LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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88 Socdte' des Nations - Recueil des Traite's. 1931 y payent les taxes et imp6ts 6tablis par la loi, auront le droit, soit personnellement, soit par des voyageurs A leur service, de faire des achats dans le territoire de l'autre Haute Partie contractante, chez les n6gociants ou producteurs ou dans les locaux de vente publique. 2. Ils pourront aussi prendre des commandes, m~me sur 6chantillons, chez les n~gociants ou autres personnes qui, pour leu? commerce ou leur industrie, utilisent des marchandises correspondant A des 6chantillons. Ni dans un pays ni dans l'autre, ils ne seront soumis, h ce titre, au payement d'une taxe sp~ciale. 3. Les dispositions ci-dessus ne s'appliquent pas aux industries ambulantes, au colportage et A la recherche de commande chez les personnes n'exer'ant ni industrie, ni commerce, et les Hautes Parties contractantes se r6servent, L cet 6gard, 'entire libert6 de leur l6gislation. 4. Les voyageurs de commerce tch~coslovaques et roumains, munis d'une carte de l6gitimation d6livr~e par les autorit~s de leurs pays respectifs, auront le droit d'avoir avec eux des 6chantillons ou des modules, mais non des marchandises. 5. Les Hautes Parties contractantes se donneront r~ciproquement connaissance des autorit~s charg~es de d~livrer les cartes de lgitimation, ainsi que des dispositions auxquelles ces voyageurs doivent se conformer dans 1'exercice de leur commerce. 6.'En ce qui concerne les cartes de lgitimation pour les voyageurs de commerce, ainsi que le regime a appliquer aux 6chantillons ou aux modules, les Hautes Parties contractantes devront se conformer aux stipulations de la Convention internationale pour la simplification des formalit6s douani~res conclue A Gen~ve le 3 novembre 1923. Article XXII. i. Le r~gime de l'importation, du transit, du transbordement et du passage des animaux sera d~termin6 par les exigences d'ordre sanitaire v6t6rinaire, conform6ment aux lois de police sanitaire v~t~rinaire de chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes. 2. A cet effet, les Hautes Parties contractantes ont conclu une convention sp~ciale r~glant le r6gime de l'importation et du transit des animaux et des produits animaux et faisant partie int~grante du present trait6 (Annexe D). Article XXIII. i. Les Hautes Parties contractantes s'accorderont r~ciproquement la libert6 du transit travers leur territoire et elles s'engagent a ne percevoir, de ce chef, aucun droit de transit. 2. En g~n~ral, les Hautes Parties contractantes se conformeront quant au transit, aux dispositions contenues dans le Statut faisant partie int~grante de la Convention' sur la libert6 du transit sign~e A Barcelone le 20 avril 1921. Article XXIV. i. Pour le trafic postal mutuel, les dispositions des conventions et des arrangements postaux universels font loi, en tant que ce trafic, pour certaines esp~ces d'envois, ne soit pas r~gl6 par un accord special entre les Administrations postales des Hautes Parties contractantes. A l'6change r~ciproque des envois postaux sont donc accord6es toutes les facilit~s possibles qui ne sont pas en contradiction avec les lois et les prescriptions internes d'une des Hautes Parties contractantes, afin que toutes les deux administrations, sous tous les rapports et notamment quant A la r~gularit6 I Vol. VII, page ii; vol. XI, page 406; vol. XV, page 304; vol. XIX, page 278 ; vol. XXIV, page 154; vol. XXXI, page 244; vol. XXXV, page 298; vol. XXXIX, page 166; vol. LIX, page 344; vol. LXIX, page 70; vol. LXXXIII, page 373 ; vol. XCII, page 363 ; vol. XCVI, page 181 ; et vol. CIV, page 495, de ce recueil. No, 2742

