Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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6 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 (c) It will furnish all of the land, buildings, equipment, materials, and services required for the additional production facilities, except for the equipment and technical advice to be furnished by the Government of the United States, and will take whatever measures are required to accomplish the increase in production facilities envisaged in the program. (d) In order to safeguard the security of the increased productive capacity so urgently needed for the mutual defense of the North Atlantic Treaty countries, it will take appropriate steps to prevent the employment in such additional facilities of personnel who are Communists or affiliated with Communist-dominated labor organizations. (2) It is mutually understood that the appropriation of funds by the United States Congress for the Facilities Assistance Program was for the purpose of assisting in the creation of a net addition to European ammunition production capacity. In furtherance of this purpose, the Government of Italy undertakes that, subject to the voting by Parliament of the necessary funds, request for which will whenever necessary be made, it will maintain or cause to be maintained in usable condition a total production capacity for propellants and explosives which shall be not less than the aggregate of that now existing or already programmed for construction in Italy under public ownership and that resulting from the new facilities provided for hereunder under public ownership. The Government of Italy will, in addition, endeavor to assure that private industry will provide maintenance in usable condition of plants actually in existence or the construction of which is planned for the production of propellants and explosives. (3) The undertaking in paragraph (1) (b) and in paragraph (2) with respect to the maintenance of facilities is subject to the understanding that should changed conditions make continued compliance with this undertaking either unnecessary as a matter of defense or unfeasible, the Italian Government may, after consultation with the United States Government, modify this undertaking to accord with such changed conditions. (4) The Government of the United States will, subject to the terms and conditions of any applicable United States legislation, furnish to the Government of Italy such production equipment and technical advice as may be mutually arranged as provided in paragraph (5) hereof. (5) In carrying out the facilities assistance program, the two Governments, acting through their appropriate contracting officers, will enter into supplementary arrangements covering the specific projects involved, which will set forth the nature and amounts of the contributions to be made by the Government of the United States and the Government of Italy, the description and purpose of the facilities to be established, and other appropriate details. Such arrangements may include provisions for the procurement of equipment to be furnished by the United States Government from the Government of Italy under the offshore procurement program, and the transfer of such equipment to the Government of Italy in accordance with the provisions of the Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement. If these understandings meet with the approval of the Government of Italy, it is proposed that this note and the Ministry's reply shall be considered as consti- No. 3290

1956 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 7 c) A fournir tous les terrains, bfitiments, 6quipement, mati~res et services n~cessaires pour mettre en oeuvre les moyens de production additionnels, & l'exception de l'dquipement et des conseils techniques que fournira le Gouvernement des IRtats-Unis d'Amdrique, et 5. prendre toutes les mesures voulues pour permettre l'accroissement des moyens de production auquel vise le programme. d) Afin d'assurer la s6curit6 en ce qui concerne la capacit6 de production accrue, qui est une urgente n~cessit6 pour la d6fense mutuelle des P-tats parties au Trait6 de l'Atlantique Nord, & prendre les mesures n6cessaires pour emp6cher l'emploi, dans les moyens de production additionnels, de personnel communiste ou de personnel affili6 & des syndicats ouvriers d'ob~dience communiste. 2. I1 est convenu d'un commun accord que les credits affect~s par le Congr~s des L-tats-Unis au programme d'aide en moyens de production sont destines Z accroitre sensiblement la capacit6 de production de l'Europe en munitions. A cette fin, le Gouvernement italien s'engage, sous reserve du vote, par le Parlement, des cr6dits n6cessaires qu'il demandera en tant que de besoin, , tenir ou faire tenir disponible, outre les nouveaux moyens de production qui font l'objet du pr6sent accord, un potentiel de production de poudres et d'explosifs qui ne soit pas inf~rieur au potentiel actuel accru de celui dont la construction est d6jb pr6vue en Italie par les pouvoirs publics et de celui auquel donneront naissance les nouveaux moyens de production qui seront fournis aux pouvoirs publics conform6ment aux dispositions ci-apr6s. En outre, le Gouvernement italien s'efforcera d'obtenir que les entreprises priv6es entretiennent en bon 6tat les usines actuelles et celles dont la construction est pr6vue pour la production de poudres et d'explosifs. 3. Les engagements contenus & l'alin6a b du paragraphe I et au paragraphe 2 touchant la conservation des moyens de production doivent s'entendre sous r6serve que si les circonstances se modifient de mani~re & rendre l'ex~cution de ces engagements soit inutile pour la defense, soit irr6alisable, le Gouvernement italien, apr~s avoir conf6r6 avec le Gouvernement des Rtats-Unis d'Am6rique, pourra modifier ces engagements de fagon . tenir compte des nouvelles circonstances. 4. Sous reserve des clauses et jonditions de tout texte l6gislatif amdricain applicable, le Gouvernement des Rtats-Unis d'Am~rique fournira au Gouvernement italien le mat6riel de production et les conseils techniques convenus d'un commun accord, ainsi qu'il est pr~vu au paragraphe 5. 5. Dans l'ex~cution du programme d'aide en moyens de production, les deux Gouvernements, agissant par l'interm~diaire de leurs agents responsables, concluront, pour les diffrents projets pr6vus, des arrangements compl~mentaires prcisant la nature et le montant des contributions du Gouvernement des Rtats-Unis d'Am~rique et du Gouvernement italien, la description et la destination des moyens de production L cr6er, ainsi que tous autres details pertinents. Ces arrangements pourront comprendre, au titre du programme de commandes offshore, des dispositions touchant l'acquisition aupr~s du Gouvernement italien de l'6quipement h fournir par le Gouvernement des Rtats-Unis d'Am6rique et pr~voir la cession dudit 6quipement au. Gouvernement italien conform6ment aux dispositions de l'Accord d'aide pour la d6fense mutuelle. Si les points qui prcedent rencontrent l'agr~ment du Gouvernement italien, l'Ambassade des P-tats-Unis propose que la pr~sente note et la rdponse du Minist~re 235- 2 N- 3290

