LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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148 Societ6 des Nations - Recuel des Traits. 1931 A l'article 1258 : Les locomobiles k vapeur Sous ce num~ro sont 6galement ranges les rouleaux de route (compresseurs). A l'article 1261 : Moteurs, etc. : Sous ce num~ro sont 6galement ranges les rouleaux de route (compresseurs). A l'article 1774 : Outremer, etc. Sous l'alin~a b) de l'article 1774, on taxera seulement le papier pr~par6 pour l'azurage du linge. A L'ANNEXE D (CONVENTION SANITAIRE VtTERINAIRE.) I ° Les dispositions de la Convention v~t~rinaire ne seront appliqu6es qu'aux marchandises en provenance de l'une des Hautes Parties contractantes. Si le present protocole ne dispose autrement, les prescriptions de la convention ne concernent pas le transport des animaux et des objets qui proviennent d'Etats tiers et doivent 6tre transport~s, par le territoire de l'une des Hautes Parties contractantes, soit pour l'importation, soit pour le transit par le territoire de l'autre Partie. 20 (1) Pourront 8tre import~s sans autorisation v~t6rinaire pr6alable les animaux de boucherie, les poissons vivants pour la consommation et la volaille, ainsi que les viandes, les produits camps, les mati~res et les produits bruts d'origine animale et les objets, tels que foin, pailles, balles, etc. (2) Les animaux non destines h la boucherie (d'6levage et de rente), ainsi que chiens, chats, abeilles et psitacid~s ne pourront tre import~s qu'?i condition d'obtenir une autorisation v6t6rinaire pr~alable de la part du pays importateur. (3) Si l'autorisation d'importation qui sera accord~e par l'Etat importateur pour chaque cas particulier, ne dispose pas autrement, l'importation des animaux d'6levage et de rente se fait conform~ment aux prescriptions de l'article 2 de la Convention v~trinaire. Mais en plus, la dur~e du temps, pendant lequel aucun certificat ne peut 6tre d~livr6 en ce qui concerne, la fi~vre aphteuse, sera port6e i quarante jours tant pour le lieu d'origine que pour les communes limitrophes. (4) Si l'importation des chiens et des chats est permise, ces animaux devront tre accompagn~s d'un certificat d'origine et de sant6 ohi le v~t6rinaire d'Etat attestera que l'animal est sain, qu'il a s6journ6 dans la commune de provenance depuis trois mois au moins et qu'aucun cas de rage n'a t, constat6 pendant le m8me temps, ni dans le lieu d'origine, ni dans les communes limitrophes, ou qu'il a 6t6 vaccin contre la rage, titre rigoureusement pr~ventif et par un proc6d6 approuv6 par l'Etat, dans les trois derniers mois. (5) Pour l'importation des poissons destins la reproduction, l'autorisation v~t~rinaire pr~alable n'est pas nxcessaire* sous condition que l'envoi soit accompagn6 d'un certificat 6manant d'un v~t6rinaire d'Etat et attestant que les poissons proviennent des eaux qui sont indemnes de mortalit6 des poissons. (6) L'importation des lapins, li~vres, carnassiers sauvages, 6crevisses, pigeons, gibier h, plumes, oiseaux sauvages, oiseaux d'agr~ment, tenus en cages, est permise sans que 1'autorisation v~t6rinaire pr~alable et le certificat d'origine et de sante soient n~cessaires, sous r~serve des prescriptions qui pourraient -tre 6dict~es A cet 6gard et seraient notifi~es l'autre Partie contractante. (7) Une autorisation v~t~rinaire pr~alable peut 8tre exig~e pour l'importation des abeilles, du miel, de la cire et des instruments d'apiculture usages. Foutefois, les 6chantillons de miel ne d6passant pas le poids brut de 350 grammes, ceux de cire d'abeille ne d6passant pas le poids brut de 500 grammes, ainsi que les envois de miel jusqu'a 5 kilogrammes pour la consommation particuliere du destinataire, sont exempt6s de l'autorisation pr6alable v6t~rinaire et du certificat d'origine et de salubritd. N0 2742

