Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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128 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 B. The Government of the Argentine Republic agrees to maintain such safeguards as are necessary to assure that all other reactor materials, including equipment and devices, purchased in the United States under this Agreement by the Government of the Argentine Republic or authorized persons under its jurisdiction, shall be used solely for the design, construction, and operation of research reactors which the Government of the Argentine Republic decides to construct and operate and for research in connection therewith, except as may otherwise be agreed. C. In regard to research reactors constructed pursuant to this Agreement the Government of the Argentine Republic agrees to maintain records relating to power levels of operation and burnup of reactor fuels and to make annual reports to the Commission on these subjects. If the Commission requests, the Government of the Argentine Republic will permit Commission representatives to observe from time to time the condition and use of any leased material and to observe the performance of the reactor in which the material is used. Article VII GUARANTIES PRESCRIBED BY THE UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1954 The Government of the Argentine Republic guarantees that: A. Safeguards provided in Article VI shall be maintained. B. No material, including equipment and devices, transferred to the Government of the Argentine Republic or authorized persons under its jurisdiction, pursuant to this Agreement, by lease, sale, or otherwise will be used for atomic weapons or for research on or development of atomic weapons or for any other military purposes, and that no such material, including equipment and devices, will be transferred to unauthorized persons or beyond the jurisdiction of the Government of the Argentine Republic except as the Commission may agree to such transfer to another nation and then only if in the opinion of the Commission such transfer falls within the scope of an agreement for cooperation between the United States and the other nation. A rticle VIII This Agreement shall enter into force on July 29, 1955 and remain in force until July 28, 1960, inclusively, and shall be subject to renewal as may be mutually agreed. At the expiration of this Agreement or an extension thereof the Government of the Argentine Republic shall deliver to the United States all fuel elements containing reactor fuels leased by the Commission and any other fuel material leased by the Commission. Such fuel elements and such fuel materials shall be Nc. 3298

1956 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitls 129 B. Le Gouvernement de la R~publique Argentine s'engage A appliquer les mesures de protection n~cessaires pour garantir que tous les autres mat~riaux constitutifs des piles, y compris le materiel et les dispositifs, achet~s aux ttats-Unis en vertu du present Accord par le Gouvernement de la R~publique Argentine ou par des personnes autoris~es relevant de sa juridiction, serviront uniquement & l'6tude, h la construction et au fonctionnement des piles de recherche que le Gouvernement de la R~publique Argentine d~cidera de construire et de faire fonctionner et aux recherches connexes, A moins que les Parties n'en conviennent autrement. C. Pour les piles de recherche construites en application du present Accord, le Gouvernement de la R~publique Argentine s'engage noter r~gulirement les valeurs de puissance de fonctionnement et les taux de consommation des combustibles nucl~aires et presenter des rapports annuels h la Commission A leur sujet. Si la Commission le demande, le Gouvernement de la R~publique Argentine permettra & des reprsentants de la Commission de se rendre compte par eux-m~mes p~riodiquement de l'6tat et de l'emploi des mat~riaux lou6s et d'observer la marche du r~acteur dans lequel ces mat~riaux sont utilis~s. A rticle VII GARANTIES EXIGtES PAR LA LOI AMI-RICAINE DE 1954 SUR L'tNERGIE ATOMIQUE Le Gouvernement de la R~publique Argentine garantit : A. Qu'il prendra et appliquera les mesures de protection pr6vues h l'article VI. B. Que les mat~riaux, y compris le mat6riel et les dispositifs, transf6rms en vertu du present Accord au Gouvernement de la R~publique Argentine et aux personnes autoris~es relevant de sa juridiction, par location, vente ou autrement, ne seront pas utilis6s pour la fabrication d'armes atomiques ni dans des recherches ou des applications concernant les armes atomiques ni aucune autre fin militaire, et que ces mat~riaux, y compris le materiel et les dispositifs, ne seront pas transforms h des personnes non autorises par le Gouvernement de la R~publique Argentine ou ne relevant pas de sa juridiction, A moins que la Commission n'accepte qu'ils soient transforms & une autre nation, auquel cas ils le seront uniquement si, de l'avis de la Commission, ce transfert s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un accord de cooperation entre les ttats-Unis et l'autre nation. Article VIII Le present Accord entrera en vigueur le 29 juillet 1955 et demeurera applicable jusqu'au28 juillet 1960 inclusivement; il pourra tre renouvel6 d'un commun accord. A l'expiration du present Accord ou de la p~riode de prolongation, le Gouvernement de la R~publique Argentine livrera aux ttats-Unis toutes les cartouches actives contenant des combustibles nucl~aires louts par la Commission et tous autres combustibles nucl~aires lou~s par la Commission. Ces cartouches actives et NO 3298

128 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1956<br />

B. The Government of the Argentine Republic agrees to maintain such safeguards<br />

as are necessary to assure that all other reactor materials, including equipment<br />

and devices, purchased in the <strong>United</strong> States under this Agreement by the<br />

Government of the Argentine Republic or authorized persons under its jurisdiction,<br />

shall be used solely for the <strong>des</strong>ign, construction, and operation of research reactors<br />

which the Government of the Argentine Republic deci<strong>des</strong> to construct and operate<br />

and for research in connection therewith, except as may otherwise be agreed.<br />

C. In regard to research reactors constructed pursuant to this Agreement the<br />

Government of the Argentine Republic agrees to maintain records relating to power<br />

levels of operation and burnup of reactor fuels and to make annual reports to the<br />

Commission on these subjects. If the Commission requests, the Government<br />

of the Argentine Republic will permit Commission representatives to observe from<br />

time to time the condition and use of any leased material and to observe the performance<br />

of the reactor in which the material is used.<br />

Article VII<br />


The Government of the Argentine Republic guarantees that:<br />

A. Safeguards provided in Article VI shall be maintained.<br />

B. No material, including equipment and devices, transferred to the Government<br />

of the Argentine Republic or authorized persons under its jurisdiction,<br />

pursuant to this Agreement, by lease, sale, or otherwise will be used for atomic<br />

weapons or for research on or development of atomic weapons or for any other<br />

military purposes, and that no such material, including equipment and devices, will<br />

be transferred to unauthorized persons or beyond the jurisdiction of the Government<br />

of the Argentine Republic except as the Commission may agree to such transfer<br />

to another nation and then only if in the opinion of the Commission such transfer<br />

falls within the scope of an agreement for cooperation between the <strong>United</strong> States<br />

and the other nation.<br />

A rticle VIII<br />

This Agreement shall enter into force on July 29, 1955 and remain in force<br />

until July 28, 1960, inclusively, and shall be subject to renewal as may be mutually<br />

agreed.<br />

At the expiration of this Agreement or an extension thereof the Government<br />

of the Argentine Republic shall deliver to the <strong>United</strong> States all fuel elements<br />

containing reactor fuels leased by the Commission and any other fuel material<br />

leased by the Commission. Such fuel elements and such fuel materials shall be<br />

Nc. 3298

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