LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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338 Socite' des Nations - Recuei des Traites. 1931 Etat de l'exemption de toutes r6quisition, prestation et logements militaires, ainsi que de toutes contributions directes perques au profit de l'Etat, des provinces, des communes, etc., et ayant le caract~re d'imp6t personnel. Si toutefois lesdits fonctionnaires poss~dent des biens immeubles, font le commerce, exercent quelque industrie ou profession on ont des capitaux engags dans des entreprises industrielles ou commerciales, ils ne pourront pr~tendre sous ces divers rapports A aucun privilege et resteront soumis aux m6mes taxes, charges et impositions que les autres particuliers,dans les m~mes conditions. Les privilkges et exemptions pr~vus ci-dessus s'appliquent 6galement aux commis de chancellerie et employ6s de consulat qui, 6tant de carrire, sont ressortissants du pays qui les emploie et n'exercent aucun commerce ni industrie quelconque., -- Les consuls et agents consulaires honoraires seront exempts de logements militaires et de requisitions des locaux affect6s A leur chancellerie et h leurs archives. Pendant un d6lai de six mois h dater du jour de leur entr6e en fonction, les chefs de poste et les fonctionnaires de carri~re du service consulaire mentionn6s aux alin6as I et 3 du present article, seront autoris~s, en rejoignant leur poste sur le territoire de l'autre Partie, h faire entrer, sans 6tre astreints au payement de droits de douane ou de taxes quelconques frappant l'importation, leur mobilier et les ustensiles de manage qui 6taient et demeurent h leur usage. La m~me r~gle sera suivie en ce qui concerne la sortie des dits mobilier et ustensiles. Il est entendu que la pr~sente disposition ne s'applique pas aux articles de consommation. Les chefs de poste et les fonctionnaires du service consulaire, 6num~r~s h l'alin~a premier du present article, ne pourront 6tre mis en 6tat d'arrestation on d'emprisonnement pr6ventif, except6 pour des infractions qui, en vertu de la legislation locale applicable suivant le cas, sont punissables d'une peine sup~rieute a une annie de privatio'fde libert6. En cas de poursuite judiciaire, d'arrestation ou de mise en accusation d'un chef de poste ou d'un fonctionnaire du service consulaire, d~sign~s aux alin~as I et 3 du present article, le gouvernement de l'Etat sur le territoire duquel rarrestation ou la mise en accusation a eu lieu en informera sans d~lai le repr6sentant diplomatique de l'Etat. dont relive ledit fonctionnaire consulaire. Les chefs de poste et les fonctionnaires du service consulaire, 6num~r~s aux alin~as I et 3 du pr6sent article, ne seront pas justiciables des tribunaux de l'Etat de leur residence en raison des actes de leurs fonctions, accomplis par eux dans les limites des attributions qui leurs sont reconnues par la prisente convention. Article 7. Les chefs de poste et les fonctionnaires du service consulaire, 6num~r~s A l'alina premier de l'article 6, devront d~f rer aux invitations qui leur seront adressies, sous forme de lettre officielle et sans menace de sanction p6nale en cas de non-comparution, par les tribunaux on les magistrats comp~tents de l'Etat de leur residence, h l'effet de comparaitre comme t6moins. Toutefois, le cas 6ch~ant, pour obtenir la remise de leur comparution une date ultirieure rapproche, ils pourront faire valoir comme motifs l~gitimes des empchements rsultant de maladie ou de n~cessit6s urgentes de service. Ils pourront 6galement se refuser h d~poser sur tous faits ayant trait a l'exercice de leurs fonctions et a produire des pi6ces dont ils seraient d~tenteurs en opposant le secret professionnel on d'Etat. Au cas oii lautorit6 judiciaire n'admettrait pas le bien-fond6 de cette excuse ou de cette exception, elle devra s'abstenir de toute mesure coercitive a l'6gard dudit fonctionnaire consulaire ; les difficultis qui surgiraient L cette occasion devront toujours tre r~gl~es par la voie diplomatique. Sous reserve des privileges et immunitis mentionn~s ci-dessus, les chefs de poste et fonctionnaires du service consulaire seront soumis dans les m~mes conditions que les nationaux tant en mati~re civile qu'en mati~re criminelle, a la juridiction des tribunaux de 'Etat de leur residence. No 2'54

