LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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228 Societ6 des Nations - Recuei des Traites. 1931 6. L'institution d'assurance d~finitivement charg6e des prestations doit rembourser A l'institution d'assurance qui a accord6 l'assistance provisoire les d~penses engag~es par elle h ce titre. Le paragraphe 2 de l'article 5 est applicable. Article 29. Est autorit6 supreme, au sens du pr6sent trait6, du c6t6 allemand, le ministre du travail du Reich, du c6t6 autrichien, le ministre f6d~ral de l'administration sociale. Article 30. Les institutions d'assurance des deux Etats doivent, dans la mesure du possible, s'informer mutuellement lorsqu'elles apprennent qu'un autre assur6 transffre sa r~sidence du territoire d'un des Etats dans celui de l'autre. Les institutions d'assurance peuvent conclure entre elles des conventions de detail A ce sujet. Article 31. Pour l'ex~cution du pr6sent trait6, les institutions, autorits et tribunaux d'assurance sociale des deux Etats traitent directement entre eux. Article 32. i. Le present trait6 doit 6tre soumis ratification. Les instruments de ratification seront 6changfs , Berlin aussit6t que possible. 2. Le trait6 entrera en vigueur, en ce qui concerne l'assurance-invalidit6, aux dates auxquelles la loi autrichienne d'assurance des ouvriers et la loi autrichienne d'assurance des ouvriers agricoles entreront pleinement en vigueur. Pour le surplus, le trait6 entrera en vigueur le premier jour du mois qui suivra l'6change des instruments de ratification. Sera abrog~e h la m~me date la convention du 8 janvier 1926 entre le Reich allemand et la R6publique d'Autriche concernant l'application des assurances sociales dans les relations internationales. 6. The insurance carrier which is ultimately liable shall refund to the insurance carrier which granted provisional relief any expenditure incurred in connection therewith. Article 5, No 2 shall apply. Article 29. The supreme administrative authority for the purposes of this Treaty shall be in Germany, the Federal Minister of Labour, and in Austria, the Federal Minister of Social Administration. Article 30. The insurance carriers of the two States shall advise one another as far as possible when it comes to their knowledge that an insured person is leaving the territory of one State in order to take up his residence in the territory of the other State. The insurance carriers may conclude agreements with respect to further details. Article 31. The social insurance carriers, authorities and courts of the two States shall communicate with one another directly in connection with the administration of this Treaty. Article 32. i. This Treaty shall be ratified. The instruments of ratification shall be exchanged as soon as possible in Berlin. 2. As regards invalidity insurance this Treaty shall come into operation on the dates on which the Austrian Workers' Insurance Act and the Austrian Agricultural Workers' Insurance Act are fully operative. In other respects the Treaty shall come into operation on the first day of the month following the exchange of the instruments of ratification. On the same date the Convention of 8 January, 1926, between the German Federation and the Republic of Austria concerning administration of social insurance in intercourse between the two States shall cease to be operative. No !2746

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 22 3. Les dispositions du present trait6 s'appliqueront 6galement, avec effet, h partir du joude leur entree en vigueur, aux cas ant~rieurs ayant motivi des prestations. Dans l'application des dispositions du present trait6, il y aura lieu de tenir compte 6galement des p6riodes d'assurance effectufes avant leur entree en vigueur. 4. I1 ne sera pas effectu6 de paiements avec effet ritroactif pour la ptriode antfrieure . l'entre en vigueur. Dans la mesure ohi il a 6t6 accord6 jusqu'Ai prisent h des ayants droit des rentes dont le montant 6tait sup6rieur h celui des rentes auxquelles ils ont droit d'apr~s le present trait6, les bfinficiaires ne seront pas tenus h remboursement. Lorsqu'il est accord6 des prestations une fois payfes, elles sont imput6es sur les prestations-rente venues h 6chfance. 5. Chacun des deux Etats peut dfnoncer le trait6, moyennant un priavis de six mois, pour la fin de l'annfe civile. La d~nonciation peut 6tre limite, avec 'assentiement de l'autre Etat, A certaines parties du trait6. Les institutions d'assurance lies en vertu du trait6 devront continuer, malgr6 la dfnonciation, h satisfaire aux obligations qui leur incombent h raison de cas ayant motiv6 des prestations qui se sont produits pendant la validit6 du trait6. Les droits expectatifs, maintenus conform&iment aux dispositions du present trait6, ne s'6teignent pas par l'effet de la d6nonciation du trait6 ; leur maintien ultfrieur est dftermin6, pour la p~riode qui suit l'abrogation du trait6, par le droit national. En foi de quoi les pl6nipotentiaires ont sign6 le present trait6. Fait en double original. BERLIN, le 5 /dvrier 1930. No. 2746 Adolf SIEDLER. Dr Johannes KROHN. Dr Robert KERBER. 3. The provisions of this Treaty shall be operative as from the date of its-coming into operation even with respect to preceding events giving rise to benefit. In the application of the provisions of this Treaty contribution periods completed before the coming into operation thereof shall also be taken into consideration. 4. Payments shall not be made in arrears for the period preceding the coming into operation of this Treaty. In so far as pensions have been granted to beneficiaries which are higher than the pensions due to them under this Treaty, such beneficiaries shall not be obliged to make a refund. If lump sum benefits have been granted they shall be deducted from the pension payments which become due subsequently. 5. Either of the two States may denounce the Treaty six months before the end of a calendar year. With the consent of the other State, denunciation may be restricted to particular parts of the Treaty. The liabilities in connection with events giving rise to benefit which occur during the period of operation of the Treaty shall continue to be discharged by the insurance carriers which are liable under this Treaty, in spite of the denunciation. A qualification for benefit which is maintained in conformity with the provisions of this Treaty shall not lapse on account of the denunciation of the Treaty; the revival of such qualifications shall be based on national legislation in respect of the period after the Treaty has ceased to be operative. In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty. Done in duplicate. BERLIN, February 5, 1930. Adolf SIEDLER. Dr. Johannes KROHN. Dr. Robert KERBER.