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 89 pay their legal contributions and taxes there, shall have the right, either personally or through travellers in their employ, to make purchases in the territory of the other High Contracting Party, from merchants or producers or in the public market. 2. They may also solicit orders, with on without the aid of samples, from merchants or other persons who, in their trade or industry, use goods corresponding to the samples. They shall not be liable on this account to the payment of any special charge in either country. 3. The above provisions shall not apply to itinerant trading or to hawking and the soliciting of orders from persons who are not engaged in industry or trade, and the High Contracting Parties reserve complete legislative freedom in this respect. 4. Czechoslovak and Roumanian commercial travellers inpossession of an identity card issued by the authorities of their respective countries shall be entitled to carry with them samples or models, but not goods. 5. The High Contracting Parties shall communicate to each other the names of the authorities competent to issue identity cards as also the regulations with which such travellers must comply in the exercise of their trade. 6. As regards identity cards for commercial travellers and the system to be applied in the matter of samples or models, the High Contracting Parties must comply with the provisions of the International Convention relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities, concluded at Geneva on November 3, 1923. Article XXII. i. The rules governing the importation, transit, transhipment or passage of animals shall be determined by veterinary requirements, in accordance with the veterinary police regulations of each of the High Contracting Parties. 2. To this end the High Contracting Parties have concluded a special convention regulating the importation and transit of animals and animals products, which forms an integral part of the present Treaty (Annex D). Article XXIII. i. The High Contracting Parties shall accord to each another freedom of transit over their territories and undertake not to levy any transit duty in respect thereof. 2. In general, the High Contracting Parties shall, as regards transit, comply with the provisions of the Statute forming an integral part of the Convention' on Freedom of Transit, signed at Barcelona on April 20, 1921. Article XXIV. i. Postal communications between the two countries shall be governed by the provisions of the international postal conventions and agreements, in so far as such relations are not, in respect of certain classes of mails, regulated by a special agreement between the postal authorities of the High Contracting Parties. The mutual exchange of mails shall thus receive all possible facilities which are not in conflict with the internal laws and regulations of either of the High Contracting Parties, in order that the two administrations may be in a position in every respect, and more Vol. VII, page ii ; Vol. XI, page 407; Vol. XV, page 305; Vol. XIX, page 279; Vol. XXIV, page 155.; Vol. XXXI, page 245; Vol. XXXV, page 299; Vol. XXXIX, page 166; Vol. LIX, page 344 ; Vol. LXIX, page 70 ; Vol. LXXXIII, page 373 ; Vol. XCII, page 363 ; Vol. XCVI, page 181 ; and Vol. CIV, page 495, of this Series: No. 2742

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 89<br />

pay their legal contributions and taxes there, shall have the right, either personally or through<br />

travellers in their employ, to make purchases in the territory of the other High Contracting Party,<br />

from merchants or producers or in the public market.<br />

2. They may also solicit orders, with on without the aid of samples, from merchants or other<br />

persons who, in their trade or industry, use goods corresponding to the samples. They shall not<br />

be liable on this account to the payment of any special charge in either country.<br />

3. The above provisions shall not apply to itinerant trading or to hawking and the soliciting<br />

of orders from persons who are not engaged in industry or trade, and the High Contracting Parties<br />

reserve complete legislative freedom in this respect.<br />

4. Czechoslovak and Roumanian commercial travellers inpossession of an identity card issued<br />

by the authorities of their respective countries shall be entitled to carry with them samples or<br />

models, but not goods.<br />

5. The High Contracting Parties shall communicate to each other the names of the authorities<br />

competent to issue identity cards as also the regulations with which such travellers must comply<br />

in the exercise of their trade.<br />

6. As regards identity cards for commercial travellers and the system to be applied in the<br />

matter of samples or models, the High Contracting Parties must comply with the provisions of<br />

the International Convention relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities, concluded at<br />

Geneva on November 3, 1923.<br />

Article XXII.<br />

i. The rules governing the importation, transit, transhipment or passage of animals shall<br />

be determined by veterinary requirements, in accordance with the veterinary police regulations<br />

of each of the High Contracting Parties.<br />

2. To this end the High Contracting Parties have concluded a special convention regulating<br />

the importation and transit of animals and animals products, which forms an integral part of the<br />

present <strong>Treaty</strong> (Annex D).<br />

Article XXIII.<br />

i. The High Contracting Parties shall accord to each another freedom of transit over their<br />

territories and undertake not to levy any transit duty in respect thereof.<br />

2. In general, the High Contracting Parties shall, as regards transit, comply with the provisions<br />

of the Statute forming an integral part of the Convention' on Freedom of Transit, signed at<br />

Barcelona on April 20, 1921.<br />

Article XXIV.<br />

i. Postal communications between the two countries shall be governed by the provisions<br />

of the international postal conventions and agreements, in so far as such relations are not, in respect<br />

of certain classes of mails, regulated by a special agreement between the postal authorities of the<br />

High Contracting Parties. The mutual exchange of mails shall thus receive all possible facilities<br />

which are not in conflict with the internal laws and regulations of either of the High Contracting<br />

Parties, in order that the two administrations may be in a position in every respect, and more<br />

Vol. VII, page ii ; Vol. XI, page 407; Vol. XV, page 305; Vol. XIX, page 279; Vol. XXIV, page<br />

155.; Vol. XXXI, page 245; Vol. XXXV, page 299; Vol. XXXIX, page 166; Vol. LIX, page 344 ;<br />

Vol. LXIX, page 70 ; Vol. LXXXIII, page 373 ; Vol. XCII, page 363 ; Vol. XCVI, page 181 ; and Vol.<br />

CIV, page 495, of this Series:<br />

No. 2742

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