LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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288 Socite des Nations - Recuei des Traites. 1931 Article 5. i. Les permis de passage seront d6livr~s par les autorit6s administratives de premi~re instance du district oii le p6titionnaire a son domicile (le pr6teur pour la Roumanie et le staroste pour la Pologne). 2. En cas de ncessit6 urgente, dfiment constat~e, les permis de couleur blanche pourront 6tre d6livr~s 6galement par le maire de la commune respective et certifi6s par le poste de police le plus proche. 3. Les autorit6s sp6cifi6es h l'alin6a premier du pr6sent article seront tenues de se communiquer pr6alablement toute demande d'un permis de passage permanent (de couleur jaune) ou d'un permis pour des raisons 6conomiques (de couleur verte). Ces communications devront contenir les indications suivantes : le nom, le pr6nom, la nationalit6, le domicile du requ6rant, le lieu de destination, ainsi que tous les renseignements permettant de constater que le p6titionnaire remplit toutes les conditions n6cessaires pour obtenir le permis. Pour les ouvriers ces communications devront contenir, en outre, le nom du patron qui les a embauch6s. Le permis de passage ne sera pas d61ivr6 si, dans un d6lai de vingt j ours compter de l'exp6dition de la communication, l'autorit6 comp6tente de l'autre Partie s'y oppose soit pour des raisons de sfiret6 ou d'ordre public, soit parce que toutes les conditions requises par la pr6sente convention ne sont pas remplies. Si l'autorit6 appel~e h d~livrer le permis de passage consid6rait l'opposition comme mal fond6e, l'instance administrative imm6diatement sup~rieure pourra intervenir aupr~s de l'autorit6 sup6rieure comp~tente de l'autre Partie, afin de faire examiner h nouveau le cas en question. Les d6tails de la proc6dure h suivre, afin de liquider les cas litigieux de cette sorte, seront 6tablis par voie d'entente directe entre les autorit6s administrative comp6tentes des deux Parties contractantes. Article 6. i. En principe, les enfants au-dessous de quinze ans ne pourront franchir la fronti~re qu'accompagn6s de leurs parents ou des membres adultes de leurs familles, sur le permis desquels ils devront 6tre inscrits. 2. Cependant, dans des cas speciaux (transport d'aliments, garde des animaux, etc.), les enfants pourront franchir la fronti~re mme sans Atre accompagn6s, en vertu des permis qui leur seront d6livr6s uniquement sur la demande de leurs parents ou de leurs tuteurs 16gaux et qui devront porter en m6me temps la signature ou l'empreinte digitale de ces personnes. Article 7. i. Les permis pour un seul passage (de couleur blanche) seront d~livr6s aux personnes sp6cifi~es h larticle 2, points II, III et IV, et seront valables huit jours h compter de la date de leur d6livrance ; ils autorisent leurs titulaires h sjourner dans ]a zone fronti~re limitrophe de l'autre pays pendant trois jours, sans compter le jour du passage. 2. Les permis de passage permanents (de couleur jaune) seront d~livr~s aux personnes sp6cifi6es l'article 2, points III et IV, et seront valables six mois. Ils autorisent leurs titulaires h s6journer dans la zone fronti~re limitrophe de l'autre pays chaque fois, pendant trois jours et les artisans sp6cifi6s h l'article 2, point III, pendant six jours, sans compter le jour de passage. 3. Les permis de passage d6livr~s pour des raisons 6conomiques (de couleur verte) aux personnes sp6cifi6es h l'article 2, point I, seront valables un an et permettront h leurs titulaires de sjourner dans la zone fronti~re limitrophe de 1'autre pays, aux endroits indiqu6s sur ces documents, pendant la dur~e n6cessaire aux travaux a excuter. Ils pourront 6galement 6tre utilis6s par leurs titulaires dans les cas pr~vus a l'article 2, point II. N' 2752

