LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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330 Socidt6 des Nations - Recuedl des Traite's. 1931 gouvernement requdrant dans un ddlai d'une semaine h compter du jour oit elles ont 6t6 lib6r6es et oit elles ont eu la possibilit6 de quitter le pays. 50 Ils renonceront au remboursement des frais encourus par les autoritds du gouvernement requis, h l'exception des frais du passage en transit ainsi que des 6moluments et des ddbours aff~rents aux experts. B. Conform6ment h l'accord intervenu pr& c6demment, les autoritds administrativos supremes des deux parties sont libres de correspondre directement en ce qui concerne les cas d'extradition, de passage d'un extradi en transit des ddlinquants extradds, et autres questions de coopdration judiciaire en matire p6nale ; la facult6 de recourir h la voie diplomatique n'en sera pas affect6e. Les requ~tes des autoritds allemandes seront adress~es au ministre de la Justice danois h Copenhague et celles des autoritds danoises aux autoritis centrales, figurant h l'annexe, des gouvernements des pays allemands comp~tents dans chaque cas. Les autorit6s administratives supr~mes de chacune des parties conserveront toutefois la facult6, en ce qui concerne l'envoi desdites requ~tes, de recourir chacune h l'intermddiaire de la ligation de leur pays aupr~s de l'autre partie. La l6gation transmettra dans ce cas directement la requte h l'autorit6 centrale comp&ente de l'autre partie. C. Les autoritds des deux parties peuvent faire usage de leur propre langue nationale dans la correspondance avec les autorits de l'autre partie. D. L'accord ci dessus, confirm6 par votre note de teneur identique de ce jour, entre immdiatement en vigueur et pent 6tre ddnonc6 par chacune des deux parties avec un prdavis de six mois. Veuillez, etc. M. le Baron de Richthofen, Ministre d'Allemagne. (Sign ) P. MUNCH. freedom on other legal grounds which have previously arisen, unless such persons fail to leave the territory of the Party making the application within one week from the day on which they are free and it is possible for them to do so ; (5) To waive their claims to a refund of the expenses incurred by the authorities of the Government applied to with the exception of the cost of conveyance in transit or temporary surrender of the person in question, and experts' fees and expenses. B. In accordance with the previous agreemeent, the supreme administrative authorities of both Parties shall be free to correspond direct with each other in regard to cases of extradition, the conveyance in transit of persons surrendered and other questions of legal co-operation in criminal matters; the possibility of recourse to the diplomatic channel shall not thereby be affected. The requests of the German authorities shall be sent to the Danish Ministry of Justice at Copenhagen, and the requests of the Danish authorities to the central authorities of the Government of the German State competent to deal with the case, as indicated in the Annex. The supreme administrative authorities of each Party shall, however, have the right to send such requests through the legation of their country accredited to the other Party. The legation shall then transmit the request direct to the competent central authority of the other Party. C. The authorities of one Party may correspond with the authorities of the other in their own language. D. The foregoing agreement, confirmed by your Note of to-day of like tenor, shall come into force immediately and may be denounced by either Party on giving six months' notice. I have the honour, etc. Freiherr H. von Richthofen, German Minister. (Signed) P. MUNCH. No 2753

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 331 LISTE DES AUTORITES CENTRALES DES GOUVERNEMENTS DES PAYS ALLEMANDS COMPETENTES EN CE QUI CONCERNE LA COOPERATION JUDICIAIRE EN MATI RE PE-NALE." Pays Prusse Bavi~re Saxe Wurtemberg Bade Thuringe Hesse Hambourg Mecklembourg- Schwerin Brunswick Oldenbourg Anhalt Br~me Lippe-Detmold Lubeck Mecklembourg- Strelitz Schaumbourg- Lippe No. 2753 A utoritds centrales Ministhre de la Justice de Prusse, h Berlin. Ministre d'Etat des Affaires 6trangres de Bavi~re, k Munich. Ministnre de la Justice de Saxe, h Dresde. Ministhre de la Justice du Wurtemberg, k Stuttgart. Minist~re de la Justice badois, h Karlsruhe. Ministhre de lajustice de Thuringe, k Weimar. Minist~re de la Justice de Hesse, 4 Darmstadt. Administration judiciaire du territoire, h Hambourg. Ministre de la Justice du Mekklembourg-Schwerin, k Schwerin. Ministre de la Justice du Brunswick, h Brunswick. Ministhre de la Justice de l'Oldenbourg, k Oldenbourg. Minist~re de la Justice d'Anhalt, h Dessau. Commission judiciaire du S6nat, k Br~me. Landesprasidium de Lippe, h Detmold. Commission judiciaire du S6nat, hi Lubeck. D6partement de la Justice du Ministate de l'Int6rieur de Mecklembourg-Strelitz, k Neustrelitz. Gouvernement du pays de Schaumbourg-Lippe, a Buckeburg. LIST OF CENTRAL AUTHORITIES OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE GERMAN STATES COMPETENT AS REGARDS LEGAL CO-OPERATION IN CRIMINAL MATTERS. State Central Authority Prussia Prussian Ministry of Justice, Berlin. Bavaria Ministry of State for Foreign Affairs of Bavaria, Munich. Saxony Ministry of Justice of Saxony, Dresden. Wurtemberg Ministry of Justice of Wurtemberg, Stuttgart. Baden Ministry of Justice of Baden, Carlsruhe. Thuringia Ministry of Justice of Thuringia, Weimar. Hesse Ministry of Justice of Hesse, Darmstadt. Hamburg Administration of Justice, Hamburg. Mecklenburg- Ministry of Justice of Mecklen- Schwerin burg-Schwerin, Schwerin. Brunswick Ministry of Justice of Brunswick, Brunswick. Oldenburg Ministry of Justice of Oldenburg, Oldenburg. Anhalt Ministry of State of Anhalt, Dessau. Bremen Judicial Commission of the Senate, Bremen. Lippe-Detmold Landespr5.sidium of Lippe, Detmold. Lubeck Judicial Commission of the Senate, Lubeck. Mecklenburg- Department of Justice of the Strelitz Ministry of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Neustrelitz. Schaumburg- Government of the State of Lippe Schaumberg-Lippe, Buckeburg.

