LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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302 Socie'te' des Nations - Recuei des Traites. 1931 Chaque Partie contractante fixera les points de passage et deux termes par mois en vue de sournettre lesdits animaux provenant de la zone fronti re limitrophe de l'autre Partie, h 1'examen v~t6rinaire qui servira de base de l'attestation susmentionne. Pour cet examen et l'attestation de sant6, aucune taxe ne sera pergue. II. A l'art. 15 de la Convention. i. Au pacage dans la zone frontire limitrophe de l'autre c6t6 de la fronti~re ne peuvent 6tre admis que les bovid~s, les porcins, les ovid~s et les ch~vres, provenant de la zone fronti~re limitrophe et constituant la proprit6 des habitants y 6tablis, ainsi que les animaux solip~des de selle, de trait et de somme en nombre indispensable au transport des personnes et des effets accompagnant les troupeaux et enfin les chiens n6cessaires en vue de garder les troupeaux sur les pAturages. 2. En dehors des formalit~s h remplir selon les prescriptions douani~res et frontalires, pr6vues par la pr6sente convention, il sera exig6 que les animaux 6trangers envoy~s au pacage, et notamment les bovid6s, les porcins, les ovid~s et les ch~vres, soient munis des documents suivants : a) Des certificats d'origine, d6livr~s par l'autorit6 communale du lieu oil le propri~taire du b6tail a son domicile. Les certificats d'origine seront ddlivrds individuellement pour chaque pike de b~tail h cornes et ils peuvent 6tre d~livr~s collectivement pour tous les autres animaux. Les certificats d'origine indiqueront aa) Le nom, le pr6nom et le domicile du propri6taire, ainsi que bb) Le nombre des animaux et leur signalement, h savoir : l'esp~ce, le sexe, la couleur et les signes sp~ciauN ainsi que les marques (marques aux oreilles, marques au fer rouge, coupures, etc.) ; cc) L'attestation que le bdtail envoy6 au pacage s~journait dans le lieu de domicile de son propridtaire au moins pendant les derniers quarante jours ; et dd) L'attestation qu'au moment de la d6livrance du certificat la localit6 de provenance du b~tail est libre d'6pizooties et que la circulation du bdtail respectif n'y est pas restreinte h cause de telles maladies. La tuberculose, les cas isol~s de fi~vre charbonneuse, de charbon bact~ridien, de septic~mie h~morragique du gibier et du b~tail, de morve et de rouget du porc ne sont pas consid~rs comme entraves en vue d'attester que la localitO est libre de maladies contagieuses des animaux. Les certificats d'origine ne peuvent pas porter une date ant~rieure au dixi~me jour avant l'arrivde du b6tail h la fronti~re. b) Des certificats de sant6, d~livr~s par un m~decin-vt6rinaire de l'Etat ou agr 6 par l'Etat, sur la base de constatations particuli~res et attestant : aa) Que les bates sont exemptes de maladies contagieuses des animaux et qu'elles ne sont pas suspectes de telles maladies, ainsi que bb) Le pays d'origine est exempt de la peste bovine et de la p6ripneumonie contagieuse des bovid~s depuis une annie; et que cc) Pendant les derniers quarante jours la fi~vre aphteuse n'a pas 6t6 constatde dans le lieu de provenance du bdtail ni dans le rayon de quarante kilomtres. Lorsqu'il s'agit du bdtail d'esp~ce ovine, il y aura lieu d'attester, en outre : dd) Que pendant les derniers soixante jours la clavel6e ovine n'existait pas dans le lieu de provenance du b~tail, ni dans le rayon de quarante kilom~tres; et ee) Que pendant les derniers soixante jours la gale ovine n'existait pas dans le lieu de provenance du b~tail, ni dans le rayon de vingt kilomtres. En ce qui concerne les porcins une attestation suppl~mentaire est exigde certifiant que : //) Pendant les derniers vingt huit jours la peste et la pneumonie infectieuse du porc n'existaient pas dans le lieu de provenance du b6tail, ni dans le rayon de dix kilom~tres. NO 2752

