LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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40 Socidt6 des Nations - Recuei des Trait s. 1931 Cette organisation sera d~finie d'un commun accord par les deux gouvernements ; d'ores et d~jh les grandes lignes en sont indiqu~es dans l'annexe i la pr~sente convention. Elle sera poursuivie de mani~re A permettre dans le plus bref d~lai possible une exploitation a6rienne continue tant de jour que de nuit. Les deux soci~t~s frangaise et belge pourront utiliser l'une et l'autre cette infrastructure dans des conditions identiques en se conformant aux r~gles d'utilisation prescrites par les gouvernements. Les r~tributions et taxes L payer pour l'usage de cette infrastructure seront fix6es d'un commun accord par les gouvernements des deux pays. Article io. Chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes s'engage, pendant la duroe de la pr~sente convention et dans la limite des credits consentis, h assurer h la soci~t6 charg~e de 1'exploitation l'appui financier n6cessaire au fonctionnement r~gulier de la ligne. Article Ii. Le service de la ligne dans sa partie commune sera assur6 alternativement par la soci~t6 frangaise et la soci~t6 belge, sauf circonstances ayant un caract~re essentiellement temporaire et reconnues telles par les deux soci~ts et resultant, par exemple, de la n~cessit6 de r~pondre sans retard h un accroissement subit du trafic. La fr~quence du service r6gulier sera d'un voyage hebdomadaire dans chaque sens ; elle sera 6ventuellement augment~e par d6cision prise d'accord par les deux gouvernements. Suivant les n6cessit6s du trafic, le service r~gulier pourra 6tre compl6t6 par des voyages supplmentaires dont le total est limit6 h dix par an, sauf dcision sp~ciale prise en accord par les deux gouvernements. Article 12. Chacune des deux soci~t~s exploitantes devra obligatoirement assurer le transport des d~p~ches postales qui lui seront pr~sent6es en l'une quelconque des escales de la ligne. Article 13. Les deux soci~t6s passeront entre elles les accords fixant notamment le detail de leur collaboration technique et commerciale, les conditions dans lesquelles elles pourront se supplier exceptionnellement, la repartition des charges communes d'exploitation, ainsi que celle du trafic suivant une formule ayant pour effet d'6quilibrer les unes et les autres sur la partie commune de la ligne. L'exploitation envisag6e ne pourra commencer qu'une fois que l'accord initial sera en vigueur. Article 14. Chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes devra approuver pr6alablement h leur mise en vigueur : Tout accord entre la soci6t6 belge et la soci~t6 frangaise Toute modification ou tout compl6ment h ces accords ; Toutes les questions relatives aux surtaxes postales, aux tarifs et aux horaires. No 2738

1931 League of Nations -Treaty Series. 41 This equipment, the broad outlines of which are indicated in the annex to the present Convention, shall be defined by agreement between the two Governments. It shall be organised in such a way as to ensure at the earliest possible moment the operation of a regular air service both by day and by night. Both the French and Belgian companies may utilise this ground equipment on the same conditions, provided they comply with the relevant rules laid down by the Governments. The fees and charges payable for the use of this equipment shall be fixed by agreement between the Governments of the two countries. Article io. Each of the High Contracting Parties undertakes, during the period of validity of the present Convention, and within the limits of the credits granted, to furnish the company operating the line with the financial assistance necessary for its regular working. Article ii. The service on the joint section of the line shall be operated alternately by the French and Belgian companies, except in circumstances of an essentially temporary nature, recognised as such by both companies, resulting, for instance, from the necessity of coping without delay with a sudden increase in traffic. The regular service shall consist of one journey weekly in each direction; it may be increased, if necessary, by agreement between the two Governments. The regular service may be supplemented, according to traffic requirements, by additional journeys, the total number of which may not exceed ten a year, unless a special decision is taken by the two Governments in agreement. Article 12. Each of the two operating companies shall be bound to accept for transport postal matter handed over to it at any landing-place on the line. Article 13. The two companies shall conclude agreements laying down the details of their technical and commercial collaboration, the conditions under which they may exceptionally replace each other, the apportionment of the joint working expenses and that of the traffic, according to a formula which shall strike a balance between the two on the joint section of the line. The proposed service may not come into operation until the initial agreement is in force. Article 14. Each of the High Contracting Parties must approve, prior to their entry into force All agreements between .the Belgian company and the French company; Any modification of or addition to such agreements ; All matters concerning postal surtaxes, tariffs and time-tables. No. 2738

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> -<strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 41<br />

This equipment, the broad outlines of which are indicated in the annex to the present Convention,<br />

shall be defined by agreement between the two Governments. It shall be organised in such a<br />

way as to ensure at the earliest possible moment the operation of a regular air service both by<br />

day and by night.<br />

Both the French and Belgian companies may utilise this ground equipment on the same<br />

conditions, provided they comply with the relevant rules laid down by the Governments.<br />

The fees and charges payable for the use of this equipment shall be fixed by agreement between<br />

the Governments of the two countries.<br />

Article io.<br />

Each of the High Contracting Parties undertakes, during the period of validity of the present<br />

Convention, and within the limits of the credits granted, to furnish the company operating the<br />

line with the financial assistance necessary for its regular working.<br />

Article ii.<br />

The service on the joint section of the line shall be operated alternately by the French and<br />

Belgian companies, except in circumstances of an essentially temporary nature, recognised as<br />

such by both companies, resulting, for instance, from the necessity of coping without delay with<br />

a sudden increase in traffic.<br />

The regular service shall consist of one journey weekly in each direction; it may be increased,<br />

if necessary, by agreement between the two Governments.<br />

The regular service may be supplemented, according to traffic requirements, by additional<br />

journeys, the total number of which may not exceed ten a year, unless a special decision is taken<br />

by the two Governments in agreement.<br />

Article 12.<br />

Each of the two operating companies shall be bound to accept for transport postal matter<br />

handed over to it at any landing-place on the line.<br />

Article 13.<br />

The two companies shall conclude agreements laying down the details of their technical and<br />

commercial collaboration, the conditions under which they may exceptionally replace each other,<br />

the apportionment of the joint working expenses and that of the traffic, according to a formula<br />

which shall strike a balance between the two on the joint section of the line.<br />

The proposed service may not come into operation until the initial agreement is in force.<br />

Article 14.<br />

Each of the High Contracting Parties must approve, prior to their entry into force<br />

All agreements between .the Belgian company and the French company;<br />

Any modification of or addition to such agreements ;<br />

All matters concerning postal surtaxes, tariffs and time-tables.<br />

No. 2738

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