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 331<br />

LISTE<br />





Pays<br />

Prusse<br />

Bavi~re<br />

Saxe<br />

Wurtemberg<br />

Bade<br />

Thuringe<br />

Hesse<br />

Hambourg<br />

Mecklembourg-<br />

Schwerin<br />

Brunswick<br />

Oldenbourg<br />

Anhalt<br />

Br~me<br />

Lippe-Detmold<br />

Lubeck<br />

Mecklembourg-<br />

Strelitz<br />

Schaumbourg-<br />

Lippe<br />

No. 2753<br />

A utoritds centrales<br />

Ministhre de la Justice de Prusse,<br />

h Berlin.<br />

Ministre d'Etat des Affaires 6trangres<br />

de Bavi~re, k Munich.<br />

Ministnre de la Justice de Saxe,<br />

h Dresde.<br />

Ministhre de la Justice du Wurtemberg,<br />

k Stuttgart.<br />

Minist~re de la Justice badois,<br />

h Karlsruhe.<br />

Ministhre de lajustice de Thuringe,<br />

k Weimar.<br />

Minist~re de la Justice de Hesse,<br />

4 Darmstadt.<br />

Administration judiciaire du territoire,<br />

h Hambourg.<br />

Ministre de la Justice du Mekklembourg-Schwerin,<br />

k Schwerin.<br />

Ministre de la Justice du Brunswick,<br />

h Brunswick.<br />

Ministhre de la Justice de l'Oldenbourg,<br />

k Oldenbourg.<br />

Minist~re de la Justice d'Anhalt,<br />

h Dessau.<br />

Commission judiciaire du S6nat,<br />

k Br~me.<br />

Landesprasidium de Lippe, h Detmold.<br />

Commission judiciaire du S6nat,<br />

hi Lubeck.<br />

D6partement de la Justice du<br />

Ministate de l'Int6rieur de<br />

Mecklembourg-Strelitz, k Neustrelitz.<br />

Gouvernement du pays de Schaumbourg-Lippe,<br />

a Buckeburg.<br />

LIST<br />

<strong>OF</strong> CENTRAL AUTHORITIES <strong>OF</strong> THE GOVERNMENTS<br />



State Central Authority<br />

Prussia Prussian Ministry of Justice,<br />

Berlin.<br />

Bavaria Ministry of State for Foreign<br />

Affairs of Bavaria, Munich.<br />

Saxony Ministry of Justice of Saxony,<br />

Dresden.<br />

Wurtemberg Ministry of Justice of Wurtemberg,<br />

Stuttgart.<br />

Baden Ministry of Justice of Baden,<br />

Carlsruhe.<br />

Thuringia Ministry of Justice of Thuringia,<br />

Weimar.<br />

Hesse Ministry of Justice of Hesse,<br />

Darmstadt.<br />

Hamburg Administration of Justice, Hamburg.<br />

Mecklenburg- Ministry of Justice of Mecklen-<br />

Schwerin burg-Schwerin, Schwerin.<br />

Brunswick Ministry of Justice of Brunswick,<br />

Brunswick.<br />

Oldenburg Ministry of Justice of Oldenburg,<br />

Oldenburg.<br />

Anhalt Ministry of State of Anhalt, Dessau.<br />

Bremen Judicial Commission of the Senate,<br />

Bremen.<br />

Lippe-Detmold Landespr5.sidium of Lippe, Detmold.<br />

Lubeck Judicial Commission of the Senate,<br />

Lubeck.<br />

Mecklenburg- Department of Justice of the<br />

Strelitz Ministry of the Interior of<br />

Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Neustrelitz.<br />

Schaumburg- Government of the State of<br />

Lippe Schaumberg-Lippe, Buckeburg.

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