LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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20 Socijte' des Nations - Recuei des Traites. 1931 Article 6. A difaut d'accord entre les parties sur le compromis vis6 k l'article pr&cdent ou h d~faut de d6signation d'arbitres et apr~s un pr~avis de trois mois, l'une ou l'autre d'entre elles aura la facult6 de porter directement, par voie de requ~te, le diff~rend devant la Cour permanente de Justice internationale. Article 7. i. Pour les diffrends pr~vus h l'article 4, avant toute proc6dure devant la Cour permanente de Justice internationale, ou avant toute procedure arbitrale, les parties pourront, d'un commun accord, recourir a la procedure de conciliation prevue par la pr~sente convention. 2. En cas de recours h la conciliation et d'6chec de cette procedure, aucune des parties ne pourra porter le diffrend devant la Cour permanente de Justice internationale ou demander la constitution du Tribunal arbitral vis6 i l'article 5 avant l'expiration du d~lai d'un mois h compter de la cl6ture des travaux de la Commission de conciliation. CHAPITRE III DE LA CONCILIATION. Article 8. Tous diffirends entre les parties, autres que ceux pr6vus h l'article 4, seront soumis obligatoirement h une procedure de conciliation avant de pouvoir faire l'objet d'un r~glement arbitral. Article 9. Les diff6rends vis6s a l'article pr&c dent seront port6s devant une Commission de conciliation permanente ou sp~ciale constitu6e par les parties. Article io. Sur la demande adress&e par une Partie contractante h l'autre Partie, il devra 6tre constitu6, dans les six mois, une Commission permanente de conciliation. Article ii. Sauf accord contraire des parties, la Commission de conciliation sera constitute comme suit i. La Commission comprendra cinq membres. Les parties en nommeront chacune un qui pourra tre choisi parmi leurs nationaux respectifs. Les trois autres commissaires seront choisis d'un commun accord parmi les ressortissants de tierces Puissances. Ces derniers devront tre de nationalit~s diff~rentes, ne pas avoir leur residence habituelle sur le territoire des parties, ni se trouver a leur service. Parmi eux, les parties d~signeront le president de la commission. 2. Les commissaires seront nomm~s pour trois ans. Ils seront r6ligibles. Les comnissaires nomm6s en commun pourront 6tre remplac6s au cours de leur mandat, de l'accord des parties. Chaque partie pourra toujours, d'autre part, proc~der au remplacement du commissaire nomm6 No 2737

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 21 Article 6. If the Parties fail to agree concerning the special agreement referred to in the preceding Article, or fail to appoint arbitrators, either Party shall be at liberty, after giving three months' notice, to bring the dispute by an application direct before the Permanent Court of International Justice. Article 7. i. In the case of the disputes mentioned in Article 4, before any procedure before the Permanent Court of International Justice or any arbitral procedure, the Parties may agree to have recourse to the conciliation procedure provided for in the present Convention. 2. In the event of recourse to and failure of conciliation, neither Party may bring the dispute before the Permanent Court of International Justice or call for the constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal referred to in Article 5 before the expiration of one month from the termination of the proceedings of the Conciliation Commission. CHAPTER III. CONCILIATION. Article 8. All disputes between the Parties other than the disputes mentioned in Article 4 shall be submitted obligatorily to a procedure of conciliation before they can form the subject of a settlement by arbitration. Article 9. The disputes referred to in the preceding Article shall be submitted to a permanent or special Conciliation Commission constituted by the Parties. Article io. On a request to that effect being made by one of the Contracting Parties to the other Party, a permanent Conciliation Commission shall be constituted within a period of six months. Article ii. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, the Conciliation Commission shall be constituted as follows i. The Commission shall be composed of five members. The Parties shall each nominate one commissioner, who may be chosen from among their respective nationals. The other three commissioners shall be appointed by agreement from among the nationals of third Powers. These three commissioners must be of different nationalities and must not be habitually resident in the territory nor be in the service of the Parties. The Parties shall appoint the President of the Commission from among them. 2. The commissioners shall be appointed for three years. They shall be re-eligible. The commissioners appointed jointly may be replaced during the term of their mandate by agreement between the Parties. Either Party may, moreover, at any time replace the commissioner whom No. 2737

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 21<br />

Article 6.<br />

If the Parties fail to agree concerning the special agreement referred to in the preceding Article,<br />

or fail to appoint arbitrators, either Party shall be at liberty, after giving three months' notice, to<br />

bring the dispute by an application direct before the Permanent Court of International Justice.<br />

Article 7.<br />

i. In the case of the disputes mentioned in Article 4, before any procedure before the Permanent<br />

Court of International Justice or any arbitral procedure, the Parties may agree to have recourse<br />

to the conciliation procedure provided for in the present Convention.<br />

2. In the event of recourse to and failure of conciliation, neither Party may bring the dispute<br />

before the Permanent Court of International Justice or call for the constitution of the Arbitral<br />

Tribunal referred to in Article 5 before the expiration of one month from the termination of the<br />

proceedings of the Conciliation Commission.<br />



Article 8.<br />

All disputes between the Parties other than the disputes mentioned in Article 4 shall be<br />

submitted obligatorily to a procedure of conciliation before they can form the subject of a settlement<br />

by arbitration.<br />

Article 9.<br />

The disputes referred to in the preceding Article shall be submitted to a permanent or special<br />

Conciliation Commission constituted by the Parties.<br />

Article io.<br />

On a request to that effect being made by one of the Contracting Parties to the other Party, a<br />

permanent Conciliation Commission shall be constituted within a period of six months.<br />

Article ii.<br />

Unless the Parties agree otherwise, the Conciliation Commission shall be constituted as follows<br />

i. The Commission shall be composed of five members. The Parties shall each nominate<br />

one commissioner, who may be chosen from among their respective nationals. The other three<br />

commissioners shall be appointed by agreement from among the nationals of third Powers. These<br />

three commissioners must be of different nationalities and must not be habitually resident in the<br />

territory nor be in the service of the Parties. The Parties shall appoint the President of the<br />

Commission from among them.<br />

2. The commissioners shall be appointed for three years. They shall be re-eligible. The<br />

commissioners appointed jointly may be replaced during the term of their mandate by agreement<br />

between the Parties. Either Party may, moreover, at any time replace the commissioner whom<br />

No. 2737

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