LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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368 Sociitd des Nations - Recuei des Traites. 1931 Article 33. Si la sentence judiciaire on arbitrale ddclarait qu'une d&ision prise ou une mesure ordonn&e par une autorit6 judiciaire ou toute autre autorit6 de l'une des parties en litige se trouve enti& rement ou partiellement en opposition avec le droit international, et si le droit constitutionnel de ladite partie ne permettait pas ou ne permettait qu'imparfaitement d'effacer les cons6quences de cette decision ou de cette mesure, les parties conviennent qu'il devra 6tre accord6 par la sentence judiciaire ou arbitrale, h la partie, lMs, une satisfaction 6quitable. Article 34. i. Le prdsent trait6 sera applicable entre les Hautes Parties contractantes encore qu'une tierce Puissance ait un intdr&t dans le diff6rend. 2. Dans la proc6dure de conciliation, les parties pourront d'un commun accord inviter une tierce Puissance. 3. Dans la procedure judiciaire ou arbitrale, si une tierce Puissance estime que, dans un diff6rend, un int&t d'ordre juridique est pour elle en cause, elle peut adresser A la Cour permanente de Justice internationale ou au Tribunal arbitral une requ&e I fin d'intervention. La Cour ou le Tribunal d6cide. 4. Lorsqu'il s'agit de l'interpr~tation d'une convention laquelle ont particip6 d'autres Etats que les parties en cause, le Greffe de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale ou le Tribunal arbitral les av~rtit sans ddlai. Chacun d'eux aura le droit d'intervenir et, s'il exerce cette facult6, l'interprdtation contenue dans la sentence est obligatoire h son 6gard. Article 35. Les diff6rends relatifs Ai l'interpr~tation ou l'application du pr6sent trait6, y compris ceux relatifs A la qualification des litiges, seront soninis h la Cour permanente de Justice internationale. Article 36. Le pr6sent trait6, conforme au Pacte de la Soci6t6 des Nations, ne sera pas interprt6 comme restreignant la mission de celle-ci de prendre h tout moment les mesures propres h sauvegarder efficacement la paix du monde. Article 37. 1. Le present trait6 sera ratifi6 et l'6change des ratifications aura lieu A Ath~nes. I1 sera enregistr6 au Secr6tariat de la Soci~t6 des Nations. 2. Le Trait6 est conclu pour une durde de cinq ans A compter de la date de l'6change des ratifications. 3. S'il n'est pas d6nonc6 six mois an moins avant 'expiration de ce terme, il demneurera en vigueur pour une nouvelle p~riode de cinq ans et ainsi de suite. 4. Nonobstant la d6nonciation par l'une des parties contractantes, les proc6dures engag~es au moment de l'expiration du terme du trait6 continueront jusqu'A leur achvement normal. En foi de quoi, les plnipotentiaires susmentionnds ont sign6 le pr6sent trait6. Fait A Vienne, le 26 juin 1930, en deux exemplaires. (Signd) A. A. SACTOURIS. (Sign') J. SCHOBER. No 2755

