LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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404 Socidte des Nations - Recuei des Traite's. 1931 No 2759. - TRAITE 1 DE COMMERCE ET DE NAVIGATION ENTRE L'ISLANDE ET LA REPUBLIQUE DE LITHUANIE. SIGNS A KAUNAS, LE 21 JUIN 1930. Texte officiel /ranpais communiqui Par le ministre des Afaires itrangdres de Lithuanie. L'enregistrement de ce traite a eu lieu le 13 juillet 1931. SON EXCELLENCE LE PRItSIDENT DE LA RIIPUBLIQUE DE LITHUANIE et SA MAJESTt LE Roi D'ISLANDE ET DE DANEMARK, ddsirant favoriser et ddvelopper les relations 6conomiques entre la Lithuanie et l'Islande, ont rdsolu de conclure un trait6 de commerce et de navigation entre ]esdits pays et ont nomm6 pour leurs pl~nipotentiaires respectifs SON EXCELLENCE LE PRt1SIDENT DE LA RtPUBLIQUE DE LITHUANIE M. le docteur Dovas ZAUNIUS, ministre des Affaires 6trang6res de la R~publique de Lithuanie ; SA MAJESTIt LE Roi P'ISLANDE ET DE DANEMARK" M. le consul g6n~ral Erik Andreas Mathias BIERING, son charg6 d'Affaires h Kaunas; Lesquels, apr~s s'6tre communiqu6 leurs pleins pouvoirs respectifs, trouv~s en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des articles suivants : Article premier. La Lithuanie et l'Islande s'engagent h s'accorder rciproquement en tout ce qui concerne leur commerce, leur industrie et leur navigation, un traitement au moins aussi favorable que celui qui est accord6 ou pourrait 6tre accord6 h la nation la plus favoris6e. Article II. Pour ce qui concerne le commerce, le traitement de la nation la plus favorise s'appliquera plus particuli~rement aux droits d'importation et d'exportation et h tous les autres droits de nature quelconque, aux conditions d'importation et d'exportation, au transit, au transport des marchandises et aux prohibitions ou restrictions h l'importation et hL l'exportation, h moins que celles-ci ne soient jugdes ndcessaires pour assurer la s6curit6 de l'Etat ou la sfiret6 publique ou pour protdger la sant6 des hommes, des animaux et des plantes. 1 L'6change des ratifications a eu lieu h Kaunas, le 19 mars 1931.

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 405 I TRADUCTION. - TRANSLATION. No. 2759. - TREATY 2 OF COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION BETWEEN ICELAND AND THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA. SIGNED AT KAUNAS, JUNE 21, 1930. French official text communicated by the Lithuanian Minister lot Foreign Affairs. The registration ol this Treaty took place July 13, 1931. His EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA and His MAJESTY THE KING OF ICELAND AND DENMARK, desirous of promoting and extending economic relations between Lithuania and Iceland have resolved to conclude a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the said countries and have appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries His EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA : Doctor Dovas ZAUNIUS, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF ICELAND AND DENMARK : M. Erik Andreas Mathias BIERING, His Consul-General and Charg6 d'Affaires at Kovno; Who, having communicated their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following Articles : Article I. Lithuania and Iceland undertake to grant each other, in all that concerns their trade, industry and navigation, treatment at least as favourable as that which is or may hereafter be granted to the most favoured nation. Article II. In respect of trade, most-favoured-nation treatment shall apply more particularly to import and export duties and to all other duties of whatsoever kind, to conditions for import and export, to transit, to the transport of goods and to import and export prohibitions or restrictions, unless the said prohibitions or restrictions are deemed necessary in the interests of the security of the State or of public order or in order to protect the health of human beings, animals or plants. I Traduit par le Secr6tariat de la Socit6 des I Translated by the Secretariat of the League Nations, h titre d'information. of Nations, for information. 2 The exchange of ratifications took place at Kaunas, March 19, 1931.

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 405<br />


No. 2759. - TREATY 2 <strong>OF</strong> COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION BETWEEN<br />


KAUNAS, JUNE 21, 1930.<br />

French official text communicated by the Lithuanian Minister lot Foreign Affairs. The registration ol<br />

this <strong>Treaty</strong> took place July 13, 1931.<br />

His EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT <strong>OF</strong> THE REPUBLIC <strong>OF</strong> LITHUANIA and His MAJESTY THE<br />

KING <strong>OF</strong> ICELAND AND DENMARK, desirous of promoting and extending economic relations between<br />

Lithuania and Iceland have resolved to conclude a <strong>Treaty</strong> of Commerce and Navigation between<br />

the said countries and have appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries<br />

His EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT <strong>OF</strong> THE REPUBLIC <strong>OF</strong> LITHUANIA :<br />

Doctor Dovas ZAUNIUS, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania<br />


M. Erik Andreas Mathias BIERING, His Consul-General and Charg6 d'Affaires at Kovno;<br />

Who, having communicated their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have<br />

agreed on the following Articles :<br />

Article I.<br />

Lithuania and Iceland undertake to grant each other, in all that concerns their trade, industry<br />

and navigation, treatment at least as favourable as that which is or may hereafter be granted to<br />

the most favoured nation.<br />

Article II.<br />

In respect of trade, most-favoured-nation treatment shall apply more particularly to import<br />

and export duties and to all other duties of whatsoever kind, to conditions for import and export,<br />

to transit, to the transport of goods and to import and export prohibitions or restrictions, unless<br />

the said prohibitions or restrictions are deemed necessary in the interests of the security of the<br />

State or of public order or in order to protect the health of human beings, animals or plants.<br />

I Traduit par le Secr6tariat de la Socit6 des I Translated by the Secretariat of the League<br />

<strong>Nations</strong>, h titre d'information. of <strong>Nations</strong>, for information.<br />

2 The exchange of ratifications took place at Kaunas, March 19, 1931.

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