in nuclear science and engineering. The term does not cover power reactors, power demonstration reactors, or reactors designed primarily for the production of special nuclear materials. D. The terms "Restricted Data", "atomic weapon", and "special nuclear material" are used in this Agreement as defined in the United States Atomic Energy Act of 1954. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed pursuant to duly constituted authority. DONE at Washington in duplicate this twenty-fifth day of July, 1955. No. 3306 For the Government of the United States of America: Walworth BARBOUR Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Lewis L. STRAUSS Chairman, United States Atomic Energy Commission For the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark: Henrik KAUFFMANN Ambassador of Denmark

1956 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 255 leur livraison devra s'effectuer dans des conditions propres assurer une protection satisfaisante contre les rayonnements pendant le transport. Article IX Les Parties esp~rent et comptent que ce premier Accord de cooperation permettra d'envisager une cooperation plus large s'6tendant l' tude, h la construction et au fonctionnement de g~n~ratrices nucl~aires. En consequence, les Parties se concerteront p~riodiquement au sujet de la possibilit6 de conclure un accord de cooperation suppl~mentaire touchant la production d'6nergie 6lectrique d'origine atomique au Danemark. Aux fins du present Accord : Article X A. La ((Commission ,, d~signe la Commission de l'6nergie atomique des tstats- Unis ou ses repr~sentants dfiment autoris~s. B. L'expression (( materiel et dispositifs ), d~signe tout instrument ou appareil et comprend les piles de recherche, telles qu'elles sont d~finies dans le present article, et leurs 6lments constitutifs. C. L'expression (( pile de recherche ) d~signe une pile conque pour produire des neutrons et d'autres rayonnements pouvant servir h des recherches et X des applications g~n~rales, A des usages th~rapeutiques ou h la formation dans le domaine de la science et de la technologie nucl~aires. Elle ne comprend pas les g~n~ratrices nucl6aires, les g6n~ratrices nucl~aires de demonstration, ni les piles con~ues principalement pour la production de produits nucl~aires sp~ciaux. D. Les expressions (( renseignements confidentiels ,,, (( armes atomiques et (( produits nucl~aires spciaux ,) sont utilis~es dans le sens que leur donne la loi am~ricaine de 1954 sur l'6nergie atomique. EN FoI DE QUOI les Parties contractantes ont fait signer le present Accord en vertu de pouvoirs dfiment conf~r~s cet effet. FAIT h Washington, en double exemplaire, le 25 juillet 1955. Pour le Gouvernement des i-tats-Unis d'Am~rique: Walworth BARBOUR Secr6taire dtat adjoint par int6rim, charg6 des affaires de l'Europe Lewis L. STRAUSS President de la Commission de l'6nergie atomique des ttats-Unis Pour le Gouvernement du Royaume de Danemark Henrik KAUFFMANN Ambassadeur du Danemark N 330

254 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1956<br />

delivery shall be made under appropriate safeguards against radiation hazards<br />

while in transit.<br />

Article IX<br />

It is the hope and expectation of the Parties that this initial Agreement for<br />

Cooperation will lead to consideration of further cooperation extending to the<br />

<strong>des</strong>ign, construction, and operation of power producing reactors. Accordingly,<br />

the Parties will consult with each other from time to time concerning the<br />

feasibility of an additional agreement for cooperation with respect to the production<br />

of power from atomic energy in Denmark.<br />

For purposes of this Agreement :<br />

Article X<br />

A. "Commission" means the <strong>United</strong> States Atomic Energy Commission or<br />

its duly authorized representatives.<br />

B. "Equipment and devices" means any instrument or apparatus, and<br />

inclu<strong>des</strong> research reactors, as defined herein, and their component parts.<br />

C. "Research reactor" means a reactor which is <strong>des</strong>igned for the production<br />

of neutrons and other radiations for general research and development purposes,<br />

medical therapy, or training in nuclear science and engineering. The term does<br />

not cover power reactors, power demonstration reactors, or reactors <strong>des</strong>igned<br />

primarily for the production of special nuclear materials.<br />

D. The terms "Restricted Data", "atomic weapon", and "special nuclear<br />

material" are used in this Agreement as defined in the <strong>United</strong> States Atomic Energy<br />

Act of 1954.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be<br />

executed pursuant to duly constituted authority.<br />

DONE at Washington in duplicate this twenty-fifth day of July, 1955.<br />

No. 3306<br />

For the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States of America:<br />

Walworth BARBOUR<br />

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs<br />

Lewis L. STRAUSS<br />

Chairman, <strong>United</strong> States Atomic Energy Commission<br />

For the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark:<br />

Henrik KAUFFMANN<br />

Ambassador of Denmark

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