LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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306 Socite des Nations - Recuei des Trait s. 1931 L'autre b6tail doit 6tre marqu6 d'une fa on appropri~e selon les dispositions g6n6rales. ii. Pendant leur s~jour sur le territoire de l'autre Partie contractante les animaux seront soumis aux prescriptions v6t~rinaires du pays sur le territoire duquel ils se trouvent, k l'exception des dispositions concernant les d6dommagements, les subsides et les r6mun~rations. Dans le cas oii l'autorit6 comp~tente, en vertu des prescriptions en vigueur, ordonnerait l'abattement d'un animal h cause d'une 6pizootie, les autoritgs administratives de premiere instance (le prteur, le staroste) se communiqueront r6ciproquement par voie t6l6graphique la mesure envisage afin d'inviter le m6decin-vdt~rinaire officiel (m~decin-vkt~rinaire de l'Etat on agr66 par l'Etat) de l'autre pays h prendre part h l'examen diagnostique de la bte en question ainsi qu'h la dissection de cette bate et h la procddure h suivre en vue de dresser tous les documents servant de base h l'indemnisation; ces documents doivent 6tre ensuite remis h l'autorit6 comp6tente (le prdfet, le volevode) du pays d'origine de la bfte abattue. 12. La vaccination ordonnde par les autorit6s compdtentes s'effectue sans frais, h titre d'office, tandis que la vaccination qui aurait lieu s ur la demande du propri6taire s'effectue h ses frais, le m~decin-v~tdrinaire du pays d'origine des animaux 6tant admis h prendre part h cette operation. 13. Le pacage ayant 6t6 termin6 dans le d~lai fix6, tons les animaux 6trangers avec leur croit 6ventuel doivent 6tre reconduits dans leur pays de provenance oil doivent 6tre exportds 6galement tous les produits obtenus d'eux, tels que fromage, laine, etc., ainsi que la viande utilisable et les peaux des bates abattues. Si, au cours du pacage une 6pizootie propre au b6tail respectif venait d'6clater au milieu des troupeaux, leur retour au pays d'origine pourra avoir lieu apr~s une entente prdalable des autoritds compdtentes des deux Parties contractantes et apr~s l'application des mesures de pr6caution ndcessaires. III. A l'art. 17 de la Convention. Comme denr~e de consommation pendant le voyage n'est consid~r~e que la viande pr~par6e (sal6e, fume, r6tie, etc.) et nullement la viande crue. Les personnes mentionn~es h l'alin6a 2 de cet article peuvent apporter la viande pr~par~e de cette fa~on, toutefois en quantit6 ne d6passant pas les besoins d'une semaine. IV. A l'art. 28 et 30 de la Convention. Les autorit~s administratives comp6tentes de premiere instance des deux Parties contractantes se communiqueront r~ciproquement et sans retard chaque cas de constatation et de disparition d'6pizooties ainsi que toutes les mesures prises sous ce rapport dans la zone frontire limitrophe, en indiquant les localit~s, les noms des possesseurs et le nombre de pices malades ou suspectes. Seront considdrdes comme 6pizooties dans le sens du present Protocole a) La peste bovine ; b) la p6ripneumonie des bovidgs ; c) la fi&vre aphteuse ; d) le charbon bact6ridien ; e) la fi~vre charbonneuse ; f) la septic~mie himmorragique du gibier et du b6tail ; g) la morve des solip~des ; h) la clavelke des moutons ; i) la dourine ; k) l'exanth~me coital des chevaux et des bovidds ; 1) la gale des solip&des et des moutons; m) la rage ; n) la peste et la pneumonie infectieuse du porc ; o) le rouget du porc. Outre les informations susmentionn~es et l'6change r~gulier des bulletins d'6pizooties bimensuels, les autorit~s centrales comp~tentes des deux Parties contractantes se communiqueront immgdiatement par voie t6l~graphiqne le premier cas de peste bovine, p6ripneumonie des bovid6s et de clavel~e ovine, survenu sur leur territoire. Dans le cas oii il serait constat6 que par suite du trafic fronti~re local du b6tail, l'une des 6pizooties mentionndes sous les lettres a), b), .c), h), i), k), 1), m), et n), a p6ndtr6 du territoire d'une Partie contractante dans le territoire de l'autre Partie, on bien au cas d'imminent danger de pdn6tration d'une telle 6pizootie, les autorit~s comp~tentes pourront prendre les mesures No 2752

