LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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218 Socite' des Nations - Recuei des Traits. 1931 ce qui concerne l'exemption ou la r~duction du timbre ou des taxes, valent dans la mgme mesure pour l'application de l'assurance sociale de l'autre Etat. B. DISPOSITIONS SPI CIALES I. ASSURANCE-MALADIE. Article 8. i. Lorsque, d'apr~s la l6gislation nationale, l'octroi de prestations en dehors du territoire national est subordonn6 l'assentiment de l'institution d'assurance, cet assentiment n'est pas n~cessaire lorsque l'assur6 s~journe dans une r6gion fronti~re voisine du district (ressort) de l'institution d'assurance comp~tente. 2. L'assur6 qui tombe malade dans l'autre Etat, en dehors de la region frontire voisine (par. I-), a droit aux prestations de l'assurancemiladie dont est tenue envers lui l'institution d'assurance aupr~s de laquelle il est inscrit, aussi longtemps que son 6tat ne lui permet pas de retourner dans le territoire de l'Etat oii ladite institution d'assurance a son si~ge. 3. La question de savoir si les prestations doivent ftre accordfes par l'institution d'assurance directement ou, en premier lieu, par l'employeur est du ressort de la rfglementation nationale. Article 9. i. Si l'assur6 sfjourne dans la r6gion fronti~re, l'institution d'assurance tenue aux prestations peut accorder celles-ci elle-m~me ou solliciter une institution d'assurance-maladie de l'autre Etat de les accorder. L'institution d'assurance ainsi sollicit~e doit accorder les prestations conformfment aux prescriptions valables pour l'institution d'assurance qui la sollicite. L'institution d'assurance sollicit~e a droit au remboursement de ses dpenses effectives ; en ce qui concerne les dfpenses au titre des prestations en nature, sont applicables, sans pr6juluce des dispositions de l'article io, les bardms que l'institution d'assurance sollicit~e applique ses propres ayants droits. Le paragraphe 2 de l'article 5 est applicable par ana- system in respect of exemptions or reductions in connection with stamp duty or legal fees shall apply in the same manner to the administration of the social insurance system of the other State. B. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. I. SICKNESS INSURANCE. Article 8. i. If in accordance with national legislation the grant of benefits outside the national tarritory is subject to the consent of the insurance carrier, such consent shall not be necessary where the insured person resides in a frontier district adjacent to the area of jurisdiction of the competent insurance carrier. 2. If an insured person falls ill in the other State outside the said adjacent frontier district (No. i) he shall be entitled to the sick benefit due to him from his insurance carrier so long as he is unable, on account of his condition, to return to the territory of the State in which his insurance carrier has its head office. 3. The national regulations of each State shall decide whether the benefits are to be granted directly by the insurance carrier or in the first instance by the employer. Article 9. i. If the insured person resides in the frontier district, the insurance carrier liable to pay benefit may either pay the benefit itself or request a sickness insurance carrier of the other State to pay the benefit. iThe latter insurance carrier shall pay the benefit in accordance with the rules which are applicable to the insurance carrier making the request. The moneys actually expended by the insurance carrier to which the request was made shall be refunded; with regard to the repayment of the expediture on benefit in kind the scales employed with regard to its own insured persons by the insurance carrier to which the request was made shall apply, without prejudice to the provisions of Article io. The provisions No 2746

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 219 logie. Les institutions d'assurance intress~es peuvent convenir des dispositions de d~tail. 2. Les institutions d'assurance des deux parties peuvent conclure des conventions d'apr~s les principes enonc~s au paragraphe premier 6galement pour les cas oil elles sont tenues h des prestations h destination de localit6s situ~es dans l'autre Etat, en dehors de la region fronti~re. Article io. En cas de soins donn~s dans un h6pital (sanatorium) situ6 dans le territoire de l'autre Etat : a) Les institutions d'assurance autrichiennes paieront les frais auxquels est tenue la caisse de maladie allemande locale ou de Pays, comp~tente ratione loci, h l'F6gard de ses propres assures ; b) Les institutions d'assurance allemandes (employeurs - article 8, paragraphe 3 -) paieront les frais d'entretien du tarif de la classe g6n~rale de l'6tablissement public de cure et de soins entrant en ligne de compte, mais seulement jusqu'a 6puisement des droits aux soins midicaux. Article ii. i. Les personnes ayant 6t6 assur6es en dernier lieu dans le Reich allemand en cas de maladie et qui b6n~ficient en Autriche de 1'indemnit6 de ch6mage ont droit aux prestations de l'assurance-maladie autrichienne comme si, imm6diatement avant de tomber en ch6mage, elles avaient 6t6 assur~es en Autriche en cas de maladie. Les prestations incombent h l'institution de l'assurance-maladie autrichienne dans le ressort de laquelle r6side le b~n~ficiaire de l'indemnit6 et qui, d'apr6s la nature de la dernitre occupation de l'int~ress6, serait obligatoirement comp6tente; en pareil cas, aucun droit h prestations n'existe h l'gard d'une institution allemande d'assurance-maladie. 2. Les personnes ayant 6t6 assur6es en dernier lieu en Autriche en cas de maladie, qui touchent dans le Reich allemand l'indemnit6 de ch6mage No. 2746 of Article 5, No. 2, shall apply, mutatis mutandis. The insurance carriers concerned may arrange further details by agreement. 2. The two insurance carriers concerned may also come to an agreement in accordance with the principles laid down in No. i with respect to these cases in which they are bound to grant benefit intended for localities situated in the other State outside the frontier district. Article Io. In the case of treatment in a hospital (curative institution) in the territory of the other State, for the duration of such treatment but not after the right to medical treatment has become exhausted. (a) Austrian insurance carriers shall pay the expenses which the German local or State sick fund competent for the district in question is bound to pay its own insured persons, (b) German insurance carriers (employers-Article 8, No. 3) shall pay the expenses for maintenance at the rate fixed for the general category in the scale of charges of the public hospital or curative institution in question. Article ii. i. Any person who was last insured in Germany against sickness and is in receipt of unemployment benefit in Austria shall be entitled to benefit under the Austrian sickness insurance system as if he had been insured against sickness in Austria immediately before becoming unemployed. The Austrian sickness insurance carrier in the area of which the person in receipt of benefit resides and which is compulsorily competent in accordance with the nature of the said person's last employment shall be liable to pay benefit ; in this case a German sickness insurance carrier shall not be liable to pay benefit. 2. Persons who were last insured in Austria against sickness and are in receipt of unemployment benefit in Germany and are conse-

