LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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356 Socite' des Nations - Recuel des Traites. 1931 Article 2. i. Les diff~rends pour la solution desquels une procedure spdciale serait pr~vuc par d'autres conventions, en vigueur entre les parties seront itgl6s conformiment aux dispositions dc ces conventions. 2. Le present trait6 ne porte pas atteinte aux accords en vigueur 6tablissant pour les Hautes Parties contractantes une procedure de conciliation ou, en nati~re d'arbitrage et de r~glement judiciaire, des engagements assurant la solution du diffdrend. Toutefois, si ces accords no pr6voient qu'une procedure de conciliation apr~s quc cette procedure aura 6chou6, les dispositions du present trait6 relatives au r~glement judiciaire ou arbitral recevront application. Article 3. i. S'il s'agit d'un diff6rend dont l'objet, d'apr~s la lgislation int~rieure de l'une des parties, relive de la competence des autorit6s judiciaires ou administratives, cette partie pourra s'opposer a cc que cc diffdrend soit soumis aux diverses procedures prdvues par le pr6sent trait6 avant qu'une d6cision ddfinitive ait 6t6 rendue, dans des d6lais raisonnables, par l'autorit6 comp~tente. 2. La partie qui, dans ce cas, voudra recourir aux procddures pr6vues par le pr6sent trait6, devra notifier h l'autre partie son intention, dans un ddlai d'un an, h partir de la d6cision susvisde. CHAPITRE II Du RP-GLEMENT JUDICIATRE. Article 4. Tous diff~rends au sujet desquels les parties se contesteraient r~ciproquement un droit scront sounis pour jugement h la Cour permanente de Justice internationale, h moins que les parties ne tombent d'accord,' dans les termes pr~vus ci-apr~s, pour recourir h un tribunal arbitral. Il est entendu que les diffrends ci-dessus visas comprennent notamment ceux que mentionne 1'article 36 du Statut 1 de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale. Article 5. Si les parties sont d'accord !iour soumettre les diff rends visas ht l'article prdcddent h un tribunal arbitral, elles r6digeront un c6mpromis dans lequel elles fixeront l'objet du litige, le choix des arbitres et la procedure h suivre. A dfaut d'indications ou de pr~cisions suffisantes dans le compromis, il sera fait application dans la mesure n~cessaire des dispositions de la Convention 2 de la Haye du 18 octobre 1907 pour le r6glement pacifique des conflits internationaux. Dans le silence du compromis, quant aux r~gles de fond a appliquer par les arbitres, le tribunal appliquera les r~gles de fond 6num6r6es dans l'article 38 du Statut de la.Cour permanente de Justice internationale. Vol. VI, page 379; vol. XI, page 404 ; vol. XV, page 304 ; vol. XXIV, page 152 ; vol. XXVII, page 416 ; vol. XXXIX, page 16 5 ; vol. XLV, page 96 ; vol. L, page 159 ; vol. LIV, page 387 ; vol. LXIX, page 70; vol. LXXII, page 452 ; vol. LXXVIII, page 435 ; vol. LXXXVIII, page 272 ; vol. XCII, page 362 ; vol. XCVI, page 18o ; vol. C, page 153 ; vol. CIV, page 492 ; vol. CVII, page 461 ; vol. CXI, page 402 ; et vol. CXVII, page 46, de ce recueil. 2 DE MARTENS, Nouveau Recueil gdndral de Traitds, troisi~me s6rie, tome III, page 36o. N' 2755