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 339 has appointed them, shall be exempt from all military requisitions, contributions and billeting and from all other direct contributions in the nature of a personal tax levied for the benefit of the State, provinces, communes, etc. If, however, the said officials are in possession of immovable property, engage in commerce or carry on any industry or profession, or have capital invested in industrial or commercial undertakings, they are not entitled to claim any privilege in respect of such activities, and shall be subject to the same dues, charges and taxes as other private persons under the same conditions. The above-mentioned privileges and exemptions shall also apply to chancellery clerks and employees of the Consulate who are officials de carridre and nationals of the country which employs them and who do not carry on any trade or industry whatsoever. Honorary Consuls and Consular Agents shall be exempt from military billeting and from the requisitioning of premises used for their office and archives. For a period of six months from the date on-which they enter on their functions, the heads of consular offices and officials de carriire of the consular service mentioned in the first and third paragraphs of the present Article shall be authorised, when taking up their post in the territory of the other Party, to bring in their furniture and the household effects still required for their own use, without being subject to the payment of Customs duties or import charges. The same rule shall apply to the export of the said furniture and effects. It is understood that the present provision does not apply to articles of consumption.* Heads of consular offices and officials of the consular service mentioned in the first paragraph of the present Article may not be subjected to arrest or preventive detention except for offences which under the local legislation applicable to the case are punishable by imprisonment for a period exceeding one year. In case of judicial proceedings, arrest or prosecution of the head of a consular office or an official of the consular service mentioned in the first and third paragraphs of the present Article, the Government of the State in which the arrest or prosecution has taken place shall immediately inform the diplomatic Representative of the State to which the said consular official belongs. Heads of consular offices and officials of the consular service mentioned in the first and third paragraphs of the present Article shall not be amenable to the juridiction of the Courts of the country in which they reside in respect of acts done by them in the exercise of their functions within the limits of the powers conferred upon them by the present Convention. Article 7. Heads of consular offices and officials of the consular service mentioned in the first paragraph of Article 6 shall appear as witnesses when called upon to attend by an official letter from the courts or competent magistrates of the State in which they reside, but without any threat of penalties in the event of their non-appearance. Nevertheless, they may, if necessary, adduce the fact that they are prevented from appearing by illness or by the urgent requirements of their service as a legitimate reason for postponing their attendance to a later but not very distant date. They may also refuse to give evidence on facts connected with the exercise of their duties or to produce documents in their possession, on the ground that they would be guilty of a violation of professional or State secrecy. Should the judicial authority consider that the excuse or plea is not warranted, it shall refrain from employing any measures of compulsion against the said consular official ; difficulties arising in this connection shall always be settled through the diplomatic channel. Subject to the above-mentioned privileges and immunities, heads of consular offices and officials of the consular service shall be amenable, under the same conditions as nationals, both in civil and criminal matters, to the jurisdiction of the courts of the country in which they reside. No. 2754

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 339<br />

has appointed them, shall be exempt from all military requisitions, contributions and billeting<br />

and from all other direct contributions in the nature of a personal tax levied for the benefit<br />

of the State, provinces, communes, etc.<br />

If, however, the said officials are in possession of immovable property, engage in commerce<br />

or carry on any industry or profession, or have capital invested in industrial or commercial undertakings,<br />

they are not entitled to claim any privilege in respect of such activities, and shall be<br />

subject to the same dues, charges and taxes as other private persons under the same conditions.<br />

The above-mentioned privileges and exemptions shall also apply to chancellery clerks and<br />

employees of the Consulate who are officials de carridre and nationals of the country which employs<br />

them and who do not carry on any trade or industry whatsoever.<br />

Honorary Consuls and Consular Agents shall be exempt from military billeting and from<br />

the requisitioning of premises used for their office and archives.<br />

For a period of six months from the date on-which they enter on their functions, the heads<br />

of consular offices and officials de carriire of the consular service mentioned in the first and third<br />

paragraphs of the present Article shall be authorised, when taking up their post in the territory<br />

of the other Party, to bring in their furniture and the household effects still required for their own<br />

use, without being subject to the payment of Customs duties or import charges.<br />

The same rule shall apply to the export of the said furniture and effects.<br />

It is understood that the present provision does not apply to articles of consumption.*<br />

Heads of consular offices and officials of the consular service mentioned in the first paragraph<br />

of the present Article may not be subjected to arrest or preventive detention except for offences<br />

which under the local legislation applicable to the case are punishable by imprisonment for a period<br />

exceeding one year.<br />

In case of judicial proceedings, arrest or prosecution of the head of a consular office or an<br />

official of the consular service mentioned in the first and third paragraphs of the present Article,<br />

the Government of the State in which the arrest or prosecution has taken place shall immediately<br />

inform the diplomatic Representative of the State to which the said consular official belongs.<br />

Heads of consular offices and officials of the consular service mentioned in the first and third<br />

paragraphs of the present Article shall not be amenable to the juridiction of the Courts of the country<br />

in which they reside in respect of acts done by them in the exercise of their functions within the<br />

limits of the powers conferred upon them by the present Convention.<br />

Article 7.<br />

Heads of consular offices and officials of the consular service mentioned in the first paragraph<br />

of Article 6 shall appear as witnesses when called upon to attend by an official letter from the<br />

courts or competent magistrates of the State in which they reside, but without any threat of<br />

penalties in the event of their non-appearance. Nevertheless, they may, if necessary, adduce the<br />

fact that they are prevented from appearing by illness or by the urgent requirements of their<br />

service as a legitimate reason for postponing their attendance to a later but not very distant date.<br />

They may also refuse to give evidence on facts connected with the exercise of their duties or<br />

to produce documents in their possession, on the ground that they would be guilty of a violation<br />

of professional or State secrecy. Should the judicial authority consider that the excuse or plea is<br />

not warranted, it shall refrain from employing any measures of compulsion against the said<br />

consular official ; difficulties arising in this connection shall always be settled through the diplomatic<br />

channel.<br />

Subject to the above-mentioned privileges and immunities, heads of consular offices and<br />

officials of the consular service shall be amenable, under the same conditions as nationals, both<br />

in civil and criminal matters, to the jurisdiction of the courts of the country in which they reside.<br />

No. 2754

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