Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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168 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 Article IX It is the hope and expectation of the Parties that this initial Agreement for Cooperation will lead to consideration of further cooperation extending to the design, construction, and operation of power producing reactors. Accordingly, the Parties will consult with each other from time to time concerning the feasibility of an additional agreement for cooperation with respect to the production of power from atomic energy in Brazil. Article X For the purposes of this Agreement : A. "Commission" means the United States Atomic Energy Commission or its duly authorized representatives. B. "Equipment and devices" means any instrument or apparatus, and includes research reactors, as defined herein, and their component parts. C. "Research reactor" means a reactor which is designed for the production of neutrons and other radiations for general research and development purposes, medical therapy, or training in nuclear science and engineering. The term does not cover power reactors, power demonstration reactors, or reactors designed primarily for the production of special nuclear materials. D. The terms "Restricted Data", "atomic weapon", and "special nuclear material" are used in this Agreement as defined in the United States Atomic Energy Act of 1954. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed pursuant to duly constituted authority. DONE at Rio de Janeiro in duplicate this third day of August, 1955. No. 3300 For the Government of the United States of America James Clement DUNN Ambassador of the United States Alfonso TAMMARO Representative, United States Atomic Energy Commission For the Government of the United States of Brazil: Raul FERNANDES Minister of Foreign Affairs

1956 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 169 A rtigo IX R o desejo e esperanqa das Partes Contratantes que ste Ac6rdo inicial de cooperaao conduza a um mais estreito entendimento no tocante ao projeto, constru do e opera ao de reatores produtores de energia. Conseqtientemente, as Partes Contratantes consultar-se-do mituamente, de tempos em tempos, s6bre a exeqiiibilidade de um Ac6rdo adicional de cooperado para a produgdo de energia em reatores nucleares no Brasil. Para os prop6sitos d~ste Ac6rdo : Artigo X a) "Comissao", significa a Comissao de Energia At6mica dos Estados Unidos da America, ou seus representantes devidamente autorizados ; b) "Equipamento e Aparelhos", significa quaisquer instrumentos ou aparelhos e inclui reatores de pesquisa, como aqui definidos, e suas partes componentes; c) "Reator de pesquisa", significa um reator destinado A produ ao de neutrons e outras radiacbes para fins gerais de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, terapia m6dica ou treino em ci~ncia e engenharia nuclear. 0 t6rmo n5o inclui reatores de pot~ncia, reatores experimentais de pot~ncia, ou reatores projetados principalmente para a produ~ao de materiais nucleares especiais; d) Os trmos "dados confidenciais", "arma at6mica" e "material nuclear especial" sao usados neste Ac6rdo na acepqdo da Lei de Energia At6mica dos Estados Unidos da Am6rica, de 1954. EM TESTEMUNHO DO QUE, as Partes Contratantes firmaram 6ste Ac6rdo que deverd ser executado pelas autoridades devidamente constituidos. FEITO no Rio de Janeiro, aos tr~s dias do ms de ag6sto de mil novecentos e cinqiienta e cinco. Pelo Govrno dos Estados Unidos da America: James Clement DUNN Alfonso TAMMARO Pelo Gov~rno dos Estados Unidos do Brasil: Raul FERNANDES N* 3300

168 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1956<br />

Article IX<br />

It is the hope and expectation of the Parties that this initial Agreement for<br />

Cooperation will lead to consideration of further cooperation extending to the<br />

<strong>des</strong>ign, construction, and operation of power producing reactors. Accordingly,<br />

the Parties will consult with each other from time to time concerning the feasibility<br />

of an additional agreement for cooperation with respect to the production<br />

of power from atomic energy in Brazil.<br />

Article X<br />

For the purposes of this Agreement :<br />

A. "Commission" means the <strong>United</strong> States Atomic Energy Commission or<br />

its duly authorized representatives.<br />

B. "Equipment and devices" means any instrument or apparatus, and<br />

inclu<strong>des</strong> research reactors, as defined herein, and their component parts.<br />

C. "Research reactor" means a reactor which is <strong>des</strong>igned for the production<br />

of neutrons and other radiations for general research and development purposes,<br />

medical therapy, or training in nuclear science and engineering. The term does<br />

not cover power reactors, power demonstration reactors, or reactors <strong>des</strong>igned primarily<br />

for the production of special nuclear materials.<br />

D. The terms "Restricted Data", "atomic weapon", and "special nuclear<br />

material" are used in this Agreement as defined in the <strong>United</strong> States Atomic Energy<br />

Act of 1954.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be<br />

executed pursuant to duly constituted authority.<br />

DONE at Rio de Janeiro in duplicate this third day of August, 1955.<br />

No. 3300<br />

For the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States of America<br />

James Clement DUNN<br />

Ambassador of the <strong>United</strong> States<br />

Alfonso TAMMARO<br />

Representative, <strong>United</strong> States Atomic Energy Commission<br />

For the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States of Brazil:<br />

Raul FERNANDES<br />

Minister of Foreign Affairs

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