LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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176 Socite des Nations - Recuei des Traite's. 1931 Article 17. Relativement au transport par chemin de fer des personnes, bagages et marchandises, les Hautes Parties contractantes se garantissent r~ciproquement, en ce qui concerne l'exp6dition, les prix de transport et les taxes et charges publiques relatives au transport, le traitement de la nation la plus favoris6e. Article 18. Les ressortissants et soci~t~s de chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes auront dans les territoires de l'autre les m~mes droits que les ressortissants ou soci6tds de celle-ci en ce qui concerne les brevets d'invention, les marques de fabrique ou de commerce, h condition d'observer les modalit~s prescrites par la loi. Article 19. Chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes aura la libert6 de nommer des consuls gdn~raux, consuls et vice-consuls dans les villes et ports des territoires de l'autre Partie oii les gouvernements respectifs admettent des repr~sentants similaires d'une autre nation quelconque. Cependant ces consuls gdn~raux, consuls, vice-consuls, n'entreront pas en fonctions avant d'avoir obtenu, selon la forme usuelle, le consentement du gouvernement aupr~s duquel ils sont envoy~s. Les officiers consulaires de l'une des Hautes Parties contractantes jouiront, dans les territoires de l'autre Partie, des m6mes droits, privileges et exemptions, h condition de r6ciprocit6, que ceux qui sont ou seront accordis aux officiers similaires d'un pays 6tranger quelconque. Article 20. Les officiers consulaires de l'une des Hautes Parties contractantes r6sidant dans les territoires de l'autre recevront des autorit~s locales la mesure d'assistance permise par la loi pour la reprise des marins, autres que les nationaux de celle-ci, ddserteurs des vaisseaux de la premiere Haute Partie contractante. Article 21. Chacune des deux Hautes Parties contractantes s'engage, sous condition de r6ciprocit6, h assurer aux navires de l'autre, en traitement 6gal l celui de ses propres navires dans ses ports maritimes, en ce qui conceme la libert6 d'acc&s du port, son utilisation et la compl~te jouissance des commoditds qu'elle accorde h la navigation, aux op6rations commerciales pour les navires, leurs cargaisons et leurs passagers, aux facilit~s de chargement et de d6chargement, ainsi qu'aux droits et taxes de toute nature, per~us au nom et pour le compte du gouvernement, des autorit~s publiques, des concessionnaires ou 6tablissements de toutes sortes. Article 22. Les navires et bateaux portant le pavillon de l'une des Hautes Parties contractantes qui entreront dans un port de l'autre, soit pour y composer ou compl~ter leur chargement pour une destination 6trang~re, soit pour y d6poser toute ou partie de leur cargaison apportde de l'6tranger, pourront, en se conformant aux lois et r~glements des pays respectifs, conserver h bord la partie de leur cargaison qui serait destinde h un autre port du m~me pays ou h un port 6tranger et la r6exporter sans payer d'autres droits que ceux auxquels sont ou seront soumis en pareil cas les navires nationaux. No 2'744