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 307 Other live-stock must be marked in a suitable manner according to the general regulations. ii. During their stay in the territory of the other Contracting Parties, animals shall be subject to the veterinary provisions of the country in whose territory they are, except as regards the provisions concerning compensation, bounties and remunerations. Should the competent authorities, in virtue of the provisions in force, order the slaughter of an animal on account of an epizootic disease, the administrative authorities of the first instance (the Praetor and Starost) shall notify each o her by telegraph of the proposed measure in order that the official veterinary surgeon (Government veterinary surgeon or veterinary surgeon approved by the Government) of the other country may be invited to take part in the examination of the animal in question and in the dissection of the animal, and in the procedure of drawing up the documents giving a right to compensation ; these documents shall afterwards be delivered to the competent authority (Prefect, Voivode) of the country of origin of the slaughtered animal. 12. Should animals be vaccinated on the direction of the competent authorities, it shall be carried out free of charge, whereas should animals be vaccinated on the application of the owner the latter will bear the cost, the veterinary surgeon of the animals' country of origin being allowed to take part in this operation. 13. On the completion of the period fixed for pasturage, all foreign live-stock, together with any young born during this period, must be driven back to the country of origin. All products obtained from them such as cheese, wool, etc., together with the edible meat and the hides of slaughtered animals must also be exported to the country of origin. Should an epizootic disease confined to the foreign live-stock break out whilst they are grazing, they may be sent back to their country of origin after a previous agreement between the competent authorities of the two Contracting Parties and after the necessary precautionary measures have been taken. III. Ad Article 17 of the Convention. Prepared meat (salted, smoked, roasted etc.) but not raw meat shall be regarded as food for the journey. The persons mentioned in paragraph 2 two of this Article may bring with them meat prepared in this manner sufficient for not more than one week's supply. IV. Ad Articles 28 and 30 of the Convention. The competent administrative authorities of first instance of the two Contracting Parties shall inform each other immediately of the outbreak and cessation of an epizootic disease and what steps they have taken to combat it within the frontier border zone, stating the localities, the owners names, and the number of sick or suspected animals. The following diseases shall be regarded as epizootic diseases within the meaning of the present Protocol: (a) Cattle plague ; (b) pleuropneumonia of cattle ; (c) foot-and-mouth disease (d) anthrax; (e) symptomatic anthrax; (f) haemorrhagic septicaemia of game and cattle ; (g) horse glanders ; (h) sheep pox ; (i) dourine ; (k) vesicular exanthema of horses and cattle ; (1) horse and sheep mange ; (m) rabies ; (n) swine plague and infectious pneumonia of swine ; (o) swine erisypelas. In addition to the above-mentioned information and the regular exchange of fortnightly bulletins of epizootic diseases, the competent central authorities of the two Contracting Parties shall immediately inform each other telegraphically of the first case of cattle plague, contagious pleuropneumonia of cattle and sheep pox that occurs in their territory. Where it is found that as a result of the local frontier traffic in cattle, one of the diseases mentioned under the letters (a), (b), (c), (h), (i), (k), (t), (m) and (n) has been conveyed from the territory of one Contracting Party into the territory of the other Party, or where there is imminent danger of such disease being conveyed, the competent authorities may take suitable NO. 2752

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 307<br />

Other live-stock must be marked in a suitable manner according to the general regulations.<br />

ii. During their stay in the territory of the other Contracting Parties, animals shall be subject<br />

to the veterinary provisions of the country in whose territory they are, except as regards the<br />

provisions concerning compensation, bounties and remunerations.<br />

Should the competent authorities, in virtue of the provisions in force, order the slaughter<br />

of an animal on account of an epizootic disease, the administrative authorities of the first instance<br />

(the Praetor and Starost) shall notify each o her by telegraph of the proposed measure in order<br />

that the official veterinary surgeon (Government veterinary surgeon or veterinary surgeon approved<br />

by the Government) of the other country may be invited to take part in the examination of the<br />

animal in question and in the dissection of the animal, and in the procedure of drawing up the<br />

documents giving a right to compensation ; these documents shall afterwards be delivered to the<br />

competent authority (Prefect, Voivode) of the country of origin of the slaughtered animal.<br />

12. Should animals be vaccinated on the direction of the competent authorities, it shall be<br />

carried out free of charge, whereas should animals be vaccinated on the application of the owner<br />

the latter will bear the cost, the veterinary surgeon of the animals' country of origin being allowed<br />

to take part in this operation.<br />

13. On the completion of the period fixed for pasturage, all foreign live-stock, together with<br />

any young born during this period, must be driven back to the country of origin. All products<br />

obtained from them such as cheese, wool, etc., together with the edible meat and the hides of<br />

slaughtered animals must also be exported to the country of origin.<br />

Should an epizootic disease confined to the foreign live-stock break out whilst they are grazing,<br />

they may be sent back to their country of origin after a previous agreement between the competent<br />

authorities of the two Contracting Parties and after the necessary precautionary measures have<br />

been taken.<br />

III. Ad Article 17 of the Convention.<br />

Prepared meat (salted, smoked, roasted etc.) but not raw meat shall be regarded as food for<br />

the journey. The persons mentioned in paragraph 2 two of this Article may bring with them meat<br />

prepared in this manner sufficient for not more than one week's supply.<br />

IV. Ad Articles 28 and 30 of the Convention.<br />

The competent administrative authorities of first instance of the two Contracting Parties<br />

shall inform each other immediately of the outbreak and cessation of an epizootic disease and<br />

what steps they have taken to combat it within the frontier border zone, stating the localities,<br />

the owners names, and the number of sick or suspected animals.<br />

The following diseases shall be regarded as epizootic diseases within the meaning of the present<br />

Protocol:<br />

(a) Cattle plague ; (b) pleuropneumonia of cattle ; (c) foot-and-mouth disease<br />

(d) anthrax; (e) symptomatic anthrax; (f) haemorrhagic septicaemia of game<br />

and cattle ; (g) horse glanders ; (h) sheep pox ; (i) dourine ; (k) vesicular exanthema<br />

of horses and cattle ; (1) horse and sheep mange ; (m) rabies ; (n) swine plague<br />

and infectious pneumonia of swine ; (o) swine erisypelas.<br />

In addition to the above-mentioned information and the regular exchange of fortnightly<br />

bulletins of epizootic diseases, the competent central authorities of the two Contracting Parties<br />

shall immediately inform each other telegraphically of the first case of cattle plague, contagious<br />

pleuropneumonia of cattle and sheep pox that occurs in their territory.<br />

Where it is found that as a result of the local frontier traffic in cattle, one of the diseases<br />

mentioned under the letters (a), (b), (c), (h), (i), (k), (t), (m) and (n) has been conveyed<br />

from the territory of one Contracting Party into the territory of the other Party, or where there<br />

is imminent danger of such disease being conveyed, the competent authorities may take suitable<br />

NO. 2752

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