Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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248 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 A. Design, construction and operation of research reactors and their use as research, development, and engineering tools and in medical therapy. B. Health and safety problems related to the operation and use of research reactors. C. The use of radioactive isotopes in physical and biological research, medical therapy, agriculture, and industry. Article II A. The Commission will lease to the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark uranium enriched in the isotope U-235, subject to the terms and conditions provided herein, as may be required as initial and replacement fuel in the operation of research reactors which the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, in consultation with the Commission, decides to construct and as required in agreed experiments related thereto. Also, the Commission will lease to the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark uranium enriched in the isotope U-235, subject to the terms and conditions provided herein, as may be required as initial and replacement fuel in the operation of such research reactors as the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark may, in consultation with the Commission, decide to authorize private individuals or private organizations under its jurisdiction to construct and operate, provided the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark shall at all times maintain sufficient control of the material and the operation of the reactor to enable the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark to comply with the provisions of this Agreement and the applicable provisions of the lease arrangement. B. The quantity of uranium enriched in the isotope U-235 transferred by the Commission and in the custody of the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark shall not at any time be in excess of six (6) kilograms of contained U-235 in uranium enriched up to a maximum of twenty percent (20 %) U-235, plus such additional quantity as, in the opinion of the Commission, is necessary to permit the efficient and continuous operation of the reactor or reactors while replaced fuel elements are radioactively cooling in Denmark or while fuel elements are in transit, it being the intent of the Commission to make possible the maximum usefulness of the six (6) kilograms of said material. C. When any fuel elements containing U-235 leased by the Commission require replacement, they shall be returned to the Commission and, except as may be agreed, the form and content of the irradiated fuel elements shall not be altered after their removal from the reactor and prior to delivery to the Commission. D. The lease of uranium enriched in the isotope U-235 under this Article shall be at such charges and on such terms and conditions with respect to shipment and delivery as may be mutually agreed and under the conditions stated in Articles VI and VII. No. 3308

1956 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 249 A. L'6tude, la construction et le fonctionnement de piles de recherche et l'utilisation de ces piles pour des recherches, des applications pratiques et des essais techniques, ainsi qu'en th~rapeutique. B. Les probl~mes d'hygi~ne et de s~curit6 lids au fonctionnement et l'emploi des piles de recherches. C. L'utilisation des isotopes radioactifs dans les recherches physiques et biologiques, en th~rapeutique, dans l'agriculture et dans l'industrie. Article II A. La Commission louera au Gouvernement du Royaume de Danemark, conform~ment aux clauses et conditions pr~vues dans le pr6sent Accord, 'uranium enrichi en isotope U-235 dont il pourra avoir besoin comme combustible initial et d'alimentation pour faire fonctionner les piles de recherche que le Gouvernement du Royaume de Danemark, en consultation avec la Commission, d~cidera de construire, et pour proc~der des experiences convenues ce sujet. De plus, la Commission louera au Gouvernement du Royaume de Danemark, conform6ment aux clauses et conditions pr~vues dans le pr6sent Accord, l'uranium enrichi en isotope U-235 dont il y aura besoin comme combustible initial et d'alimentation pour faire fonctionner les piles de recherche que le Gouvernement du Royaume de Danemark, en consultation avec la Commission, pourra autoriser des particuliers ou des organismes priv~s relevant de sa juridiction A construire et h faire fonctionner, dtant entendu que le Gouvernement du Royaume de Danemark gardera toujours, sur les mat~riaux constitutifs des r~acteurs et sur leur fonctionnement, un droit de regard suffisant pour lui permettre de se conformer aux dispositions du present Accord et aux clauses pertinentes du contrat de location. B. La quantit6 d'uranium enrichi en isotope U-235 qui sera transferee par la Commission et plac~e sous la garde du Gouvernement du Royaume de Danemark ne contiendra h aucun moment plus de six (6) kilogrammes d'U-235, l'enrichissement en U-235 ne devant pas exc~der vingt pour cent (20 pour 100), sans compter les quantit~s suppl~mentaires qui seront n~cessaires, de l'avis de la Commission, pour permettre d'employer la ou les piles de mani~re efficace et continue pendant que les cartouches actives remplac~es perdront leur radioactivit6 au Danemark ou que des cartouches actives seront en route, l'intention de la Commission 6tant d'assurer l'utilisation maximum des six (6) kilogrammes dudit produit. C. Les cartouches actives contenant de 1'U-235 louses par la Commission, qui auront besoin d'ftre remplac~es, seront renvoy6es h la Commission et, sauf convention contraire, la forme et la teneur des cartouches actives irradi~es ne seront pas modifi~es apr~s qu'elles auront W retirees de la pile et avant qu'elles ne soient livr~es ?i la Commission. D. La location, en vertu du present article, d'uranium enrichi en isotope U-235 se fera aux prix et aux conditions de transport et de livraison qui seront arr~t~s d'un commun accord par les Parties et dans les conditions indiqu~es aux articles VI et VII. N- 3306

248 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1956<br />

A. Design, construction and operation of research reactors and their use as<br />

research, development, and engineering tools and in medical therapy.<br />

B. Health and safety problems related to the operation and use of research<br />

reactors.<br />

C. The use of radioactive isotopes in physical and biological research, medical<br />

therapy, agriculture, and industry.<br />

Article II<br />

A. The Commission will lease to the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark<br />

uranium enriched in the isotope U-235, subject to the terms and conditions provided<br />

herein, as may be required as initial and replacement fuel in the operation<br />

of research reactors which the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, in consultation<br />

with the Commission, deci<strong>des</strong> to construct and as required in agreed<br />

experiments related thereto. Also, the Commission will lease to the Government<br />

of the Kingdom of Denmark uranium enriched in the isotope U-235, subject to<br />

the terms and conditions provided herein, as may be required as initial and replacement<br />

fuel in the operation of such research reactors as the Government of the<br />

Kingdom of Denmark may, in consultation with the Commission, decide to authorize<br />

private individuals or private organizations under its jurisdiction to construct<br />

and operate, provided the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark shall at all<br />

times maintain sufficient control of the material and the operation of the reactor<br />

to enable the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark to comply with the provisions<br />

of this Agreement and the applicable provisions of the lease arrangement.<br />

B. The quantity of uranium enriched in the isotope U-235 transferred by<br />

the Commission and in the custody of the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark<br />

shall not at any time be in excess of six (6) kilograms of contained U-235 in uranium<br />

enriched up to a maximum of twenty percent (20 %) U-235, plus such<br />

additional quantity as, in the opinion of the Commission, is necessary to permit<br />

the efficient and continuous operation of the reactor or reactors while replaced<br />

fuel elements are radioactively cooling in Denmark or while fuel elements are in<br />

transit, it being the intent of the Commission to make possible the maximum<br />

usefulness of the six (6) kilograms of said material.<br />

C. When any fuel elements containing U-235 leased by the Commission<br />

require replacement, they shall be returned to the Commission and, except as may<br />

be agreed, the form and content of the irradiated fuel elements shall not be altered<br />

after their removal from the reactor and prior to delivery to the Commission.<br />

D. The lease of uranium enriched in the isotope U-235 under this Article<br />

shall be at such charges and on such terms and conditions with respect to shipment<br />

and delivery as may be mutually agreed and under the conditions stated in<br />

Articles VI and VII.<br />

No. 3308

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