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 369 Article 33. If, in a judicial sentence or arbitral award, it is declared that a judgment or a measure enjoined by a court of law or other authority of one of the parties to the dispute is wholly or in part contrary to international law, and if the constitutional law of that party does not permit or only partially permits the consequences of the judgment or measure in question to be annulled, the parties agree that the judicial sentence or arbitral award shall grant the injured party equitable satisfaction. Article 34. i. The present Treaty shall be applicable as between the High Contracting Parties, even though a third Power has an interest in the dispute. 2. In conciliation procedure, the parties may agree to invite such third Power to intervene. 3. In judicial or arbitral procedure, if a third Power should consider that it has an interest of a legal nature which may be affected by the decision in the case, it may submit to the Permanent Court of International Justice or to the Arbitral Tribunal a request to intervene as a third party. It will be for the Court or the Tribunal to decide upon this request. 4. Whenever the construction of a convention to which States other than those concerned in the case are parties is in question, the Registrar of the Permanent Court of International Justice or the Arbitral Tribunal shall notify all such States forthwith. Each has the right to intervene in the proceedings ; but if it uses this right, the construction given by the decision will be binding upon it. Article 35. Disputes relating to the interpretation or application of the present Treaty, including those concerning the classification of disputes shall be submitted to the Permanent Court of International Justice. Article 36. The present Treaty, which is in conformity with the Convention of the League of Nations, shall not be interpreted as restricting the duty of the League to take, at any time, wathever action may be deemed wise and effectual to safeguard the peace of the world. Article 37. i. The present Treaty shall be ratified and the exchange of ratifications shall take place at Athens. It shall be registered at the Secretariat of the League of Nations. 2. The Treaty shall be concluded for a period of five years dating from the exchange of ratifications. 3. If it has not been denounced at least six months before the expiration of this period, it shall remain in force for further successive periods of five years. 4. Notwithstanding denunciation by one of the High Contracting Parties, all proceedings pending at the expiration of the current period of the Convention shall be duly completed. In faith whereof, the above-mentioned Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty. Done at Vienna, June 26, 1930, in two original copies. 24 No. 2755 (Signed) A. A. SACTOURIS. (Signed) J. SCHOBER.

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 369<br />

Article 33.<br />

If, in a judicial sentence or arbitral award, it is declared that a judgment or a measure<br />

enjoined by a court of law or other authority of one of the parties to the dispute is wholly or in<br />

part contrary to international law, and if the constitutional law of that party does not permit<br />

or only partially permits the consequences of the judgment or measure in question to be<br />

annulled, the parties agree that the judicial sentence or arbitral award shall grant the injured<br />

party equitable satisfaction.<br />

Article 34.<br />

i. The present <strong>Treaty</strong> shall be applicable as between the High Contracting Parties, even<br />

though a third Power has an interest in the dispute.<br />

2. In conciliation procedure, the parties may agree to invite such third Power to intervene.<br />

3. In judicial or arbitral procedure, if a third Power should consider that it has an interest of<br />

a legal nature which may be affected by the decision in the case, it may submit to the Permanent<br />

Court of International Justice or to the Arbitral Tribunal a request to intervene as a third party.<br />

It will be for the Court or the Tribunal to decide upon this request.<br />

4. Whenever the construction of a convention to which States other than those concerned<br />

in the case are parties is in question, the Registrar of the Permanent Court of International Justice<br />

or the Arbitral Tribunal shall notify all such States forthwith.<br />

Each has the right to intervene in the proceedings ; but if it uses this right, the construction<br />

given by the decision will be binding upon it.<br />

Article 35.<br />

Disputes relating to the interpretation or application of the present <strong>Treaty</strong>, including those<br />

concerning the classification of disputes shall be submitted to the Permanent Court of International<br />

Justice.<br />

Article 36.<br />

The present <strong>Treaty</strong>, which is in conformity with the Convention of the League of <strong>Nations</strong>,<br />

shall not be interpreted as restricting the duty of the League to take, at any time, wathever action<br />

may be deemed wise and effectual to safeguard the peace of the world.<br />

Article 37.<br />

i. The present <strong>Treaty</strong> shall be ratified and the exchange of ratifications shall take place at<br />

Athens.<br />

It shall be registered at the Secretariat of the League of <strong>Nations</strong>.<br />

2. The <strong>Treaty</strong> shall be concluded for a period of five years dating from the exchange of<br />

ratifications.<br />

3. If it has not been denounced at least six months before the expiration of this period, it<br />

shall remain in force for further successive periods of five years.<br />

4. Notwithstanding denunciation by one of the High Contracting Parties, all proceedings<br />

pending at the expiration of the current period of the Convention shall be duly completed.<br />

In faith whereof, the above-mentioned Plenipotentiaries have signed the present <strong>Treaty</strong>.<br />

Done at Vienna, June 26, 1930, in two original copies.<br />

24 No. 2755<br />

(Signed) A. A. SACTOURIS. (Signed) J. SCHOBER.

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