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 177 Article 17. As regards the carriage by rail of passengers, baggage and goods, the High Contracting Parties guarantee each other most-favoured-nation treatment in respect of consignment, transport rates and public taxes and duties relating to transport. Article 18. Nationals and companies of either High Contracting Party shall enjoy, in the territories of the other Party, the same rights as nationals or companies of the latter country in regard to patents and trade-marks, subject to compliance with the legal regulations. Article 19. Either High Contracting Party shall be free to appoint consuls-general, consuls and vice-consuls in the towns and ports of the territories of the other Party to which similar representatives of any other nation may be admitted by the respective Governments. Such consuls-general, consuls and vice-consuls shall, however, not enter upon their duties until they have obtained the consent, in the usual form, of the Government to whose country they are sent. Consular officials of either High Contracting Party shall enjoy, in the territories of the other Party, the same rights, privileges and exemptions, subject to reciprocity, as are or may hereafter be granted to similar officials of any foreign country. Article 20. Consular officials of either High Contracting Party residing in the territories of the other shall receive from the local authorities such assistance as the law may permit for the recovery of seamen, other than nationals of the latter country, who have deserted from the vessels of the first High Contracting Party. Article 21. Each of the High Contracting Parties undertakes, subject to reciprocity, to ensure to the vessels of the other country the same treatment, in its sea-ports, as is granted to its own vessels in regard to freedom of access to the port, the use of the port and the full enjoyment of the advantages which it affords in the matter of navigation, commercial transactions for vessels, their cargoes and their passengers, loading and unloading facilities, and charges and duties of any kind levied on behalf and for the account of the Government, public authorities, concessionnaires or establishments of any sort. Article 22. Vessels and boats flying the flag of either High Contracting Party and entering a port of the other Party, either for the purpose of making up or completing therein their cargo consigned to a foreign country, or of unloading therein all or part of their cargo which has been brought from a foreign country, shall be entitled, subject to compliance with the laws and regulations of the respective Countries, to retain on board any portion of their cargo which is consigned to another port in the same country or to a foreign port, and to re-export such portion of the cargo without paying any other duties than those for which.national vessels are or may hereafter be liable in a similar case. 12 No. 2744

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 177<br />

Article 17.<br />

As regards the carriage by rail of passengers, baggage and goods, the High Contracting Parties<br />

guarantee each other most-favoured-nation treatment in respect of consignment, transport rates<br />

and public taxes and duties relating to transport.<br />

Article 18.<br />

Nationals and companies of either High Contracting Party shall enjoy, in the territories of<br />

the other Party, the same rights as nationals or companies of the latter country in regard to patents<br />

and trade-marks, subject to compliance with the legal regulations.<br />

Article 19.<br />

Either High Contracting Party shall be free to appoint consuls-general, consuls and vice-consuls<br />

in the towns and ports of the territories of the other Party to which similar representatives of any<br />

other nation may be admitted by the respective Governments. Such consuls-general, consuls<br />

and vice-consuls shall, however, not enter upon their duties until they have obtained the consent,<br />

in the usual form, of the Government to whose country they are sent.<br />

Consular officials of either High Contracting Party shall enjoy, in the territories of the other<br />

Party, the same rights, privileges and exemptions, subject to reciprocity, as are or may hereafter<br />

be granted to similar officials of any foreign country.<br />

Article 20.<br />

Consular officials of either High Contracting Party residing in the territories of the other<br />

shall receive from the local authorities such assistance as the law may permit for the recovery<br />

of seamen, other than nationals of the latter country, who have deserted from the vessels of the<br />

first High Contracting Party.<br />

Article 21.<br />

Each of the High Contracting Parties undertakes, subject to reciprocity, to ensure to the vessels<br />

of the other country the same treatment, in its sea-ports, as is granted to its own vessels in regard<br />

to freedom of access to the port, the use of the port and the full enjoyment of the advantages which<br />

it affords in the matter of navigation, commercial transactions for vessels, their cargoes and their<br />

passengers, loading and unloading facilities, and charges and duties of any kind levied on behalf<br />

and for the account of the Government, public authorities, concessionnaires or establishments<br />

of any sort.<br />

Article 22.<br />

Vessels and boats flying the flag of either High Contracting Party and entering a port of the<br />

other Party, either for the purpose of making up or completing therein their cargo consigned to<br />

a foreign country, or of unloading therein all or part of their cargo which has been brought from<br />

a foreign country, shall be entitled, subject to compliance with the laws and regulations of the<br />

respective Countries, to retain on board any portion of their cargo which is consigned to another<br />

port in the same country or to a foreign port, and to re-export such portion of the cargo without<br />

paying any other duties than those for which.national vessels are or may hereafter be liable in<br />

a similar case.<br />

12 No. 2744

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