LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection


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1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 22<br />

3. Les dispositions du present trait6 s'appliqueront<br />

6galement, avec effet, h partir du joude<br />

leur entree en vigueur, aux cas ant~rieurs<br />

ayant motivi des prestations. Dans l'application<br />

des dispositions du present trait6, il y aura lieu<br />

de tenir compte 6galement des p6riodes d'assurance<br />

effectufes avant leur entree en vigueur.<br />

4. I1 ne sera pas effectu6 de paiements avec<br />

effet ritroactif pour la ptriode antfrieure .<br />

l'entre en vigueur. Dans la mesure ohi il a 6t6<br />

accord6 jusqu'Ai prisent h des ayants droit des<br />

rentes dont le montant 6tait sup6rieur h celui<br />

des rentes auxquelles ils ont droit d'apr~s le<br />

present trait6, les bfinficiaires ne seront pas<br />

tenus h remboursement. Lorsqu'il est accord6<br />

des prestations une fois payfes, elles sont<br />

imput6es sur les prestations-rente venues h<br />

6chfance.<br />

5. Chacun des deux Etats peut dfnoncer le<br />

trait6, moyennant un priavis de six mois, pour<br />

la fin de l'annfe civile. La d~nonciation peut<br />

6tre limite, avec 'assentiement de l'autre Etat,<br />

A certaines parties du trait6. Les institutions<br />

d'assurance lies en vertu du trait6 devront<br />

continuer, malgr6 la dfnonciation, h satisfaire<br />

aux obligations qui leur incombent h raison de<br />

cas ayant motiv6 des prestations qui se sont<br />

produits pendant la validit6 du trait6. Les<br />

droits expectatifs, maintenus conform&iment aux<br />

dispositions du present trait6, ne s'6teignent<br />

pas par l'effet de la d6nonciation du trait6 ;<br />

leur maintien ultfrieur est dftermin6, pour la<br />

p~riode qui suit l'abrogation du trait6, par le<br />

droit national.<br />

En foi de quoi les pl6nipotentiaires ont sign6<br />

le present trait6.<br />

Fait en double original.<br />

BERLIN, le 5 /dvrier 1930.<br />

No. 2746<br />

Adolf SIEDLER.<br />

Dr Johannes KROHN.<br />

Dr Robert KERBER.<br />

3. The provisions of this <strong>Treaty</strong> shall be<br />

operative as from the date of its-coming into<br />

operation even with respect to preceding<br />

events giving rise to benefit. In the application<br />

of the provisions of this <strong>Treaty</strong> contribution<br />

periods completed before the coming into<br />

operation thereof shall also be taken into<br />

consideration.<br />

4. Payments shall not be made in arrears<br />

for the period preceding the coming into<br />

operation of this <strong>Treaty</strong>. In so far as pensions<br />

have been granted to beneficiaries which are<br />

higher than the pensions due to them under<br />

this <strong>Treaty</strong>, such beneficiaries shall not<br />

be obliged to make a refund. If lump sum<br />

benefits have been granted they shall be<br />

deducted from the pension payments which<br />

become due subsequently.<br />

5. Either of the two States may denounce<br />

the <strong>Treaty</strong> six months before the end of a<br />

calendar year. With the consent of the other<br />

State, denunciation may be restricted to particular<br />

parts of the <strong>Treaty</strong>. The liabilities in<br />

connection with events giving rise to benefit<br />

which occur during the period of operation<br />

of the <strong>Treaty</strong> shall continue to be discharged<br />

by the insurance carriers which are liable<br />

under this <strong>Treaty</strong>, in spite of the denunciation.<br />

A qualification for benefit which is maintained<br />

in conformity with the provisions of this <strong>Treaty</strong><br />

shall not lapse on account of the denunciation of<br />

the <strong>Treaty</strong>; the revival of such qualifications<br />

shall be based on national legislation in respect<br />

of the period after the <strong>Treaty</strong> has ceased to<br />

be operative.<br />

In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries have<br />

signed the present <strong>Treaty</strong>.<br />

Done in duplicate.<br />

BERLIN, February 5, 1930.<br />

Adolf SIEDLER.<br />

Dr. Johannes KROHN.<br />

Dr. Robert KERBER.

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