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378 Socidt6 des Nations - Recuedi des Traitis. 1931 No 2757. - CONVENTION 1 ENTRE LA BELGIQUE ET LE GRAND- DUCHR DE LUXEMBOURG ETABLISSANT UNE COMMUNAUTR DE RECETTES EN CE QUI CONCERNE LES DROITS D'ACCISE PER US SUR LES ALCOOLS. SIGNP-E A BRUXELLES, LE 18 MAI 1929. Texte officiel /ran~ais communiqud par le ministre des Agaires Itrangeres de Belgique. L'enregistrement de cette convention a eu lieu le ii juillet 1931. SA MAJEST LE Rol DES BELGES et SON ALTESSE ROYALE LA GRANDE-DUCHESSE DE LUXEMBOURG, d6sireux de pr~venir des difficult6s en ce qui concerne la circulation des alcools de l'un des territoires de l'Union 6conomique dans l'autre, ont rsolu de conclure h cet effet une convention sp~ciale et ont dsign6 dans ce but pour leurs pl6nipotentiaires, savoir SA MAJESTA LE RoI DES BELGES: M. le baron Maurice HOUTART, son ministre des Finances; et SON ALTESSE ROYALE LA GRANDE-DuCHESSE DE LUXEMBOURG: M. DUPONG, son directeur g~n~ral des Finances, de la Pr~voyance sociale et duTravail; Lesquels, apr~s s'6tre communiqu6 leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouv~s en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des articles suivants : Article premier. A partir du Ier janvier 1929, les recettes nettes des droits d'accise effectu~es en Belgique et dans le Grand-Duch6 de Luxembourg sur les flegmes, les alcools et les eaux-de-vie constitueront des recettes communes et celles-ci seront r~parties, apr~s 1'expiration de chaque annie, dans les proportions de 8/9 du total au p ofit de la Belgique et de 1/9 au profi du Grand-Dach6. Par recettes nettes, il faut entendre les droits effectivement pergus du chef des quantits de flegmes, d'alcools ou d'eaux-de-vie produites dans chacun des deux pays, c'est-A-dire d6falcation faite des dcharges r~glementaires et des restitutions. Article 2. Avant le 15 f~vrier de chaque annie, les Hautes Parties contractantes se communiqueront r6ciproquement les donn~es n~cessaires pour l'6tablissement des recettes communes op~r~es sur les alcools pendant l'ann~e 6coule et la fixation de la quote-part revenant A chaque Etat. Le r~glement des comptes et le virement des fonds interviendront avant le Ier avril suivant. I L'6change des ratifications a eu lieu h Luxembourg, le 28 mai 1931.

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 379 1 TRADUCTION. - TRANSLATION. No. 2757. - CONVENTION 2 BETWEEN BELGIUM AND THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBURG WITH REGARD TO THE POOLING OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE EXCISE DUTIES ON ALCOHOLS. SIGNED AT BRUSSELS, MAY 18, 1929. French official text communicated by the Belgian Minister lor Foreign Aflairs. The registration of this Convention took place July 1i, 1931. His MAJESTY THE KING OF THE BELGIANS and HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE GRAND DUCHESS OF LUXEMBURG, being desirous of removing the difficulties in the way of the circulation of alcohols between one of the territories of the Economic Union and the other, have resolved to conclude a special Convention for that purpose and have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE BELGIANS : Baron Maurice HOUTART, His Minister of Finance; HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE GRAND DUCHESS OF LUXEMBURG: M. DUPONG, Her Director-General of Finance, Social Welfare and Labour; Who, having communicated to each other their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles : Article i. As from January I, 1929, the net proceeds of the excise duties levied in Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg on distillery wash, alcohols and spirits, shall be pooled and shall be distributed, at the end of each year, between Belgium and the Grand Duchy in the proportions of eight-ninths of the total and one-ninth respectively. By net receipts should be understood the duties actually collected on the quantities of distillery wash, alcohols or spirits produced in each of the two countries : that is to say after deduction of the regular exemptions and reimbursements. Article 2. Before February 15 of each year, the High Contracting Parties shall communicate to one another the data necessary for establishing the joint receipts taken on alcohols during the past year and for fixing the share accruing to each country. The accounts shall be settled and the payments made before April ist following. I Traduit par le Secr6tariat de la Soci6t6 des 1 Translated by the Secretariat of the League Nations, h titre d'information. of Nations, for information. 2 The exchange of ratifications took place at Luxemburg, May 28, 1931.

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 379<br />



DUCHY <strong>OF</strong> LUXEMBURG WITH REGARD TO THE POOLING <strong>OF</strong><br />


SIGNED AT BRUSSELS, MAY 18, 1929.<br />

French official text communicated by the Belgian Minister lor Foreign Aflairs. The registration of<br />

this Convention took place July 1i, 1931.<br />


<strong>OF</strong> LUXEMBURG, being desirous of removing the difficulties in the way of the circulation of alcohols<br />

between one of the territories of the Economic Union and the other, have resolved to conclude<br />

a special Convention for that purpose and have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries<br />

HIS MAJESTY THE KING <strong>OF</strong> THE BELGIANS :<br />

Baron Maurice HOUTART, His Minister of Finance;<br />


M. DUPONG, Her Director-General of Finance, Social Welfare and Labour;<br />

Who, having communicated to each other their full powers, found in good and due form, have<br />

agreed upon the following Articles :<br />

Article i.<br />

As from January I, 1929, the net proceeds of the excise duties levied in Belgium and the<br />

Grand Duchy of Luxemburg on distillery wash, alcohols and spirits, shall be pooled and shall<br />

be distributed, at the end of each year, between Belgium and the Grand Duchy in the proportions<br />

of eight-ninths of the total and one-ninth respectively.<br />

By net receipts should be understood the duties actually collected on the quantities of distillery<br />

wash, alcohols or spirits produced in each of the two countries : that is to say after deduction of<br />

the regular exemptions and reimbursements.<br />

Article 2.<br />

Before February 15 of each year, the High Contracting Parties shall communicate to one<br />

another the data necessary for establishing the joint receipts taken on alcohols during the past<br />

year and for fixing the share accruing to each country. The accounts shall be settled and the<br />

payments made before April ist following.<br />

I Traduit par le Secr6tariat de la Soci6t6 des 1 Translated by the Secretariat of the League<br />

<strong>Nations</strong>, h titre d'information. of <strong>Nations</strong>, for information.<br />

2 The exchange of ratifications took place at Luxemburg, May 28, 1931.

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