LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection


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1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 217<br />

jouissent, en cas d'ex6cution par contrainte,<br />

ainsi que dans la procddure de faillite et de<br />

concordat (arrangement) dans l'autre Etat, des<br />

m~mes droits de priorit6 que les cr6ances correspondantes<br />

des institutions d'assurance de ce<br />

dernier Etat.<br />

Article 5.<br />

i. En ce qui concerne le montant des sommes<br />

dont le remboursement pourra 6tre exig6 an<br />

titre de l'aide judiciaire et administrative,<br />

prft~e donform6ment h l'article 4, sont applicables<br />

les prescriptions de l'Etat auquel ressortit<br />

l'organe qui a pr~t6 cette aide.<br />

2. Les cr~ances en remboursement vis~es an<br />

paragraphe premier 6choient, sauf convention<br />

contraire, entre les organes int~ressds, h la date<br />

oh se cl6ture l'action officielle qui a donn6 lieu<br />

aux dpenses. Lesdites cr~ances sont payables<br />

dans le d~lai d'un mois a partir de leur notification,<br />

dans la monnaie dans laquelle les<br />

d~penses ont 6t6 engag~es. En cas de retard,<br />

il est dfi un int~r~t moratoire de six pour cent<br />

I partir du jour de l'6ch6ance.<br />

Article 6.<br />

En cas de recours, dans des affaires concernant<br />

les branches d'assurances sociales 6numr~es<br />

h l'article premier, les d~lais lgaux sont<br />

6galement riput~s observes lorsque le recours<br />

a 6t6 form en temps utile aupr~s d'une autorit6<br />

de l'autre Etat comp~tente pour connaitre des<br />

recours en mati~re d'assurance sociale. En pareil<br />

cas, la requite 6crite doit 8tre pr~sent6e sans<br />

d6lai :<br />

Si c'est une autorit6 allemande qui est<br />

comp~tente pour statuer sur le recours,<br />

h l'Office des assurances du Reich h Berlin;<br />

Si c'est une autorit6 autrichienne qui est<br />

comp~tente, an minist6re f~d~ral de l'administration<br />

sociale, h Vienne.<br />

La requite 6crite pent 6galement 8tre d~pos~e<br />

directement aupr~s l'autorit6 comp~tente pour<br />

statuer sur le recours.<br />

Article 7.<br />

Les dispositions prises par l'un des Etats pour<br />

l'application de sa propre assurance sociale, en<br />

No. 2746<br />

shall enjoy the same privileges in enforced<br />

execution, bankruptcy and composition (settlement)<br />

proceedings in the other State as the<br />

corresponding claims of insurance carriers<br />

in the latter State.<br />

Article 5.<br />

i. With regard to the amount of the reimbursement<br />

for expenditure on legal and<br />

administrative assistance in pursuance of Article<br />

4, the regulations of the State to which the<br />

body giving the assistance belongs shall apply.<br />

2. Claims for reimbursement under No. I<br />

shall fall due at the date of the termination<br />

of the official proceedings which have caused<br />

the expenditure to be incurred, unless an agreement<br />

to the contrary has been concluded by<br />

the authorities concerned. The claims shall<br />

be paid within a month after notification, in<br />

the currency in which they were incurred.<br />

In case of delay, interest at six per cent. shall<br />

be paid from the date on which payment was<br />

due.<br />

Article 6.<br />

In matters connected with the branches<br />

of social insurance specified in Article i, the<br />

statutory time limits for application for a<br />

legal remedy shall be deemed to have been<br />

observed if the application for a legal remedy<br />

has been made in due time to an authority of<br />

the other State which is competent to take<br />

cognisance of legal remedies in social insurance<br />

matters. In such cases the application for the<br />

legal remedy shall be transmitted at once:<br />

To the Federal Insurance Office in Berlin,<br />

if a German authority is competent to<br />

decide respecting the legal remedy,<br />

To the Federal Ministry of Social Administration<br />

in Vienna, if an Austrian authority<br />

is competent to decide.<br />

The application for the legal remedy may<br />

also be lodged directly with the authority<br />

competent to decide respecting the legal<br />

remedy.<br />

Article 7.<br />

The provisions in force in each State for<br />

the administration of its own social insurance

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