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 303 Each Contracting Party shall fix the points of passage and two dates every month for the submission of animals from the frontier border zone of the other Party to a veterinary examination which shall be used as a basis for the issue of the above-mentioned attestation. No charge shall be made for the examination and attestation. II. Ad Article 15 of the Convention. I. Only cattle, swine, sheep and goats of the frontier border zone belonging to the inhabitants of the said zone, together with saddle, draught and pack animals in sufficient numbers for the conveyance of persons and goods accompanying flocks, and dogs required for watching the flocks put out to graze, shall be admitted to pasturage in the frontier border zone on the other side the frontier. 2. In addition to the observance of the Customs and frontier formalities laid down in the present Convention, foreign live-stock, particularly cattle, swine, sheep and goats, which are put out to graze, must also be accompanied by the following documents : (a) Certificates of origin issued by the communal authority of the place where the owner of the live-stock has his domicile. Separate certificates of origin shall be issued for each head of horned cattle, and collective certificates in the case of all other animals. No. 2752 Certificates of origin shall state : (aa) The surname, Christian name and domicile of the owner, together with: (bb) The number and description of the animals i. e. ; species, sex, colour, special signs and marks (ear tabs, brands, cuts, etc.) ; (cc) An attestation that the live-stock put out to graze had remained for at leastthe previous forty days at their owner's place of domicile ; (dd) An attestation that at the time of the certificate's issue the live-stock's place of origin was free from epizootic diseases and that the circulation of live-stock was not restricted on account of such diseases. Tuberculosis and isolated cases of symptomatic anthrax, anthrax, haemorrhagic septicaemia of game and cattle, glanders and swine erisypelas shall not be regarded as precluding an attestation that the locality is free from infectious diseases of animals. Certificates of origin may not be dated earlier than ten days previous to the arrival of the live-stock at the frontier. (b) Certificates of health issued by a Government veterinary surgeon or a veterinary surgeon accredited by the Government, based on personal observations and certifying : (aa) That the animals are free from and are not suspected of suffering from infectious diseases. (bb) That the country of origin has been free from cattle plague and infectious pleuropneumonia of cattle for a year. (cc) That no case of foot and mouth disease has been notified at the live-stock's place of origin or within a radius of forty kilometres for forty days. In the case of sheep an attestation must also be produced certifying (dd) That during the previous sixty days there has been no case of sheep-pox either at the live-stock's place of origin or within a radius of forty kilometres, and (ee) That during the previous sixty days there has been no case of sheep-mange either at the live-stock's place of origin or within a radius of twenty kilometres. A supplementary attestation shall be required for swine certifying that: (//) During the previous twenty days there has been no case of contagious pneumonia of swine either at the live-stock's place of origin or within a radius of ten kilometres.

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 303<br />

Each Contracting Party shall fix the points of passage and two dates every month for the<br />

submission of animals from the frontier border zone of the other Party to a veterinary examination<br />

which shall be used as a basis for the issue of the above-mentioned attestation. No charge shall be<br />

made for the examination and attestation.<br />

II. Ad Article 15 of the Convention.<br />

I. Only cattle, swine, sheep and goats of the frontier border zone belonging to the inhabitants<br />

of the said zone, together with saddle, draught and pack animals in sufficient numbers for the<br />

conveyance of persons and goods accompanying flocks, and dogs required for watching the flocks<br />

put out to graze, shall be admitted to pasturage in the frontier border zone on the other side the<br />

frontier.<br />

2. In addition to the observance of the Customs and frontier formalities laid down in the<br />

present Convention, foreign live-stock, particularly cattle, swine, sheep and goats, which are put<br />

out to graze, must also be accompanied by the following documents :<br />

(a) Certificates of origin issued by the communal authority of the place where<br />

the owner of the live-stock has his domicile. Separate certificates of origin shall be issued<br />

for each head of horned cattle, and collective certificates in the case of all other animals.<br />

No. 2752<br />

Certificates of origin shall state :<br />

(aa) The surname, Christian name and domicile of the owner, together with:<br />

(bb) The number and description of the animals i. e. ; species, sex, colour,<br />

special signs and marks (ear tabs, brands, cuts, etc.) ;<br />

(cc) An attestation that the live-stock put out to graze had remained for at<br />

leastthe previous forty days at their owner's place of domicile ;<br />

(dd) An attestation that at the time of the certificate's issue the live-stock's<br />

place of origin was free from epizootic diseases and that the circulation of live-stock<br />

was not restricted on account of such diseases. Tuberculosis and isolated cases of<br />

symptomatic anthrax, anthrax, haemorrhagic septicaemia of game and cattle,<br />

glanders and swine erisypelas shall not be regarded as precluding an attestation<br />

that the locality is free from infectious diseases of animals.<br />

Certificates of origin may not be dated earlier than ten days previous to the arrival of<br />

the live-stock at the frontier.<br />

(b) Certificates of health issued by a Government veterinary surgeon or a veterinary<br />

surgeon accredited by the Government, based on personal observations and certifying :<br />

(aa) That the animals are free from and are not suspected of suffering from<br />

infectious diseases.<br />

(bb) That the country of origin has been free from cattle plague and infectious<br />

pleuropneumonia of cattle for a year.<br />

(cc) That no case of foot and mouth disease has been notified at the live-stock's<br />

place of origin or within a radius of forty kilometres for forty days.<br />

In the case of sheep an attestation must also be produced certifying<br />

(dd) That during the previous sixty days there has been no case of sheep-pox<br />

either at the live-stock's place of origin or within a radius of forty kilometres, and<br />

(ee) That during the previous sixty days there has been no case of sheep-mange<br />

either at the live-stock's place of origin or within a radius of twenty kilometres.<br />

A supplementary attestation shall be required for swine certifying that:<br />

(//) During the previous twenty days there has been no case of contagious<br />

pneumonia of swine either at the live-stock's place of origin or within a radius of<br />

ten kilometres.

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