LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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SOCIIT DES NATIONS Necuei des Traitis et des Engagements internationaux enregistrds par le Secrdtariat de la Societe des JNations. VOLUME CXIX 1931-1932' NUMtROS 1, 2, 3 et 4 No 2736. - Chine et Norv6ge : TABLE DES MATILRES Echange de notes relatif h l'exterritorialit6 en Chine. Nankin, le 23 avril 1931 ......... 9 No 2737. - Autriche et NorvAge Convention de conciliation, d'arbitrage et de r~glement j udiciaire. Sign6e h Oslo, le I er octobre 1930 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 No 2738. - Belgique et France : Convention pour l'6tablissement et l'exploitation d'une ligne adrienne Belgique-France- Congo, avec annexe. Signdes h Bruxelles, le 23 mai 1930 .................. 33 No 2739. - Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Grande-Bretagne et Irlande du Nord, Bulgarie, etc. : Arrangement entre autorit6s douanibres pour faciliter l'apurement des triptyques non d~charg6s ou perdus. Sign6 h Genbve, le 28 mars 1931 ..................... 47 No 2740. - Suede et Turquie : Trait6 de commerce et de navigation, avec protocole de signature. Signds h Ankara, le 29 septembre 1929 ... .......... ... ................ .... .... .... ... ... ... ..... 53 No 2741. - Estonie et Islande Ddclaration concernant la reconnaissance rdciproque des certificats de jaugeage estoniens et islandais. Signde h Stockholm, le 30 mai 1931 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 69 No 2742. - Roumanie et Tch6coslovaquie : Trait6 de commerce et de navigation avec annexes A, B, C et D (Convention sanitaire v6t6rinaire) et protocole final. Sign6s k Strbsk6 Pleso, le 27 juin 1930 ............. 73 Pages

LEAGUE OF NATIONS Treaty Series Publication of Treaties and International Engagements registered wilb the Secretariat of the League of Nations. VOLUME CXIX 1931-1932 NUMBERS 1, 2, 3 and 4 No. 2736. - China and Norway : TABLE OF CONTENTS. Exchange of Notes regarding Extra-territoriality in China. Nanking, April 23, 1931... 9 No. 2737. - Austria and Norway : Convention of Conciliation, Arbitration and Judicial Settlement. Signed at Oslo, October i, 1930 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 No. 2738. - Belgium and France : Convention for the Establishment and Working of an Aerial Line of Communication Belgium- France-Congo, with Annex. Signed at Brussels, May 23, 1930 ............... 33 No. 2739. - Germany, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Bulgaria, etc. : Agreement between Customs Authorities in order to facilitate the Procedure in the case of undischarged or lost Triptychs. Signed at Geneva, March 28, 1931 ............ 47 No. 2740. - Sweden and Turkey : Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, with Protocol of Signature. Signed at Ankara, Septem ber 29, 1929 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 53 No. 2741. - Estonia and Iceland : Declaration regarding the reciprocal Recognition of Estonian and Icelandic Tonnage Certificates. Signed at Stockholm, May 30, 1931 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 69 No. 2742. - Roumania and Czechoslovakia Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, with Annexes A, B, C, and D (Veterinary Sanitary Convention) and Final Protocol. Signed at Strbsk6 Pleso, June 27, 1930 ......... 73 Page

<strong>LEAGUE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>NATIONS</strong><br />

<strong>Treaty</strong> Series<br />

Publication of Treaties and International Engagements<br />

registered wilb the Secretariat of the League of <strong>Nations</strong>.<br />

VOLUME CXIX 1931-1932 NUMBERS 1, 2, 3 and 4<br />

No. 2736. - China and Norway :<br />

TABLE <strong>OF</strong> CONTENTS.<br />

Exchange of Notes regarding Extra-territoriality in China. Nanking, April 23, 1931... 9<br />

No. 2737. - Austria and Norway :<br />

Convention of Conciliation, Arbitration and Judicial Settlement. Signed at Oslo, October i,<br />

1930 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15<br />

No. 2738. - Belgium and France :<br />

Convention for the Establishment and Working of an Aerial Line of Communication Belgium-<br />

France-Congo, with Annex. Signed at Brussels, May 23, 1930 ............... 33<br />

No. 2739. - Germany, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain and Northern Ireland,<br />

Bulgaria, etc. :<br />

Agreement between Customs Authorities in order to facilitate the Procedure in the case of<br />

undischarged or lost Triptychs. Signed at Geneva, March 28, 1931 ............ 47<br />

No. 2740. - Sweden and Turkey :<br />

<strong>Treaty</strong> of Commerce and Navigation, with Protocol of Signature. Signed at Ankara,<br />

Septem ber 29, 1929 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 53<br />

No. 2741. - Estonia and Iceland :<br />

Declaration regarding the reciprocal Recognition of Estonian and Icelandic Tonnage<br />

Certificates. Signed at Stockholm, May 30, 1931 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 69<br />

No. 2742. - Roumania and Czechoslovakia<br />

<strong>Treaty</strong> of Commerce and Navigation, with Annexes A, B, C, and D (Veterinary Sanitary<br />

Convention) and Final Protocol. Signed at Strbsk6 Pleso, June 27, 1930 ......... 73<br />


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