Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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134 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 No. 3299. AGREEMENT' FOR CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF BELGIUM CONCERNING THE CIVIL USES OF ATOMIC ENERGY. SIGNED AT WASHINGTON, ON 15 JUNE 1955 Beginning with discussions in 1940 the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Belgium have cooperated with each other in the atomic energy field. As a result of these discussions, the Belgian Government and the Governments of the United States and the United Kingdom reached a common understanding as to the desirability during World War II, as well as in the future, that all uranium ores wherever located should be subject to effective control for the protection of civilization. To this end, the Government of Belgium undertook to insure effective control of such ores located in all territory subject to its authority. The Belgian Government has also made available Congo uranium ores to the United States and the United Kingdom through commercial contracts. The Belgian Government further undertook to use its best endeavors to supply such quantities of uranium ores as might be required by the Governments of the United States and the United Kingdom. The arrangements outlined above were on the understanding that Belgium would reserve for itself such quantities of uranium ores as might be required for its own scientific and industrial purposes. The Belgian Government, however, in deciding to utilize such ores as a source of energy for commercial power would do so in consultation and in agreement with the Governments of the United States and the United Kingdom. The latter on their part, agreed that the Belgian Government should participate on equitable terms in the utilization of these ores as a source of energy for commercial power at such time as the two Governments should decide to employ the ores for this purpose. Since that time the Government of Belgium has made available to the United States and to the United Kingdom, through commercial contracts, a vitally important quantity of uranium produced in the Belgian Congo and thus has made a unique contribution to the defense of the western world. The United States and the United Kingdom have assisted in the development of the Congo uranium properties and have assisted the Government of Belgium in the establishment of 1 In accordance with article II, the Agreement came into force on 21 July 1955, the date of receipt by the Government of Belgium of a notification from the Government of the United States of America that the period of thirty days required by the United States Atomic Energy Act of 1954 had elapsed.

1956 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 135 No 3299. ACCORD' DE COOP!IRATION ENTRE LE GOU- VERNEMENT DES ]RTATS-UNIS D'AMIRRIQUE ET LE GOUVERNEMENT BELGE RELATIF AUX USAGES CI- VILS DE L'flNERGIE ATOMIQUE. SIGNR A WASHING- TON, LE 15 JUIN 1955 Le Gouvernement des ttats-Unis et le Gouvernement belge collaborent dans le domaine de 1'6nergie atomique, depuis 1940, date h laquelle ils engag&rent des pourparlers h cet effet. A la suite de ces pourparlers, les Gouvernements des ttats-Unis et du Royaume- Uni et le Gouvernement belge reconnurent la n~cessit6 de soumettre h un contr6le efficace, pour assurer la protection de la civilisation pendant la seconde guerre mondiale ainsi que dans le futur, tous les minerais d'uranium, quel que soit le lieu oh ils sont situds. A cette fin, le Gouvernement belge s'engagea h contr6ler effectivement les minerais d'uranium qui se trouvent dans les territoires soumis son autorit6. Le Gouvernement belge mit 6galement la disposition des ]Ztats-Unis et du Royaume-Uni, h l'intervention de contrats commerciaux, les minerais d'uranium produits au Congo. Le Gouvernement belge donna aussi l'assurance qu'il s'efforcerait de fournir les quantit~s de minerais d'uranium que demanderaient les Gouvernements des ttats-Unis et du Royaume-Uni. Les arrangements bri~vement d~crits ci-dessus prenaient en consideration le fait que la Belgique rdserverait pour son usage les quantitds de minerais d'uranium que demanderaient ses projets scientifiques et industriels. Cependant, le Gouvernement belge admettait qu'il n'utiliserait ces minerais comme source d'6nergie commerciale qu'apr~s consultation et en accord avec les Gouvernements des Atats- Unis et du Royaume-Uni. Ces derniers, de leur c6t6, reconnaissaient que le Gouvernement belge participerait des termes 6quitables dans l'utilisation de ces minerais comme source d'6nergie commerciale d~s que les deux Gouvernements d~cideront d'employer les minerais dans ce but. Depuis lors, le Gouvernement belge a mis h. la disposition des titats-Unis et du Royaume-Uni, h i'intervention de contrats commerciaux, de i'uranium produit au Congo belge en quantit6 d'importance vitale, et a apport6 ainsi une contribution unique . la d6fense du monde occidental. Les ]-tats-Unis et le Royaume- Uni ont aid6 au ddveloppement des mines d'uranium du Congo et ont pr~t6 assistance au Gouvernement belge pour l'6tablissement d'un programme de recherche 1 Conform6ment L Particle II, l'Accord est entr6 en vigueur le 21 juillet 1955, date h. laquelle le Gouvernement belge a requ du Gouvernement des P-tats-Unis d'Am6rique notification de l'expiration de la p6riode de trente jours exig~e par la loi des ttats-Unis de 1954 sur 1'6nergie atomique. 235- 10

134 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1956<br />






Beginning with discussions in 1940 the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States of<br />

America and the Government of Belgium have cooperated with each other in the<br />

atomic energy field.<br />

As a result of these discussions, the Belgian Government and the Governments<br />

of the <strong>United</strong> States and the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom reached a common understanding<br />

as to the <strong>des</strong>irability during World War II, as well as in the future, that all uranium<br />

ores wherever located should be subject to effective control for the protection of<br />

civilization. To this end, the Government of Belgium undertook to insure effective<br />

control of such ores located in all territory subject to its authority.<br />

The Belgian Government has also made available Congo uranium ores to the<br />

<strong>United</strong> States and the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom through commercial contracts. The<br />

Belgian Government further undertook to use its best endeavors to supply such<br />

quantities of uranium ores as might be required by the Governments of the <strong>United</strong><br />

States and the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom.<br />

The arrangements outlined above were on the understanding that Belgium<br />

would reserve for itself such quantities of uranium ores as might be required for<br />

its own scientific and industrial purposes. The Belgian Government, however,<br />

in deciding to utilize such ores as a source of energy for commercial power would<br />

do so in consultation and in agreement with the Governments of the <strong>United</strong> States<br />

and the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom. The latter on their part, agreed that the Belgian<br />

Government should participate on equitable terms in the utilization of these ores<br />

as a source of energy for commercial power at such time as the two Governments<br />

should decide to employ the ores for this purpose.<br />

Since that time the Government of Belgium has made available to the <strong>United</strong><br />

States and to the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom, through commercial contracts, a vitally important<br />

quantity of uranium produced in the Belgian Congo and thus has made a<br />

unique contribution to the defense of the western world. The <strong>United</strong> States and<br />

the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom have assisted in the development of the Congo uranium<br />

properties and have assisted the Government of Belgium in the establishment of<br />

1 In accordance with article II, the Agreement came into force on 21 July 1955, the date of<br />

receipt by the Government of Belgium of a notification from the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States<br />

of America that the period of thirty days required by the <strong>United</strong> States Atomic Energy Act of<br />

1954 had elapsed.

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