Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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222 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 No. 3304. AGREEMENT' FOR CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA CONCERNING CIVIL USES OF ATOMIC ENER- GY. SIGNED AT WASHINGTON, ON 18 JULY 1955 and Whereas the peaceful uses of atomic energy hold great promise for all mankind; Whereas the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of China desire to cooperate with each other in the development of such peaceful uses of atomic energy ; and Whereas there is well advanced the design and development of several types of research reactors (as defined in Article X of this Agreement) ; and Whereas research reactors are useful in the production of research quantities of radioisotopes, in medical therapy and in numerous other research activities and at the same time are a means of affording valuable training and experience in nuclear science and engineering useful in the development of other peaceful uses of atomic energy including civilian nuclear power; and Whereas the Government of the Republic of China desires to pursue a research and development program looking toward the realization of the peaceful and humanitarian uses of atomic energy and desires to obtain assistance from the Government of the United States of America and United States industry with respect to this program ; and Whereas the Government of the United States of America, represented by the United States Atomic Energy Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission"), desires to assist the Government of the Republic of China in such a program ; The Parties therefore agree as follows Article I Subject to the limitations of Article V, the Parties hereto will exchange information in the following fields : 3 Came into force on 18 July 1955, in accordance with article VIII.

1956 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 223 [TRADUCTION - TRANSLATION] No 3304. ACCORD DE COOPRIRATION I ENTRE LE GOU- VERNEMENT DES IPTATS-UNIS D'AMRRIQUE ET LE GOUVERNEMENT DE LA RtPUBLIQUE DE CHINE CONCERNANT L'UTILISATION DE L'RNERGIE ATO- MIQUE DANS LE DOMAINE CIVIL. SIGNR A WASHING- TON, LE 18 JUILLET 1955 Consid~rant que 1'utilisation de 1'6nergie atomique i des fins pacifiques ouvre des perspectives extr~mement prometteuses . l'humanit6 tout enti~re ; Consid~rant que le Gouvernement des Rtats-Unis d'Amdrique et le Gouvernement de la R~publique de Chine d6sirent coop~rer en vue de d6velopper l'utilisation de l'6nergie atomique A des fins pacifiques ; Consid~rant que 1'6tude et la mise au point de plusieurs types de piles de recherche (telles qu'elles sont ddfinies i l'article X du present Accord) sont fort avanc~es ; Consid~rant que les piles de recherche permettent de produire les quantit~s de radio-isotopes ndcessaires pour les recherches, qu'elles rendent des services en th~rapeutique et pour de nombreux autres travaux de recherche et qu'elles sont en mme temps un moyen d'acqudrir, dans le domaine de la science et de la technologie nucl6aires, une formation et une experience pr~cieuses qui contribueront au d~veloppement de l'utilisation de 1'6nergie atomique A d'autres fins pacifiques, et notamment h la production d'6nergie 6lectrique pour les besoins civils; Consid~rant que le Gouvernement de la Rpublique de Chine desire entreprendre un programme de recherches et d'applications en vue d'utiliser 1'6nergie atomique 6L des fins pacifiques et humanitaires et voudrait obtenir a cette fin 1'assistance du Gouvernement des ktats-Unis d'Am~rique et de l'industrie am6ricaine ; Consid~rant que le Gouvernement des Rtats-Unis d'Am~rique, repr~sent6 par la Commission de ]'6nergie atomique des Rtats-Unis (ci-apr~s d~nomm~e la (( Commission )), d~sire aider le Gouvernement de la R~publique de Chine a r6aliser un tel programme ; Les Parties sont convenues de ce qui suit Article premier Sous reserve des dispositions restrictives de l'article V, les Parties au present Accord 6changeront des renseignements sur les points suivants 1 EntrA en vigueur le 18 juillet 1955, conform~ment k 1'article VIII.

222 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1956<br />






and<br />

Whereas the peaceful uses of atomic energy hold great promise for all mankind;<br />

Whereas the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States of America and the Government<br />

of the Republic of China <strong>des</strong>ire to cooperate with each other in the development<br />

of such peaceful uses of atomic energy ; and<br />

Whereas there is well advanced the <strong>des</strong>ign and development of several types<br />

of research reactors (as defined in Article X of this Agreement) ; and<br />

Whereas research reactors are useful in the production of research quantities<br />

of radioisotopes, in medical therapy and in numerous other research activities<br />

and at the same time are a means of affording valuable training and experience in<br />

nuclear science and engineering useful in the development of other peaceful uses<br />

of atomic energy including civilian nuclear power; and<br />

Whereas the Government of the Republic of China <strong>des</strong>ires to pursue a research<br />

and development program looking toward the realization of the peaceful and<br />

humanitarian uses of atomic energy and <strong>des</strong>ires to obtain assistance from the<br />

Government of the <strong>United</strong> States of America and <strong>United</strong> States industry with<br />

respect to this program ; and<br />

Whereas the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States of America, represented by<br />

the <strong>United</strong> States Atomic Energy Commission (hereinafter referred to as the<br />

"Commission"), <strong>des</strong>ires to assist the Government of the Republic of China in such<br />

a program ;<br />

The Parties therefore agree as follows<br />

Article I<br />

Subject to the limitations of Article V, the Parties hereto will exchange<br />

information in the following fields :<br />

3 Came into force on 18 July 1955, in accordance with article VIII.

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