LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection


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216 Socijt' des <strong>Nations</strong> - Recuei des Traite's. 1931<br />

des appareils de navigation adrienne. Les<br />

autorit~s administratives supremes des deux<br />

Etats peuvent r~gler par voie de convention<br />

la question de competence en mati~re d'assurance<br />

relativement i ces salaries.<br />

Article 3.<br />

Chacun des Etats contractants accordera<br />

aux ressortissants de l'autre Etat et h leurs<br />

ayants droit, au point de vue des prestations de<br />

branches d'assurances sociales 6nurh6res h<br />

l'article premier, l'6galit6 de traitement avec<br />

ses propres ressortissants.<br />

Article 4.<br />

i. Dans l'application de l'assurance sociale<br />

sous les diff~rentes formes 6num6r~es h l'article<br />

premier, les tribunaux, autorit~s administratives<br />

et institutions d'assurance de l'un des<br />

Etats pr~teront aux tribunaux, autorit~s administratives<br />

et institutions d'assurance de l'autre<br />

Etat leur aide au point de vue juridique et<br />

administratif, dans la mime mesure que s'il<br />

s'agissait de l'application de leur propre assurance<br />

sociale. En particulier, les institutions<br />

d'assurance de l'un des Etats v6rifieront, sur<br />

demande, de la m~me mani~re que s'il s'agissait<br />

de l'application de leur propre assurance sociale,<br />

si le droit aux prestations, en ce qui concerne<br />

les personnes b~nficiant d'une indemnit6 d'une<br />

institution d'assurance de l'autre Etat, subsiste,<br />

et assureront les examens m~dicaux. De plus,<br />

les autorit6s proc6deront, dans la m~me mesure<br />

que s'il s'agissait de l'application de leur propre<br />

assurance sociale, dans les cas douteux ou<br />

urgents m~me d'office, aux constatations n6cessaires<br />

pour 6claircir les faits.<br />

2. Le paragraphe premier est applicable par<br />

analogie A l'application de l'assurance-maladie<br />

autrichienne des agents fPd~raux.<br />

3. En ce qui conceme l'aide judiciaire, est<br />

applicable par analogie, sous reserve des dispositions<br />

du present trait6, le trait6 du 21 juin 1923<br />

sur la protection l~gale et l'aide judiciaire<br />

(Deutsches Reichsgesetzblatt 1924, II, S. 55;<br />

Osterreichisches Bundesgesetzblatt Nr. 138 ex<br />

1924).<br />

4. Les cr~ances des institutions d'assurance<br />

de Pun des Etats h raison de cotisations arri~r6es<br />

rities of both States may regulate by means<br />

of agreements the question of competence<br />

in insurance matters with respect to the said<br />

workers.<br />

Article 3.<br />

3. The two States shall each place the<br />

nationals of the other State and the surviving<br />

dependants of such nationals on the same<br />

footing as their own nationals and surviving<br />

dependants for the purpose of benefits under<br />

the branches of social insurance specified in<br />

Article i.<br />

Article 4.<br />

i. In connection with the administration<br />

of the branches of social insurance specified<br />

in Article i, the courts, administrative authorities<br />

and insurance carriers of each State<br />

shall give the courts, administrative authorities<br />

and insurance carriers of the other State legal<br />

aid and administrative assistance to the same<br />

extent as in connection with the administration<br />

of their own social insurance. In particular,<br />

the insurance carriers belonging to each State<br />

shall on request verify the continuance of the<br />

right to benefit of persons who receive compensation<br />

from an insurance carrier of the other<br />

State, and shall also make provision for medical<br />

examinations, in the same manner as in connection<br />

with the administration of the social<br />

insurance of their own State. Further, the<br />

authorities shall make the inquiries necessary<br />

for the elucidation of the facts to the same<br />

extent as in connection with the administration<br />

of their own social insurance, even acting<br />

ex officio in doubtful or urgent cases.<br />

2. The provisions of No. i shall apply to<br />

the administration of the Austrian sickness<br />

insurance of Federal employees, mutatis mutandis.<br />

3. In so far as this <strong>Treaty</strong> contains no<br />

provision to the contrary, the <strong>Treaty</strong> of 21<br />

June, 1923, respecting legal protection and<br />

assistance (Deutsches Reichsgesetzblatt 1924, II,<br />

S. 55; Oesterreichisches Bundesgesetzblatt Ex 1924,<br />

No. 138) shall apply to legal assistance, mutatis<br />

mutandis.<br />

4. The claims of insurance carriers of one<br />

State with respect to arrears of contributions<br />

No 2746

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