1931 League of Nations - Treaty. Series. 149 Ad. Article 1258 : Steam portable engines : Road rollers are also included under this number. Ad. Article 1261 : Engines, etc. : Road rollers are also included under this number. Ad. Article 1774: Ultramarine, etc. : Under b) of Article 1774, only paper prepared for blueing linen will be taxed. Ai ANNEX D. (VETERINARY SANITARY CONVENTION.) i. The provisions of the Veterinary Convention shall only apply to goods coming from the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties. Save in so far as the present Protocol otherwise provides, the provisions of the Convention shall not apply to the transport of animals and articles coming from third countries which have to be conveyed through the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, either for importation or for transit through the territory of the other Party. 2. (I) The following may be imported without previous veterinary authorisation : animals for slaughter, live fish for consumption and poultry, as well as meat, meat preparations, raw materials and products of animal origin and articles such as hay, straw, chaff, etc. (2) Animals not intended for slaughter (animals for breeding and productive purposes), and dogs, cats, bees, and psittacidae may only be imported on condition that a veterinary permit is previously obtained from the importing country. (3) Unless the import permit to be granted by the importing State in each particular case otherwise directs, the importation of animals for breeding and productive purposes shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the Veterinary Convention, but the period during which no certificate may be issued shall in the case of foot-and-mouth-disease be increased to forty days both for the place of origin and for the neighbouring communes. (4) If the importation of dogs and cats is permitted, these animals shall be accompanied by a certificate of origin and health in which the State veterinary surgeon attests that the animal is healthy, that is has been in the commune of origin for at least three months, and that no case of rabies has been observed during that time either in the place of origin or in the neighbouring communes, or that it has been thoroughly vaccinated against rabies by an officially approved process during the last three months. (5) For the importation of fish for breeding, no prior veterinary authorisation is necessary, provided that the consignment is accompanied by a certificate issued by a State veterinary surgeon attesting that the fish come from waters which are free from fish mortality. (6) The importation of rabbits, hares, wild carnivora, crayfish, pigeons, feathered game wild birds and tame birds in cages is allowed without prior veterinary authorisation or a certificate of origin and health, subject to any regulations which may be issued on this question and notified to the other Contracting Party. (7) Prior veterinary authorisation may be required for the importation of bees, honey, wax and used implements for apiculture. Nevertheless, samples of honey not exceeding 350 grammes in gross weight, samples of beeswax not exceeding 500 grammes in gross weight, and consignments of honey up to 5 kg. for the private consumption of the consignee may be imported without prior veterinary authorisation or a certificate of origin and health. No. 2742

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong>. Series. 149<br />

Ad. Article 1258 : Steam portable engines :<br />

Road rollers are also included under this number.<br />

Ad. Article 1261 : Engines, etc. :<br />

Road rollers are also included under this number.<br />

Ad. Article 1774: Ultramarine, etc. :<br />

Under b) of Article 1774, only paper prepared for blueing linen will be taxed.<br />

Ai ANNEX D.<br />


i. The provisions of the Veterinary Convention shall only apply to goods coming from the<br />

territory of one of the High Contracting Parties. Save in so far as the present Protocol otherwise<br />

provides, the provisions of the Convention shall not apply to the transport of animals and<br />

articles coming from third countries which have to be conveyed through the territory of one of<br />

the High Contracting Parties, either for importation or for transit through the territory of the<br />

other Party.<br />

2. (I) The following may be imported without previous veterinary authorisation : animals<br />

for slaughter, live fish for consumption and poultry, as well as meat, meat preparations, raw<br />

materials and products of animal origin and articles such as hay, straw, chaff, etc.<br />

(2) Animals not intended for slaughter (animals for breeding and productive purposes),<br />

and dogs, cats, bees, and psittacidae may only be imported on condition that a veterinary permit<br />

is previously obtained from the importing country.<br />

(3) Unless the import permit to be granted by the importing State in each particular case<br />

otherwise directs, the importation of animals for breeding and productive purposes shall be effected<br />

in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the Veterinary Convention, but the period during<br />

which no certificate may be issued shall in the case of foot-and-mouth-disease be increased to forty<br />

days both for the place of origin and for the neighbouring communes.<br />

(4) If the importation of dogs and cats is permitted, these animals shall be accompanied by<br />

a certificate of origin and health in which the State veterinary surgeon attests that the animal is<br />

healthy, that is has been in the commune of origin for at least three months, and that no case of<br />

rabies has been observed during that time either in the place of origin or in the neighbouring<br />

communes, or that it has been thoroughly vaccinated against rabies by an officially approved<br />

process during the last three months.<br />

(5) For the importation of fish for breeding, no prior veterinary authorisation is necessary,<br />

provided that the consignment is accompanied by a certificate issued by a State veterinary<br />

surgeon attesting that the fish come from waters which are free from fish mortality.<br />

(6) The importation of rabbits, hares, wild carnivora, crayfish, pigeons, feathered game<br />

wild birds and tame birds in cages is allowed without prior veterinary authorisation or a certificate<br />

of origin and health, subject to any regulations which may be issued on this question and notified<br />

to the other Contracting Party.<br />

(7) Prior veterinary authorisation may be required for the importation of bees, honey, wax<br />

and used implements for apiculture. Nevertheless, samples of honey not exceeding 350 grammes<br />

in gross weight, samples of beeswax not exceeding 500 grammes in gross weight, and consignments<br />

of honey up to 5 kg. for the private consumption of the consignee may be imported without prior<br />

veterinary authorisation or a certificate of origin and health.<br />

No. 2742

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