228 Societ6 des <strong>Nations</strong> - Recuei des Traites. 1931<br />

6. L'institution d'assurance d~finitivement<br />

charg6e des prestations doit rembourser A<br />

l'institution d'assurance qui a accord6 l'assistance<br />

provisoire les d~penses engag~es par elle<br />

h ce titre. Le paragraphe 2 de l'article 5 est<br />

applicable.<br />

Article 29.<br />

Est autorit6 supreme, au sens du pr6sent<br />

trait6, du c6t6 allemand, le ministre du travail<br />

du Reich, du c6t6 autrichien, le ministre f6d~ral<br />

de l'administration sociale.<br />

Article 30.<br />

Les institutions d'assurance des deux Etats<br />

doivent, dans la mesure du possible, s'informer<br />

mutuellement lorsqu'elles apprennent qu'un<br />

autre assur6 transffre sa r~sidence du territoire<br />

d'un des Etats dans celui de l'autre. Les institutions<br />

d'assurance peuvent conclure entre<br />

elles des conventions de detail A ce sujet.<br />

Article 31.<br />

Pour l'ex~cution du pr6sent trait6, les institutions,<br />

autorits et tribunaux d'assurance<br />

sociale des deux Etats traitent directement<br />

entre eux.<br />

Article 32.<br />

i. Le present trait6 doit 6tre soumis ratification.<br />

Les instruments de ratification seront<br />

6changfs , Berlin aussit6t que possible.<br />

2. Le trait6 entrera en vigueur, en ce qui<br />

concerne l'assurance-invalidit6, aux dates auxquelles<br />

la loi autrichienne d'assurance des<br />

ouvriers et la loi autrichienne d'assurance des<br />

ouvriers agricoles entreront pleinement en<br />

vigueur. Pour le surplus, le trait6 entrera en<br />

vigueur le premier jour du mois qui suivra<br />

l'6change des instruments de ratification. Sera<br />

abrog~e h la m~me date la convention du 8 janvier<br />

1926 entre le Reich allemand et la R6publique<br />

d'Autriche concernant l'application des<br />

assurances sociales dans les relations internationales.<br />

6. The insurance carrier which is ultimately<br />

liable shall refund to the insurance carrier<br />

which granted provisional relief any expenditure<br />

incurred in connection therewith. Article 5,<br />

No 2 shall apply.<br />

Article 29.<br />

The supreme administrative authority for<br />

the purposes of this <strong>Treaty</strong> shall be in Germany,<br />

the Federal Minister of Labour, and in Austria,<br />

the Federal Minister of Social Administration.<br />

Article 30.<br />

The insurance carriers of the two States<br />

shall advise one another as far as possible<br />

when it comes to their knowledge that an<br />

insured person is leaving the territory of one<br />

State in order to take up his residence in the<br />

territory of the other State. The insurance<br />

carriers may conclude agreements with respect<br />

to further details.<br />

Article 31.<br />

The social insurance carriers, authorities<br />

and courts of the two States shall communicate<br />

with one another directly in connection with<br />

the administration of this <strong>Treaty</strong>.<br />

Article 32.<br />

i. This <strong>Treaty</strong> shall be ratified. The<br />

instruments of ratification shall be exchanged<br />

as soon as possible in Berlin.<br />

2. As regards invalidity insurance this <strong>Treaty</strong><br />

shall come into operation on the dates on<br />

which the Austrian Workers' Insurance Act<br />

and the Austrian Agricultural Workers' Insurance<br />

Act are fully operative. In other respects<br />

the <strong>Treaty</strong> shall come into operation on the<br />

first day of the month following the exchange<br />

of the instruments of ratification. On the<br />

same date the Convention of 8 January,<br />

1926, between the German Federation and<br />

the Republic of Austria concerning administration<br />

of social insurance in intercourse between<br />

the two States shall cease to be operative.<br />

No !2746

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