6 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1956<br />

(c) It will furnish all of the land, buildings, equipment, materials, and services required<br />

for the additional production facilities, except for the equipment and technical<br />

advice to be furnished by the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States, and will take<br />

whatever measures are required to accomplish the increase in production facilities<br />

envisaged in the program.<br />

(d) In order to safeguard the security of the increased productive capacity so urgently<br />

needed for the mutual defense of the North Atlantic <strong>Treaty</strong> countries, it will take<br />

appropriate steps to prevent the employment in such additional facilities of personnel<br />

who are Communists or affiliated with Communist-dominated labor organizations.<br />

(2) It is mutually understood that the appropriation of funds by the <strong>United</strong> States<br />

Congress for the Facilities Assistance Program was for the purpose of assisting in the<br />

creation of a net addition to European ammunition production capacity. In furtherance<br />

of this purpose, the Government of Italy undertakes that, subject to the voting by<br />

Parliament of the necessary funds, request for which will whenever necessary be made, it<br />

will maintain or cause to be maintained in usable condition a total production capacity<br />

for propellants and explosives which shall be not less than the aggregate of that now<br />

existing or already programmed for construction in Italy under public ownership and<br />

that resulting from the new facilities provided for hereunder under public ownership.<br />

The Government of Italy will, in addition, endeavor to assure that private industry will<br />

provide maintenance in usable condition of plants actually in existence or the construction<br />

of which is planned for the production of propellants and explosives.<br />

(3) The undertaking in paragraph (1) (b) and in paragraph (2) with respect to the<br />

maintenance of facilities is subject to the understanding that should changed conditions<br />

make continued compliance with this undertaking either unnecessary as a matter of<br />

defense or unfeasible, the Italian Government may, after consultation with the <strong>United</strong><br />

States Government, modify this undertaking to accord with such changed conditions.<br />

(4) The Government of the <strong>United</strong> States will, subject to the terms and conditions<br />

of any applicable <strong>United</strong> States legislation, furnish to the Government of Italy such<br />

production equipment and technical advice as may be mutually arranged as provided in<br />

paragraph (5) hereof.<br />

(5) In carrying out the facilities assistance program, the two Governments, acting<br />

through their appropriate contracting officers, will enter into supplementary arrangements<br />

covering the specific projects involved, which will set forth the nature and amounts of<br />

the contributions to be made by the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States and the Government<br />

of Italy, the <strong>des</strong>cription and purpose of the facilities to be established, and other<br />

appropriate details. Such arrangements may include provisions for the procurement of<br />

equipment to be furnished by the <strong>United</strong> States Government from the Government of<br />

Italy under the offshore procurement program, and the transfer of such equipment to<br />

the Government of Italy in accordance with the provisions of the Mutual Defense Assistance<br />

Agreement.<br />

If these understandings meet with the approval of the Government of Italy,<br />

it is proposed that this note and the Ministry's reply shall be considered as consti-<br />

No. 3290

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