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 357 Article 2. i. Disputes for the settlement of which a special procedure is laid down in other conventions in force between the parties to the dispute shall be settled in conformity with the provisions of those conventions. 2. The present Treaty shall not affect any agreements in force by which conciliation procedure is established between the High Contracting Parties or by which they are bound by obligations to resort to arbitration or judicial settlement which ensure the settlement of the dispute. If, however, these agreements provide only for a procedure of conciliation, after such procedure has been followed without result, the provisions of the present Convention concerning judicial settlement or arbitration shall be applied. Article 3. i. In the case of the dispute the occasion of which, according to the municipal law of one of the parties, falls within the competence of its judicial or administration authorities, the party in question may object to the matter in dispute being submitted for settlement by the different methods laid down in the present Treaty until a decision with final effect has been pronounced, within a reasonable time, by the competent authority. 2. In such a case, the party which desires to resort to the procedures laid down in the present Treaty must notify the other party of its intention within a period of one year from the date of the aforementioned decision. CHAPTER II. JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT. Article 4. All disputes with regard to which the parties are in conflict as to their respective rights shall be submitted for decision to the Permanent Court of International Justice, unless the parties agree, in the manner hereinafter provided, to have resort to an arbitral tribunal. It is understood that the disputes referred to above include in particular those mentioned in Article 36 of the Statute 1 of the Permanent Court of International Justice. Article 5. If the parties agree to submit the disputes mentioned in the preceding Article to an arbitral tribunal, they shall draw up a special agreement in which they shall specify the subject of the dispute, the arbitrators selected and the procedure to be followed. In the absence of sufficient particulars in the special agreement, the provisions of the Hague Convention 2 of October 18, 190.7, for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes shall apply so far as is necessary. If nothing is laid down in the special agreement as to the rules regarding the substance of the dispute to be followed by the arbitrators, the tribunal shall apply the substantive rules enumerated in Article 38 of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. I Vol. VI, page 379; Vol. XI, page 405; Vol. XV, page 305; Vol. XXIV, page 153; Vol. XXVlI, page 417 ; Vol. XXXIX, page 165 ; Vol. XLV, page 96 ; Vol. L, page 159 ; Vol. LIV, page 387 ; Vol. LXIX, page 70 ; Vol. LXXII, page 452 ; Vol. LXXVIII, page 435 ; Vol. LXXXVII, page 272; Vol. XCII, page 362 ; Vol. XCVI, page 18o ; Vol. C, page 153 ; Vol. CIV, page 492; Vol. CVlI, page 461 ; Vol. CXI, page 402 ; and Vol. CXVII,.page 46, of this Series. 2 British and Foreign State Papers, Vol. ioo, page 298. No. 2755

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 357<br />

Article 2.<br />

i. Disputes for the settlement of which a special procedure is laid down in other conventions<br />

in force between the parties to the dispute shall be settled in conformity with the provisions of<br />

those conventions.<br />

2. The present <strong>Treaty</strong> shall not affect any agreements in force by which conciliation procedure<br />

is established between the High Contracting Parties or by which they are bound by obligations<br />

to resort to arbitration or judicial settlement which ensure the settlement of the dispute. If,<br />

however, these agreements provide only for a procedure of conciliation, after such procedure has<br />

been followed without result, the provisions of the present Convention concerning judicial<br />

settlement or arbitration shall be applied.<br />

Article 3.<br />

i. In the case of the dispute the occasion of which, according to the municipal law of one of<br />

the parties, falls within the competence of its judicial or administration authorities, the party<br />

in question may object to the matter in dispute being submitted for settlement by the different<br />

methods laid down in the present <strong>Treaty</strong> until a decision with final effect has been pronounced,<br />

within a reasonable time, by the competent authority.<br />

2. In such a case, the party which desires to resort to the procedures laid down in the present<br />

<strong>Treaty</strong> must notify the other party of its intention within a period of one year from the date<br />

of the aforementioned decision.<br />



Article 4.<br />

All disputes with regard to which the parties are in conflict as to their respective rights shall<br />

be submitted for decision to the Permanent Court of International Justice, unless the parties<br />

agree, in the manner hereinafter provided, to have resort to an arbitral tribunal.<br />

It is understood that the disputes referred to above include in particular those mentioned<br />

in Article 36 of the Statute 1 of the Permanent Court of International Justice.<br />

Article 5.<br />

If the parties agree to submit the disputes mentioned in the preceding Article to an arbitral<br />

tribunal, they shall draw up a special agreement in which they shall specify the subject of the dispute,<br />

the arbitrators selected and the procedure to be followed. In the absence of sufficient particulars<br />

in the special agreement, the provisions of the Hague Convention 2 of October 18, 190.7, for the<br />

Pacific Settlement of International Disputes shall apply so far as is necessary. If nothing is laid<br />

down in the special agreement as to the rules regarding the substance of the dispute to be followed<br />

by the arbitrators, the tribunal shall apply the substantive rules enumerated in Article 38 of the<br />

Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice.<br />

I Vol. VI, page 379; Vol. XI, page 405; Vol. XV, page 305; Vol. XXIV, page 153; Vol. XXVlI, page<br />

417 ; Vol. XXXIX, page 165 ; Vol. XLV, page 96 ; Vol. L, page 159 ; Vol. LIV, page 387 ; Vol. LXIX,<br />

page 70 ; Vol. LXXII, page 452 ; Vol. LXXVIII, page 435 ; Vol. LXXXVII, page 272; Vol. XCII,<br />

page 362 ; Vol. XCVI, page 18o ; Vol. C, page 153 ; Vol. CIV, page 492; Vol. CVlI, page 461 ; Vol. CXI,<br />

page 402 ; and Vol. CXVII,.page 46, of this Series.<br />

2 British and Foreign State Papers, Vol. ioo, page 298.<br />

No. 2755

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