218 Socite' des <strong>Nations</strong> - Recuei des Traits. 1931<br />

ce qui concerne l'exemption ou la r~duction du<br />

timbre ou des taxes, valent dans la mgme<br />

mesure pour l'application de l'assurance sociale<br />

de l'autre Etat.<br />



Article 8.<br />

i. Lorsque, d'apr~s la l6gislation nationale,<br />

l'octroi de prestations en dehors du territoire<br />

national est subordonn6 l'assentiment de<br />

l'institution d'assurance, cet assentiment n'est<br />

pas n~cessaire lorsque l'assur6 s~journe dans une<br />

r6gion fronti~re voisine du district (ressort) de<br />

l'institution d'assurance comp~tente.<br />

2. L'assur6 qui tombe malade dans l'autre<br />

Etat, en dehors de la region frontire voisine<br />

(par. I-), a droit aux prestations de l'assurancemiladie<br />

dont est tenue envers lui l'institution<br />

d'assurance aupr~s de laquelle il est inscrit,<br />

aussi longtemps que son 6tat ne lui permet pas<br />

de retourner dans le territoire de l'Etat oii ladite<br />

institution d'assurance a son si~ge.<br />

3. La question de savoir si les prestations<br />

doivent ftre accordfes par l'institution d'assurance<br />

directement ou, en premier lieu, par l'employeur<br />

est du ressort de la rfglementation<br />

nationale.<br />

Article 9.<br />

i. Si l'assur6 sfjourne dans la r6gion fronti~re,<br />

l'institution d'assurance tenue aux prestations<br />

peut accorder celles-ci elle-m~me ou<br />

solliciter une institution d'assurance-maladie<br />

de l'autre Etat de les accorder. L'institution<br />

d'assurance ainsi sollicit~e doit accorder les<br />

prestations conformfment aux prescriptions<br />

valables pour l'institution d'assurance qui la<br />

sollicite. L'institution d'assurance sollicit~e a<br />

droit au remboursement de ses dpenses effectives<br />

; en ce qui concerne les dfpenses au titre<br />

des prestations en nature, sont applicables, sans<br />

pr6juluce des dispositions de l'article io, les<br />

bardms que l'institution d'assurance sollicit~e<br />

applique ses propres ayants droits. Le paragraphe<br />

2 de l'article 5 est applicable par ana-<br />

system in respect of exemptions or reductions<br />

in connection with stamp duty or legal fees<br />

shall apply in the same manner to the administration<br />

of the social insurance system of the<br />

other State.<br />



Article 8.<br />

i. If in accordance with national legislation<br />

the grant of benefits outside the national<br />

tarritory is subject to the consent of the<br />

insurance carrier, such consent shall not be<br />

necessary where the insured person resides in<br />

a frontier district adjacent to the area of jurisdiction<br />

of the competent insurance carrier.<br />

2. If an insured person falls ill in the other<br />

State outside the said adjacent frontier district<br />

(No. i) he shall be entitled to the sick benefit<br />

due to him from his insurance carrier so long<br />

as he is unable, on account of his condition,<br />

to return to the territory of the State in which<br />

his insurance carrier has its head office.<br />

3. The national regulations of each State<br />

shall decide whether the benefits are to be<br />

granted directly by the insurance carrier or<br />

in the first instance by the employer.<br />

Article 9.<br />

i. If the insured person resides in the<br />

frontier district, the insurance carrier liable<br />

to pay benefit may either pay the benefit<br />

itself or request a sickness insurance carrier<br />

of the other State to pay the benefit. iThe<br />

latter insurance carrier shall pay the benefit<br />

in accordance with the rules which are applicable<br />

to the insurance carrier making the request.<br />

The moneys actually expended by the insurance<br />

carrier to which the request was made shall<br />

be refunded; with regard to the repayment<br />

of the expediture on benefit in kind the scales<br />

employed with regard to its own insured persons<br />

by the insurance carrier to which the request<br />

was made shall apply, without prejudice to<br />

the provisions of Article io. The provisions<br />

No 2746

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