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 289 Article 5. i. Frontier permits shall be issued by the administrative authorities of first instance of the district where the applicant has his domicile (in Roumania, the Praetor, and in Poland, the Starost). 2. In duly verified cases of urgency, permits (white) may also be issued by the mayor of the Commune and certified by the nearest police station. 3. The authorities mentioned in paragraph I of the present Article shall notify each other in advance of every application for a permanent frontier permit (yellow) or for a business permit (green). The notification shall contain the following particulars: the surname, Christian name, nationality and domicile of the applicant, his destination, and all information showing that the applicant has complied with all the conditions for obtaining a permit. In the case of workmen, the notification shall also contain the name of the employer who has engaged them. The frontier permit shall not be issued if within twenty days from the despatch of the notification the competent authority of the other Party makes objection either on the grounds of public policy or order, or because all the conditions required by the present Convention have not been satisfied. If the authority responsible for issuing the frontier permit does not regard the objection as justified, the immediately superior administrative authority may approach the competent superior authority of the other Party with a view to a reconsideration of the case. The details of the procedure to be followed in settling disputed cases of this kind shall be arranged by means of a direct agreement between the competent administrative authorities of the two Contracting Parties. Article 6. i. In principle children under fifteen may not cross the frontier except when accompanied by their parents or adult members of their families on whose permit they must be inscribed. 2. Nevertheless, in special cases (conveyance of food, supervision of animals, etc.), children may cross the frontier unaccompanied, by virtue of permits which shall be issued to them only on the application of their parents or legal guardians and which shall contain the signature or finger-print of these persons. Article 7. i. Permits for a single journey (white) shall be issued to the persons specified in Article 2, sub-paragraphs II, III and IV, and shall be valid for eight days from the date of issue; they entitle their holders to remain within the frontier border zone of the other country for three days, excluding the day on which the frontier was crossed. 2. Permanent frontier permits (yellow) shall be issued to the persons specified in Article 2, sub-paragraphs III and IV, and shall be valid for six months. They entitle their holders to remain within the frontier border zone of the other country for periods of three days at a time, and the artisans specified in Article 2, sub-paragraph III, for six days, excluding the day on which the frontier was crossed. 3. Business permits (green) issued to the persons specified in Article 2, sub-paragraph I, shall be valid for one year and shall entitle their holders to iemain within the frontier border zone of the other country at the places indicated in these documents for the length of time necessary for them to do their work. They may also be used by their holders in the cases referred to in Article 2, sub-paragraph II. 19 No. 2752

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 289<br />

Article 5.<br />

i. Frontier permits shall be issued by the administrative authorities of first instance of the<br />

district where the applicant has his domicile (in Roumania, the Praetor, and in Poland, the Starost).<br />

2. In duly verified cases of urgency, permits (white) may also be issued by the mayor of<br />

the Commune and certified by the nearest police station.<br />

3. The authorities mentioned in paragraph I of the present Article shall notify each other<br />

in advance of every application for a permanent frontier permit (yellow) or for a business permit<br />

(green).<br />

The notification shall contain the following particulars: the surname, Christian name,<br />

nationality and domicile of the applicant, his destination, and all information showing that the<br />

applicant has complied with all the conditions for obtaining a permit.<br />

In the case of workmen, the notification shall also contain the name of the employer who<br />

has engaged them.<br />

The frontier permit shall not be issued if within twenty days from the despatch of the notification<br />

the competent authority of the other Party makes objection either on the grounds of public policy<br />

or order, or because all the conditions required by the present Convention have not been satisfied.<br />

If the authority responsible for issuing the frontier permit does not regard the objection as<br />

justified, the immediately superior administrative authority may approach the competent superior<br />

authority of the other Party with a view to a reconsideration of the case.<br />

The details of the procedure to be followed in settling disputed cases of this kind shall be<br />

arranged by means of a direct agreement between the competent administrative authorities of<br />

the two Contracting Parties.<br />

Article 6.<br />

i. In principle children under fifteen may not cross the frontier except when accompanied by<br />

their parents or adult members of their families on whose permit they must be inscribed.<br />

2. Nevertheless, in special cases (conveyance of food, supervision of animals, etc.), children<br />

may cross the frontier unaccompanied, by virtue of permits which shall be issued to them only<br />

on the application of their parents or legal guardians and which shall contain the signature or<br />

finger-print of these persons.<br />

Article 7.<br />

i. Permits for a single journey (white) shall be issued to the persons specified in Article 2,<br />

sub-paragraphs II, III and IV, and shall be valid for eight days from the date of issue; they<br />

entitle their holders to remain within the frontier border zone of the other country for three days,<br />

excluding the day on which the frontier was crossed.<br />

2. Permanent frontier permits (yellow) shall be issued to the persons specified in Article 2,<br />

sub-paragraphs III and IV, and shall be valid for six months. They entitle their holders to<br />

remain within the frontier border zone of the other country for periods of three days at a time,<br />

and the artisans specified in Article 2, sub-paragraph III, for six days, excluding the day on which<br />

the frontier was crossed.<br />

3. Business permits (green) issued to the persons specified in Article 2, sub-paragraph I,<br />

shall be valid for one year and shall entitle their holders to iemain within the frontier border zone<br />

of the other country at the places indicated in these documents for the length of time necessary<br />

for them to do their work. They may also be used by their holders in the cases referred to in Article<br />

2, sub-paragraph II.<br />

19 No. 2752

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