LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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58 Socidte' des Nations - Recuei des Traite's. 1931 Article 7. Les ressortissants de chacune des deux Hautes Parties contractantes jouiront, sur le territoire de l'autre Partie, pour tout ce qui concerne la protection 16gale et judiciaire de leur personne et de leurs biens, du m~me traitement que les nationaux. Ils auront, en cons~quence, libre et facile acc~s aupr~s des tribunaux et pourront ester en justice aux m~mes conditions que les nationaux. I1 sera fait exception aux stipulations ci-dessus pour les dispositions relatives la caution judicatum solvi et h l'assistance judiciaire gratuite, lesquelles questions seront r~glkes ult~rieurement par un accord sp~cial . intervenir entre les deux Parties. Article 8. Les soci6t~s anonymes et autres soci~te's economiques, y compris les soci~t~s industrielles, financi~res, de communications, de transports et d'assurances, qui ont 6t6 1kgalement constitu~es et ont leur si~ge sur le territoire de l'une des Hautes Parties contractantes, seront reconnues sur le territoire de l'autre Partie et pourront, en cons6quence, y ester en justice, soit pour intenter une action, soit pour se d~fendre. Relativement au droit d'exercer leur activit6 sur le territoire de l'autre Partie contractante, elles jouiront de tous les droits et privileges qui sont ou pourront tre reconnus aux soci~t6s similaires de la nation la plus favoris*e A cet 6gard. Lesdites soci~ts ne seront pas assujetties A des imp6ts, taxes ou charges plus 6lev~es que les socifts similaires de la nation la plus favoris6e. A tous autres 6gards, il sera fait application, en ce qui concerne les soci~ts vises au present article, du traitement de la nation la plus favoris6e. Article 9. I1 est convenu qu'aucune des Hautes Parties contractantes ne pourra invoquer le b~n~fice r~sultant de la clause de la nation la plus favorisie, 6nonc~e dans le prisent chapitre, pour rclamer en faveur de ses ressortissants ou soci~ts des droits autres ou plus 6tendus que ceux accord~s par elle-m~me aux ressortissants ou soci~ts de l'autre Partie contractante. CHAPITRE 11 COMMERCE ET NAVIGATION. Article io. Les produits du sol et de 1industrie originaires de lun des deux pays ne pourront dans aucun cas 6tre soumis h leur importation dans l'autre Pays, en ce qui concerne les droits de douane et les coefficients ou surtaxes, ni sous aucun autre rapport, A un traitement moins favorable que celui qui est actuellement ou pourrait tre accord6 A l'avenir aux produits similaires d'un pays tiers. Article ii. Les produits qui seront export6s du territoire de l'une des Hautes Parties contractantes Ii destination du territoire de l'autre ne seront pas assujettis A des droits ou charges autres ou plus 6lev~s que ceux qui sont ou pourront tre appliqu6s aux produits similaires exportis h destination de la nation la plus favoris~e. No 2740

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 59 Article 7. Nationals of either High Contracting Party shall, in all matters connected with the legal and judicial protection of their person and property, enjoy in the territory of the other the same treatment as nationals of the country. Consequently, they shall have free and unhindered access to the courts and may sue or be sued under the same conditions as nationals of the country. An exception shall be made to the above clauses in respect of provisions concerning security for costs and free legal aid, which questions shall be settled later by a special agreement to be concluded between the two Parties. Article 8. Joint stock companies and other economic companies, including industrial, financial, communications, transport and insurance companies, which have been legally constituted and have their seat in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, shall be recognised in the territory of the other Party and shall therefore be entitled to bring or defend actions before the courts of that country. With regard to the right of carrying on their activities in the territory of the other Contracting Party, they shall enjoy all rights and privileges which are or may in future be granted to similar companies of the nation most favoured in that respect. The said companies shall not be liable to any imposts, taxes or charges higher than similar companies of the most favoured nation. In all other respects, most-favoured-nation treatment shall be granted to the companies referred to in this Article. Article 9. It is agreed that neither High Contracting Party may appeal to the benefits resulting from the most-favoured-nation clause as stipulated in the present chapter for the purpose of claiming for its nationals or companies any rights other or more extensive than those which it grants itself to the nationals and companies of the other Contracting Party. CHAPTER II. COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION. Article Io. Products of the soil and industry originating in one of the two countries shall in no case, when imported into the other country, receive less favourable treatment as regards Customs duties and co-efficients or extra charges in any respect whatever than that which is granted or may in future be granted to similar products of any third country. Article ii. Products exported from the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties and consigned to the territory of the other shall not be liable to duties or charges other or higher than those that are or may in future be applied to similar products exported to the territory of the most favoured nation. No. 2740

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 59<br />

Article 7.<br />

Nationals of either High Contracting Party shall, in all matters connected with the legal and<br />

judicial protection of their person and property, enjoy in the territory of the other the same treatment<br />

as nationals of the country. Consequently, they shall have free and unhindered access to the courts<br />

and may sue or be sued under the same conditions as nationals of the country. An exception<br />

shall be made to the above clauses in respect of provisions concerning security for costs and free<br />

legal aid, which questions shall be settled later by a special agreement to be concluded between the<br />

two Parties.<br />

Article 8.<br />

Joint stock companies and other economic companies, including industrial, financial,<br />

communications, transport and insurance companies, which have been legally constituted and have<br />

their seat in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, shall be recognised in the territory<br />

of the other Party and shall therefore be entitled to bring or defend actions before the courts of<br />

that country. With regard to the right of carrying on their activities in the territory of the other<br />

Contracting Party, they shall enjoy all rights and privileges which are or may in future be granted<br />

to similar companies of the nation most favoured in that respect. The said companies shall not be<br />

liable to any imposts, taxes or charges higher than similar companies of the most favoured nation.<br />

In all other respects, most-favoured-nation treatment shall be granted to the companies<br />

referred to in this Article.<br />

Article 9.<br />

It is agreed that neither High Contracting Party may appeal to the benefits resulting from the<br />

most-favoured-nation clause as stipulated in the present chapter for the purpose of claiming for<br />

its nationals or companies any rights other or more extensive than those which it grants itself to the<br />

nationals and companies of the other Contracting Party.<br />



Article Io.<br />

Products of the soil and industry originating in one of the two countries shall in no case, when<br />

imported into the other country, receive less favourable treatment as regards Customs duties and<br />

co-efficients or extra charges in any respect whatever than that which is granted or may in future<br />

be granted to similar products of any third country.<br />

Article ii.<br />

Products exported from the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties and consigned to the<br />

territory of the other shall not be liable to duties or charges other or higher than those that are or<br />

may in future be applied to similar products exported to the territory of the most favoured nation.<br />

No. 2740

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