Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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104 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 Yugoslav Governments undertake to conclude a detailed agreement within six months of the date of initialling of this Memorandum of Understanding. 9. This Memorandum of Understanding will be communicated to the Security Council of the United Nations. London, the 5th of October, 1954 ANNEX II SPECIAL STATUTE L. E. T. (Llewellyn E. THOMPSON) M. B. (Manlio BROSlO) G. W. H. (Geoffrey W. HARRISON) V. V. (Dr. Vladimir VELEBIT) Whereas it is the common intention of the Italian and Yugoslav Governments to ensure human rights and fundamental freedoms without discrimination of race, sex, language and religion in the areas coming under their administration under the terms of the present Memorandum of Understanding, it is agreed : 1. In the administration of their respective areas the Italian and Yugoslav authorities shall act in accordance with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on the 10th of December, 1948,' so that all inhabitants of the two areas without discrimination may fully enjoy the fundamental rights and freedoms laid down in the aforesaid Declaration. 2. The members of the Yugoslav ethnic group in the area administered by Italy and the members of the Italian ethnic group in the area administered by Yugoslavia shall enjoy equality of rights and treatment with the other inhabitants of the two areas. This equality implies that they shall enjoy (a) equality with other citizens regarding political and civil rights as well as other human rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed by Article 1 ; (b) equal rights in acquiring or performing any public services, functions, professions and honours; (c) equality of access to public and administrative office ; in this regard the Italian and Yugoslav administrations will be guided by the principle of facilitating for the Yugoslav ethnic group and for the Italian ethnic group, respectively, under their administration I United Nations, Official Records of the General Assembly, Third session, Part I, Resolutions, p. 71. No. 3297

1956 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 105 des dispositions du prdsent paragraphe, le Gouvernement italien et le Gouvernement yougoslave s'engagent ) conclure un accord ddtaill6 dans les six mois qui suivront le paraphe du present M~morandum d'accord. 9. Le present Mmorandum d'accord sera communiqud au Conseil de s~curit6 des Nations Unies. Londres, le 5 octobre 1954 ANNEXE II STATUT SPICIAL L. E. T. (Llewellyn E. THOMPSON) M. B. (Manlio BROSlO) G. W. H. (Geoffrey W. HARRISON) V.V. (Vladimir VELEBIT) Consid6rant que le Gouvernement italien et le Gouvernement yougoslave ont la commune intention de garantir, dans les zones plac~es sous leur administration en vertu du present m~morandum d'accord, la jouissance des droits de l'homme et des libert~s fondamentales, sans distinction de race, de sexe, de langue et de religion, i est convenu de ce qui suit : 1. Dans l'administration de leurs zones respectives, les autorit6s italiennes et yougoslaves agiront conform~ment aux principes de la Declaration universelle des droits de l'homme adopt~e par l'Assembl~e g6n6rale des Nations Unies le 10 d6cembre 19481, de telle sorte que tous les habitants des deux zones puissent jouir pleinement, sans discrimination, des droits et des libert6s fondamentales 6nonces dans ladite D6claration. 2. Les membres du groupe ethnique yougoslave dans la zone administr~e par l'Italie et les membres du groupe ethnique italien dans la zone administr~e par la Yougoslavie jouiront des m~mes droits et du mime traitement que les autres habitants des deux zones. Cette dgalit6 implique qu'ils jouiront : a) De 'dgalitd avec les autres citoyens en ce qui concerne les droits politiques et civils, ainsi que les autres droits de l'homme et libert~s fondamentales garantis par l'article premier ; b) De droits 6gaux pour l'obtention ou l'exercice de tous services, foncfions, professions et honneurs de caract~re public; c) De l'6galit6 d'acc6s aux fonctions publiques et administratives; A cet 6gard, l'administration italienne et l'administration yougoslave auront pour principe de faciliter, au groupe ethnique yougoslave et au groupe ethnique italien plac6s sous leurs admi- 1 Nations Unies, Documents ofliciels de l'Assemblde gdndrale, troisiime session, premiere partie, Rdsolutions, p. 71. N- 3297

104 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1956<br />

Yugoslav Governments undertake to conclude a detailed agreement within six<br />

months of the date of initialling of this Memorandum of Understanding.<br />

9. This Memorandum of Understanding will be communicated to the Security<br />

Council of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>.<br />

London, the 5th of October, 1954<br />

ANNEX II<br />


L. E. T.<br />

(Llewellyn E. THOMPSON)<br />

M. B.<br />

(Manlio BROSlO)<br />

G. W. H.<br />

(Geoffrey W. HARRISON)<br />

V. V.<br />

(Dr. Vladimir VELEBIT)<br />

Whereas it is the common intention of the Italian and Yugoslav Governments to<br />

ensure human rights and fundamental freedoms without discrimination of race, sex,<br />

language and religion in the areas coming under their administration under the terms of<br />

the present Memorandum of Understanding, it is agreed :<br />

1. In the administration of their respective areas the Italian and Yugoslav authorities<br />

shall act in accordance with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights<br />

adopted by the General Assembly of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> on the 10th of December, 1948,'<br />

so that all inhabitants of the two areas without discrimination may fully enjoy the fundamental<br />

rights and freedoms laid down in the aforesaid Declaration.<br />

2. The members of the Yugoslav ethnic group in the area administered by Italy and<br />

the members of the Italian ethnic group in the area administered by Yugoslavia shall<br />

enjoy equality of rights and treatment with the other inhabitants of the two areas.<br />

This equality implies that they shall enjoy<br />

(a) equality with other citizens regarding political and civil rights as well as other human<br />

rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed by Article 1 ;<br />

(b) equal rights in acquiring or performing any public services, functions, professions and<br />

honours;<br />

(c) equality of access to public and administrative office ; in this regard the Italian and<br />

Yugoslav administrations will be guided by the principle of facilitating for the Yugoslav<br />

ethnic group and for the Italian ethnic group, respectively, under their administration<br />

I <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, Official Records of the General Assembly, Third session, Part I, Resolutions,<br />

p. 71.<br />

No. 3297

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